
You arrive in Neocastle edition

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How can I be satisfied with any one woman when I know there's always an objectively better girl somewhere out there?


Consider that ">you arrive in Neocastle" is humourous on multiple different levels.

On the base level it is the 'pretending a futuristic anime city is a shitehole UK locale' gimmick. On the next level it is the link between the futuristic anime city known as Neo-Tokyo and the direct tie in with the word "Neocastle". And then the final level is the fact that pronouncing "Neocastle" sounds like a someone saying Newcastle in a geordie accent.

>You arrive in Neocastle
is one of the richest gimmicks in existence

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the most french frenchman ever to exist

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rorke the type of nigga to live in Shrewsbury

>"Neocastle" sounds like a someone saying Newcastle in a geordie accent.

I'm like a white John Cleese.

This is essentially what happens on coke and, to a more pronounced effect, on speed.

Everyone knows you're absolutely fleeing however because you're talking nonstop shite at an incredible speed.

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she doesn't have to know everything

wasn't there some shitty dance singer in the 90s called Corona? bet she could make a comeback right about now haha

That looks like Warsaw

it's hard
I don't know how some people just seem to do it without a problem
I also don't know how to stay sexually attracted to one person for multiple years
I honestly and genuinely wish I did

He was Flemish.

*gives you a thorough knobbing*

who here /billynomates/

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your chance of getting the ultimate girl for you is infinitely small and your chance to lose your current (good) thing is very high.
that makes the chace not worth it.
perhaps an AI could fit people perfectly with each other some time in the future.

>johnny clogwog
>mikey the pikey
>hanz gruberhüüder

ah yes the full /brit/ experience

can't wait to show reddit my super cool breaking bad beer coolers lads. think of all the upvotes!

be quiet you kraut fool

Doing a read

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>Leaves the country because a few German lads drove through the Ardennes in their tanks
>Harangues us about some hogwash from his cuck radio in his London basement
>USSR and England do all the work to "liberate" us
>Look at me I'm the president of France now
Fuck him

i got reddit gold on a comment the other day
i am your king

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British """cities""" are actually genuinely pathetic

I don't understand why the government don't actively try to create more industry and better cities spread across the land. Having literally everything so ceentralised in London makes no sense and no other countries do this.

Making other cities better is a win/win for all parties

I have a single friend and also a GF. She thinks I have multiple friends back from where I used to live but that lie has been wearing thin for a while.

why were you so happy in this pic, shahar?

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delightfully devilish billy

How did Yanks get zogged so hard?
They have this mentality that if you stack shelves harder then toilberg will reward you with more money or something

We're a service economy, cities don't figure.

that was two threads ago mate we're finished with it now


*in northern*

masturbated 239 times this year. 3.56 a day lol.

>Coronavirus: Hotel used for quarantine collapses in China, trapping 70

really hope that doggo is still alive and in good health 2bh

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Loads of loo roll in the local 'esco

it's probably from like 2006 or something so i doubt it

I think I hate the boomer holding the paper more now than I do the actual bullshit written on there.

They'll replace it in 10 days.

>Work yourself to the bone for toilberg
>Spend your whole life accumulating just about enough wealth to survive month to month

>Be a based zoomer youtuber or streamer
>Earn more money than those dumb boomers will ever make for a fraction of the effort

Bad luck.


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user that's not normal

I work hard and do a lot of stuff in my job, but that's to stop the idiots I work with from doing things wrong and creating more work for us further down the line

Die while you die. the so called communist efficiency.

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*sends my squad to grab it and bring it back to base*

jesus christ, ants are truly horrific looking little things when you observe them up close

If Coronavirus is that bad then how come I can still buy chink shit on aliexpress and gearbest?

Watched a couple of bug people trying to carry a bunch of toilet paper through the supermarket earlier. Was fucking hilarious watching these 5ft tall creatures with zero body strength struggle to carry two 24 packs. Could see the internal anguish as they realised they could only buy two each despite the shelves having more.

coorrrr just started sleeping lads, doing unspeakable things

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mental that the london underground first had steam trains running through it

no one “earns” a billion dollars, no one can work a billion times harder than anyone else. there is no good, no ethical, no righteous billionaire. that kind of wealth can only be manifested through the exploitation of the working class. no exceptions.

Say that when it arrives to you (it won't)

decided i want a mexican wife

very interested in wood varieties
rosewood being a personal favourite

Eating some meanies. Never knew they still sold these

*works a billion times harder than you*

hey I got some wood for you to examine

Yeah they don't taste good either

>a literal plague
hmm lads

A British """""""city""""""" outside of London is LITERALLY just an overgrown highstreet with a big shopping centre in the middle. Absolute grim

I keep hearing people say ‘stop scare-mongering about coronavirus, it only kills the elderly & those with an underlying illness’ - as if somehow we shouldn’t care about them. Well sorry, I do. And it’s time everyone stopped being complacent about this - it’s serious.

Coronavirus is an experiment I reckon

corrr that's a nice log fella

super bored rn

*caves your skull in*

watching BB/BCS has not been good for my general perception of mexican people 2bh

wealth isn't earned by working harder than other people, it's earned by working smarter than others. it's your fault for not applying yourself, not ours.

Mental when you look at zillow and see insane 1% tier mansions all around but placed in areas where a commoner would never actually see them in person

>supported "Quebec" declaring independence because of its different language but not Breizh
colossal faggot who was a puppet of the Judeo-Saxon warmongers in WW2

Almost every victim of coronavirus would have died from catching regular flu. Just saying.

How many gorillion have died of the snuffles since lunch time lads?

That's not the danger, it's the rate in which people need hospital treatment and the beds they have.
Once those are full and people need more the dead will start piling up.

>that stretch in my city where there's multi million dollar housing lining a street with zero space between the front of the house and the footpath/road
What retard would spend $2mil on a house where your bedroom literally sits a few metres away from where the crackheads walk along the footpath? Mental.

Actually quite like Pope Francis

approximately 1


On the train
Finna get #Covid19


Might friend that girl from school 10 years ago on facebook. What's the worst that could happen aside from being a labeled a creep by a few people I'll never see again?

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp was pictured shaking hands with referee Paul Tierney after the match. The BBC Sport live blog reported that some players were shaking hands after the finish whistle too.

UK health authorities will not be pleased.

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>told my fwb to stop smoking ages ago
>she has asthma
I swear to christ people are thick as pigshit.

an experiment to test my patience with everyone constantly going on about it x

i get the tube every day and i'm still going


Some rich houses look pretty shit but fuck me I've seen some insanely nice ones that look like they belong in a movie about the aristocracy

toilfu smokes roll ups and i like it

so you're saying i should go out and catch it now while there's still room in the hospitals?

refuse to believe such relationships exist. If you want to prove me long please provide a detailed greentext of how you met, how you established the relationship and how you avoid the related pitfalls. You won't.

Incubating innit
Nice knowin' ya

Dawning on me that romcom manga and video games are not really effective substitues for having a gf or social life. I want to sink into the floor and die

they should all be fined

so what you're saying is we should deport anyone who isnt ethnically english


no coronavirus in madagascar

the people next store are making a racket

Care to prove otherwise?

going to set up a furry convention but really we all just do a mountain of coke in the hotel rooms and go wild

>worked with her for a few years
>she's a chub so needy but I don't want to actually have a proper relationship with her
>she asked me to come round hers one night after previously expressing interest in me
>shagged her there
>shag her from time to time

Anti-bac handwash isn't going to save you from the corona lol
All these melts panic buying

they've shut down the ports

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Take your head out of the sand. I've just boiled a kettle and in that time twenty bazillion people died in Birmingham alone. If this lasts until monday there won't be enough landmass on Earth to bury the dead!

Feel like having 1 partner is something some people can’t do desu it’s not in their personality


At least it'll make all these ratty cunts wash their hands finally. I had to bring my own hand wash in to work for years until last week, it's just not on.

cusson's profits are sky high!

All the doom-mongers about coronavirus are fanatical anti-communists and anti-Chinese racists who gobble up everything the US State Department and the British bourgeoisie howls about China and think a party of 90 million can lie to a nation of 1.4 billion. Meanwhile the World Health Organisation has praised China's response as an exemplary model for treating virus outbreaks thanks to its socialist economy allowing it to heavily crack down on the spread.


and panic buying bog roll which is extremely easy and cheap to produce

chinky eyes

>she's a chub
So you have no dignity, got it.

both china and who are owned by the CCP

if the bloody ching chongs would stop trying to eat every bloody animal they see this would've never started x

well I can think of a few places aren't just literally what you describe, manchester, liverpool, leeds, york, birmingham
though you make that idea out to be a bad thing for some reason
a city is just a place that has a cathedral, the size and density has no bearing on that
london is only insanely big because it's the capital

had a banana for lunch but it was a couple days old and a bit soft and crap desu
like them when theyre green

UK govt has ordered 20 million bodybags and JCBs are digging mass graves

i hate the world we live in

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no one with dignity has a fwb you idiot I'd have a proper gf otherwise

didn't give a shit about coronavirus until i read this now i think it will kill us all

How many Yen did you get for this post?

Two hundered gorillion deaths now confirmed in Italy. Anyone who has eaten a tin of spaghetti hoops will be dead by midnight!

They'll be gone soon my friend

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Chinese are subhumans.

fwb is just a protogf


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its yuan you basement dweller

Cheapskating as usual they need at least a gorillion.

aye reckon we need to gestapo back to round up these freaks and stick them in camps

China certainly is, hence why it's gone from a poverty struck wasteland to industrial superpower in 70 years.


Roll ups are for dossers

China puppeteer the WHO

How many Yen did you get for that post?

this will all blow over by the time i go on holliers in june yeah?

Want to go to the chippy lads but can't climb over the wall of dead.

imagine buying cigs and not just rolling them fucking corker

Arnold deadlift completion coming up


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used to toil for the WHO

I'm not even going to bother linking the report of the hospital that JUST collasped with 70 people inside.

So what you're saying is all trannies should fucking hang?

>dude wide angle shots that linger on screen for several minutes with nothing happening lmao xDDD

ah yes I too am a connoisseur of """kino"""

don't see how people doing what they want like this has any impact on you


a hole's a hole

memes aside, quite easily not

if anything your flight could very easily be cancelled (if your airline isn't bust by then)

Live near a cemetery. If the zombies rise I'm done for.

any movie that reddit likes it usually not good

All of mankind will be wiped out by then lad.

(vaguely seriously, no probably not. Although it may well peak before then)

this but unironically
yes I'm a mallack fan

i should watch taxi driver again

always wondered if houses near cemeteries are cheaper

Grug think Grugposting gimmick should make comeback. Grug think Grugposting funnier than Soyjak.

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70 bazillion more like!

Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?

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that's literally incorrect, don't tell me you're one of those idiots that says antiBACTERlAl but corona is a virus!!!

crap american meme
peepee poopoo

ciggies are for chavs
for real though they are so much more expensive and they fucking stink, and they taste like arse
the only bad thing about roll ups is the inconvenience of rolling them


Had poached eggs this morning and threw up immediately afterwards. Is it possible to develop an allergy/intolerance to eggs in your mid twenties?

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