
Name a more useless language.
Seriously, what's the point of learning this language?
90% of all people from Dutchland can speak English so I don't know why anyone should learn it!

Heck, the only other country that has Dutch as its official language is Suriname, which I don't even want to visit

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>Name a more useless language.

Slovenian. Yet I'm rather fond of it.

Finally, someone said it. I think the only reason people learn it is because they speak English and want to learn a simple ass language to say they're bilingual.

for a qt Afrikaans waifu

>the only other country that has Dutch as its official language is Suriname

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Post this in /lang/

I mean non European

>the only other country that has Dutch as its official language is Suriname

Fuck off fattie

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Belgium isn't a country if that is what you are trying to say nigga

>making the obvious joke

Doesn't Indonesians speak Dutch?

But you can use it in all Slavic-speaking countries in the Balkans.

Americans don't leave their country anyway so you just shut up, shut-ins.

In South Africa Afrikaans is spoken more often as a native language than English. And that's simplified Dutch.

Is this supposed to be a clever comeback lol
cringeworthy, you should atop replying while you can

>Name a more useless language
easy. estonian

>Americans don't understand what it is to have their own culture

the only reason why we still speak Dutch is so you Anglophones couldn't understand us when we talk shit behind your back

No that's what Limburgish is for.

>Is this supposed to be a clever comeback lol
>cringeworthy, you should atop replying while you can

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Maybe a few of them speak Dutch.


more like Mulatto Dutch where everything goes, English, German, French, just throw it words

English wouldn't exist without Dutch

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Nee hoor, dat valt reuze mee. Misschien moet je het maar eens een poosje spreken.

>Inferieur Nederlands spreken

lol waarom

>Amerikanen zullen nooit achter het bestaan van onze geheime frikandellen voorraad komen
Voelt goed man


You are right, where I live (North-Brabant, Eindhoven) people are already refusing to speak Dutch. At the University of Twente they made English the only official language (google it). Teenagers are growing up watching English shows and the parliament is discussing to ban the Dutch language when the government is communicating with the population to accommodate with the expats. The same is going on in Belgium, but on a whole other scale where children in Flanders are now getting bullied for speaking Dutch

>At the University of Twente they made English the only official language
You know the real reason behind that? Budget cuts. So they dont have to give the same class twice (to local and international students). It saves money.

The rest is just marketing speak. And people fall for it lol.

this shit is real

fucking suburban motherfuckers speaking English even though they're Dutch

>90% of all people from Dutchland can speak English
I wouldn't go that far. Maybe they think they can speak English though.

Now they are also starting to teach Dutch in ENGLISH to high school pupils. Honestly we should just execute everyone who speaks Dutch on sight
What a worthless language


Learning Dutch right now, actually.

Atleast you can be grateful knowing that the Dutch language influenced a large part of the English language, unlike those third worlders who were forced an unknown language on themselves.

>Heck, the only other country that has Dutch as its official language is Suriname

Have you heard of Belgium?

that's not true though, we didn't influence jackshit, it was Saxons and Angles who colonized England

Also closest language to English is Frisian, most Dutch people will think you're retarded for speaking Frisian

In the Netherlands we've been learning foreign languages for centuries. From Latin and Spanish, French and German to English. It won't change a thing.

You're such a dumbass. We did colonize the UK. And modern Frisians are Saxons.

>he same is going on in Belgium, but on a whole other scale where children in Flanders are now getting bullied for speaking Dutch
this is absolutely not true faggot

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Yes it is. Flanders won't be speaking Dutch in 50 years.

Would you happen to have firsthand experience as a child in Flanders?

The USA already has entire regions that only speak Spanish lol. What's the point in knowing English?

I went to Antwerp for the first time 2 weeks ago, tried to speak Dutch with an old Dutch looking couple, they replied to me in French, my friends who've been all over Flanders have told me before the trip that you'll not find a Flemish person speak Dutch to you and that it has to do with social shaming from the Frogs

What an ugly language. It's like every Germanic one besides English is doomed to sound repulsive.

Bullying is a common problem in Flanders by French speaking children, I would wage money on him being bullied when he was a child

Does anyone still speak the Low German dialects in the northeastern part of the Netherlands?
t. language autist

>What's the point in knowing English?
You will still be able to speak with all other Europeans, as well as the Japanese.

>but on a whole other scale where children in Flanders are now getting bullied for speaking Dutch
literally my youth lol hahahaha i wanna die :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Belgium has 50% more Dutch speakers than French speakers.

A ken thare is wi'oot ane erch ae leed e'en mair uiseless thane Dutch. Juist ask oor Scots feere.

French harass you if you speak Dutch, this is why we generally hate French a lot.

We also get German and French in school. That's not an issue.

>Name a more useless language.


Yes. Don't listen to dutchfags pretending to know what life is like here.
>Thinking Antwerp of all places represents flanders

That's like learning to ride a motorbike after already knowing how to bicycle when cars exist.

you deserve it you d*Tch(speaking)oid
you are worthless
Lol look at where people spoke Dutch 100 years ago and look at where people speak Dutch now. France is gaining ground

But the Dutch language influenced the English language alot, just like the French and German did, during the late Medieval Age and the early modern era. Not even talking about the English language's closest living relative Frisian, well understood by the Dutch, has shaped the English language, from its inception.

probeer harder

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I hope the nuclear power plant has a meltdown due to negligence

Your whore of a mother said otherwise, you disgusting sack of shit I refuse to acknowledge as being human

Antwerp is the largest city in Flanders, are you fucking telling me I have to go to some random Dorpje to speak my (your) language?

If I go to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hague, Utrecht and speak Dutch people will reply in Dutch to me unless they're tourists or foreigners, but the largest fucking city in Flanders and I get replies in French?

face it, the Flemish culture, language and history is and was always persecuted by the Frogs since your independence

Please Flemish anons tell me this is a meme.

hope you get bullied more

>Dutch looking couple
How do Walloons/French and the Dutch differentiate in looks?

Dutch also had a large influence on French. The old Salian laws were also written in a mix between latin and Dutch.

What Im trying to say is that Antwerp is full of niggers, kikes and shitskins who cant speak dutch (properly)

You forgot South Africs and the ABC Islands

the only joke here is your "country"

Its true. You get pubicly shamed if you even utter a single dutch word.

Dutch are tall, pale, generally blue eyes, horse face, a lot of us are blonde

Walloons/French are Med brown looking even that north from the sea

't is een kwestie van geduld, voor heel Holland Limburgs lult.


Not publicly shamed but people will unironically look weord at you.
People actually get bullied or fired at work for accidentally speaking Dutch

Now you're just memeing.

Pls answer

He's right, the Flemish are completely cucked by Walloons and it has always been this way.

Holy shit fuck off already cheesenigger. None of the things you say are true. God fuck nothing is more cringe than an someone from country X thinking he knows everything about country Y

I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true, the whole government institution and things like work and social fields are French dominated

A French person can easily live in Belgium without knowing Dutch, good luck if it's vice versa

Why don't you all switch to German though? We are brothers, Geert. Come home!

I'm not you nonce
Bullying in Belgium is a serious problem, why do you think the suicide rate there is high?

I wish we were. I really do.

ahahah oh wow

>People actually get fired at work for speaking Dutch
yeah dude totally

Speel et speleke gewoon mee gast. Geweldig da die butenlanders derin trapn.

85% of the Dutch people speak in an accent or dialect or different language. It's not really clear what qualifies as a dialect and what as a language. Some dialects are more different than Afrikaans, but are merely considered a dialect, while Afrikaans is considered a language.

You know, a language is a dialect with an army and navy.

But Dutch Low Saxon has 1,8 million speakers. Limburgish 830k speakers. Frisian 450k speakers. Papiamento 250k speakers.
But everyone switches to somewhat proper Dutch when spoken to by others.

Do Flemish niggas really drop their native language in favour of French?

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t. let me tell you about your language
Naamvallen are annoying desu, English is easier Hans
Lmao cope more, I work with lots and lots of Belgians, the HQ is in Antwerpen. I know more about Belgians than you do.


Watch this whole video to see how bad it is, you got Flemish POLITICIANS who only speak French