>American intellectuals
American intellectuals
that is correct
he's correct, but also he's no intellectual and also he's South-African.
genuinely don't care about coronavirus
Elon is an African
So making fun if him is racist
He only says this because the stock market is falling, that's literally his only concern
>a billionaire capitalist wants to curb market drops
in other words it is another >leaf intellectuals thread
whos this
homo sapiens are all african
guy who makes self driving electric cars
>self driving
lol is that really a great achievement? people praise him cause hes like nu-buckminster fuller or the like?
i dont really get the criteria of modern westerners. no japanese know this tard. i only know hes some anime faggot because of Yas Forums
>lol is that really a great achievement?
what do you do
He didn't even invented the technology. He is just a good investor and PR manger
yeah he makes them like i said
he is right. panic in general is dumb. you have to be calm and collected otherwise you will make a lot of mistakes.
Based billionaire only caring about his selfish desires.
It's ookay. The driver was chinese.
>lol is that really a great achievement
Obviously not. He's just a meme
the panic is quite dumb desu, yes of course there is reason for caution and concern but panic is stupid.
ye but we wuz neanderthals
>Loses money
>Lashes out like a retard
Well, ofc its dumb to panic when you can buy yourself a personal hospital if you really want to, and when most of your adult life you had best doctors in the world prescribing you all the right vitamins and supplements to boost your immune system.
But for 99.99% of Earth's population having fear of pandemics is quite reasonable.
True, hes probably lost a shitload of money from it. Rich people onpy care about getting more money, and making sure nobody gets their money
based elon, bunch of fearmongers that sell this as the black plague
>True, hes probably lost a shitload of money from it. Rich people onpy care about getting more money, and making sure nobody gets their money
> t.poor
>Rich people onpy care about getting more money, and making sure nobody gets their money
as opposed to poor people who are completely indifferent to pay raises and give generously to charities?
Even if he is only caring for his money, he is still objectively right about the coronavirus being blown out of proportion. We are talking about a disease with a whopping 3% mortality rate, mostly elder people.
>Rich people onpy care about getting more money, and making sure nobody gets their money
isn't this the case with everyone
Elon confirmed based, brainlet panickers BTFO once again.
That's not what he meant.
Rich people are especially selfish, depraved, greedy and cruel
3% is a lot user
A highly infectious disease that kills 3% of people is bad
>but they're old
still people you edgy faggot
im a normie but still self driving tech isnt anything special or unique or new. electronic car either. its boring car company stuff. idk why hes a popular e-celeb.
yeah and its even enigmatic for me. he probably.looks like some genius industrial designer/engineer and also an entertainer who brings "a big surprise or a fun innovation" to them
hes correct
3% isn't little, and keep in mind every state sets up full quarantines for any suspected carrier. We don't do that for viruses like the flu which many people keep comparing covid to. Imagine how it would be without any quarantine. And you shouldn't be concerned just for yourself if you're young, but you could transmit the virus to your parents who might be under risk.
do you really believe that?
he makes those rocket ships that go to space and land back on platforms without falling into the ocean
old Elon seems a little sweaty as of late
>Implying I don't want my parents to die
Just like Edison and tons of other """inventors"""
I will trust the CPC deciding to quarantine millions and stopping their own economy over Elon Meme any day of the week.
3% catastrophically huge and "elderly people" aren't pointless member of society. I don't wanna my parents or lose the guy who's going to evaluate my master degree.
Or those friends with considerable health problem.
Also, another thing, usually during pandemics like this there are usually a bunch of million of people world wide who dies indirectly because of the virus. Covid-19 will recquire hospitalization for around 8-15% of the infected. If an epidemic occurs in your country, you won't have enough of hospital bed or drugs or personal to treat everyone. Resulting a longer triage, which result a higher death rate of alot of many other disease.
another "Also", 3% varies on the quality of your health, the median age of your country and the amount of testing you're doing everyday.
>the flu that is slightly worse than regular flu is gonna kill us all!!!
Damn, are they really that bad? Can't imagine how life must be if you hate your family.
c'est pour quand les images de paris en quarantaine?
Lol Elon Musk was Canadian before he was American.
And panic is always stupid it makes nothing better. Neither does willful apathy either ofc.
3% is the total global CFR. Not the same thing as mortality rate. With good testing and treatment it can go below 1%, but you have to give a shit.
still not impressive at all. sounds just like a friendly science communicator whos good at recycling preexisting tech and presentation to me. he might be a hardworker but doenst sound like a "pioneer".
>With good testing and treatment it can go below 1%, but you have to give a shit.
totally agree on that!
I hope that Pence isn't gonna lie with the "1.5 million testing" thing. If it's catastrophic in the US, there's no hope for us.
Working people probably do give higher percentages of their incomes to charities. As opposed to billionaires who only give in response to prolonged pressure from the rest of the population, and only to charities they run themselves in which the money can be kicked back to them eventually.
In Brazil old people are indeed pointless members of society. In fact, half of Brazil's problems are caused by old people refusing to die or work
Not really that bad, but they're stupid and I would enjoy their inheritance more
He's the founder/CEO of several companies
and more
Just look them up, you may not like him but he's clearly ambitious
It's easy to be ambitious when your parents and taxpayers finance you at every step.
>3% is a lot
it is less than common influenza, which kills more than half a million people per year, where are the quarantines and panic measures for that disease?
I'm not getting into a discussion about elon musk, of all things, I just wanted him to know why he's known
>it is less than common influenza
argentinian healthcare sure is amazing
>I hope that Pence isn't gonna lie with the "1.5 million testing" thing. If it's catastrophic in the US, there's no hope for us.
He means capability for 1.5 million tests. States dont want to do those tests, it takes time and money. He's passing the buck to the states, which is a good thing for the states which give a shit but I haven't seen too much shit-giving. Florida and New York in particular dont give a fuck.
There's an ugly rumor right now where Evergreen Hospital (near Seattle) says that CDC says that Corona virus is "endemic" so they dont want to test you unless you are in the emergency room and I am waiting a clarification because either the CDC/Evergreen Hospital are full retard or they just dont give a fuck and think I'm full retard.
Its an election year and Trump has openly said he wants to make the number stay down, even if it means keeping coronavirus victims on a cruise ship.
Close the borders now, at least for France, USA, Netherlands, Italy and any other nation doing the bare minimum. Anyone who wants to avoid a breakout in their country needs to go full North Korea, but Canada can hopefully stall as much as possible. If I lived in Singapore or China or South Korea or any other nation which give a shit, I'd 100% be for banning Americans/EU right now. What a shitshow.
oups sorry, didn't meant to share this image.
(death rate in south korea for those interested)
Flu death rate is around 0.1%, about 30 times less than covid. The reason there is no quarantine for the flu is because you can't easily control it, it occurs every year and that would mean shutting down the global economy every time. Basically the world has accepted the flu's inevitability. Covid's transmission on the other hand can be controlled and even eradicated, as long as china can control the animal reserve. Very different scenarios, people need to stop comparing this to the flu.
>canadian shit-for-brains