Do women in your country do this?

do women in your country do this?

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>nice guy = school shooter
guy is a retard anyways for paying that much

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they do this because prostitution is illegal here lol

>must be circumcised
Cutfags rule this day

>average girl can get paid thousands of dollars to travel and go on paid dates
literally life on easy mode

They would if they could, but $6000 is like half year worth of income, so those who want that amount of money for a half day work are going to Dubai to let sheiks brutally assrape them.

wtf is this 1990?

wtf is this you can sleep with a more attractive girl for a couple of hundred bucks

this is why we need fascism

'Murica - A nation poisoned by feminism

>must have references
>must fax medical records
>must consent to a background check
Sounds more like a fucking job interview than a date

No way this is real. What kind of idiot would pay that much money for some literal cam whore to just """have dinner""" which you will pay in full.

circumcision is so fucking demeneted how anyone can advocate for it is beyond me
literally listen to any audio clip of it. the baby is in fucking agony. cut FREAK

In Sao Paulo you can fuck this for 100 dollars in her apartment

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Most people who advocate for it don't know how penises work. I've literally seen people say shit like, "I'm glad that I'm cut otherwise the sensitivity would make me coom (not sic) too soon." Absolutely fucking retarded.

I have escort friends, you'd be suprised. But she's clearly abusing people with low self-esteem. The 4k could have went to multiple session of therapy. She doesn't help anyone and might cause suicides.

Based Estado Novo (close enough).

and we are expected to respect sex workers

You can have her

Maybe as a scam, but we have actual escorts here, so any woman trying to pull this shit would have a very short career.

In Tijuana you can fuck a literal 9/10 for 80 dollars without the drama.

Ever been to scandello?

>and we are expected to respect sex workers
Honestly I don't. Every single dollar in an escort is a dollar not put for therapy. But we should legalize it and create a system that act like a pack of cigarette(having ads that recommend to see a therapist if you feel like you're not alright).

Is it legal in mexico or do you have to go in a roundabout way like searching tinder? Any good websites? Asking for a friend.

It's legal there, and all you have to do is go to a strip club. Literally all you have to do is go up to a girl, ask them how much, and you go to the hotel next door. I thought it was going to be dirty and sketchy, but it's a pretty professional atmosphere. Zero drama. You'll be fucking in 10 minutes.

i've seen a couple incredibly high level escorts who offer kind of those services but they are intelligent women and offer the entire luxury environment on their own and the sexual intercourse is obviously included because they arent retarded

How Come you burgers always have such outrageous quantities of money to burn on getting humiliated by roastoids?

Interesting. My friend thanks you. Is the price all-inclusive or do they try and scam you like Amsterdam?

everything in that image is believable except the prices
no way can it cost 5k for dinner

You actually can't in the US. Prostitution is illegal in every state except for Nevada.

Why are woman hate threads so comfy?

If you read this ad and decided to pay anyway then you're a moron who deserves to get blueballed. $4,000 for dinner lmao

i can kind of agree that the vibe can be similar
"nice guys" give the creeps

How much of a loser do you have to be to pay thousands of dollars for the time of such an average-looking girl?

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>must give two references
Jesus Christ, could you imagine asking someone to do that for you?

>I know multiple (>1) escorts who I tried to gf but friendzoned me
>I know multiple escorts who I now beta-orbit

>Hookers don't operate where it's illegal

imagine being so stupid that reading that demand makes you think she's actually worth it, otherwise she wouldnt ask

I can call a 10/10 brazilian woman (female) or woman (male) and fuck her in half an hour if i wanted to for 100€ lmao

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The fact it's illegal is the whole reason why 99% of prosties here are braindead crackwhores who aren't worth 10% of what you pay

nice guys are not brave enough to shoot up schools
you would know this if you werent and estrobrain

Why would you call them "Nice guys" when its a code word for underdeveloped personality, and lack of social interaction?

>that hand

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There's a 100% chance this girl gets brutally raped one day

because in general they behave very kindly like you would expect from a priest candidate or something, but totally detached

lmao that's not including the 1-3k for the fancy meal (she will 100% make you get an expensive wine bottle) and at least 5k extra as tip for her if you want to actually fuck her (it will be the most boring, restrictive, and expensive fuck of your life) or at least 10k if you ever want to see her again. another 500$ at least for fancy hotel room (i don't go to client houses teehee). if you walk around the street she will also probably get you to buy her some jewelry or clothes so it's another 1k at least

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I have no idea why women ask for it since uncut cocks feel 100x better. I think they're just retards and fall for everything promoted in popular culture.

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It's true that they're just repeating what they see in movies and shows. I have an uncut cock in America and most girls don't even know it's uncircumcised until they see me taking a piss. They aren't aware the skin rolls back when you get a boner.

mine doesn't ;_;

>Five to Six Hours**: $4000
fuck off lol, with this money I can fuck a new zoomer qt everyday for the next two months

this means you're a dicklet, sorry bro

you can have the fucking night of your life with a 10/10 here for 1/20th the cost. I honestly don't get what goes through the mind of people who pay for this

A few years ago I thought of hiring her now looking at this I'm glad I dodged that bullet


I'm 14,5
It's just the glans is fat and doesn't let it slide back

yeah I'm pathetic. at least I didn't get robbed

But do they watch anime and play video games?

Considering her personnality, she probably enjoys seeing men suffer anyway.

>We both like anime and video games. Was I alone in thinking we had developed a rapport with each other?
For christs sake, legalize brothels already so you have a safety net that catches people willing to sink that low

Americans are sick in the head