Cuisine rankings 2020
Cuisine rankings 2020
Austrian cuisine is top tier, I challenge any non Czech here to even name one Czech dish
People cannot handle english mustard on roasted beef.
pretty much this entire nation enjoys Serbo-Bosnian cuisine. That's because they introduced us the concept of barbecue and probably cause of conscription during Yugoslav times. It's hearty and meat-heavy and rather simple yet often spicy and sweet - I wouldn't say Balkan cuisine is shit-tier, even though all the meat is served minced cause of the steppic Turkish influence.
>czech cuisine
british supermarkets here are so much better than the german crap
tesco: standard grocery with some exotic twists
iceland: 10x better junk food than lidl and other german shit
Marks and Spancer: pretty good quality, best musli on market
>masterchef tier, sophisticated, best ingredients
France stole a lot of its cuisine from other europeans back then with Nappo, lot of recipes from Spanish monasteries were stolen
yeah, british are not satisfied with ordinery ingredients so they are trying new combinations
We have the same cuisine as Britain lol. just like our language, people, cuisine and culture it's all British more British than Britain in some respects so I don't get how you could judge us as something totally separate on the opposite end of the spectrum we're just like if Yorkshire went independent as it's own country.
Fuck off yikesanon
i like our pink soup
You mean Latvian pink soup?
But yea, baltic cusine is tasty and harty. Not pretty, but such firivilarities dont count for much in the baltics.
What are you on about weirdo I'm just saying we got all our tastes and recipes from Britain unless you're seriously going to argue our lyons tea and chicken rolls makes us wholly unique?
agree that italian, greek cuisines are great, french maybe. British is just shit. Can't name anything from Czechia except beer and goulash from Hungary
Our cuisine is basically calorie dense food, nothing fancy.
chłodnik is based
when I visited lithuania they unfortunately served them with cepeliny, which I didn't like
we don't copy dishes
paint us blue already
where did you eat them?
>we're just like if Yorkshire went independent as it's own country
Yorkshire has the highest cultural density on Earth.
As a latvian i have to shamefuly admit that i have not tried the famed sklandrausis of my homeland. But the milk produchts of Latvia are fuggen based.
Ican never get bored of the faces people make when they try our biezpiena sieriņš (curd cheezelet - a realy protein citch sweet made from milk thats thick af)
I love Polish pierogis but that's about it. I used to go to school with a guy with a Polish background and I would always love going to his house and have his mom cook pierogis for us.
some roadside restaurant right next to the border
come to Wilno next time, they serve pretty good cepeliny
French cuisine is overrated as fuck. Italians, Greeks and Spaniards are the masters of food.
What even is french cuisine? Snails, wine and bread? How is this master tier?
Tell me about Latvia, why is it not fat?
Here's a more realistic, non-biased version.
> flag
> The country we were once a part of
Ultimate kek
>French cuisine is overrated as fuck. Italians, Greeks and Spaniards are the masters of food.
Our cuisine is literally a mix of Turkish and Hungarian
you are not even europe
just fuck off turk
>The country we were once a part of
Which one? France, the NL, Spain, Austria or Germany?
and the result is bland vomit with cheapest ingredients
Shut up cuck, we dont have British food we have similar food to them because we live in the same geographical location you may as well say they are eating Irish food, we would be eating more or less the same stuff if they never existed.
>a pleskavica coated with ajvar and fresh onions is bland
dunno bout that senpai
British cuisine is the best
Our cuisine is potatoes, fat and more potatoes
>haloumi is considered British
oy vey, nov I've seen everythink!
I do deliver what you did not ask.
oy pedro why did you colour the shittiest part of my country yellow?
maybe because this is a meme map ?
Italian > Greek > Turkish > Spanish > French
Not really a fan of french cuisine but their bread products single-handedly lift them towards the top. Rest is pretty self-explanatory, south italy and sicily especially make some of the best dishes imaginable.
your palette is very limited
I didn't asked you, subhuman
be kind to the mexican my swearthy brown friend
Mediterranean isn't really limited at all compared to the rest of europe and the world. My only limitation is for very spicy stuff, so lots of dishes from middle east and SEA. Although southeast asian countries had some pretty good seafood.
Why the fuck you people are putting our cuisine at the same level as meme ones like german and dutch
Spain is the best, it's not even close.
Oh I was supposed to reply to your post
Serbia isn't even a real country.
serbs are the worst of the balkans
which is like being the worst kind of diarrhea
Southern Sweden is mad
Did Balkan chads steal your kebab in school?
Portuguese cuisine is one of the best in the world and has soul
neither the uk
>Britain in blue
>most Balkan countries in red
God i wish i could strangle the subhuman who made this map
Can't finland be yellow? We monkey others.
This is what republicanism does to the human brain.
Theres a reason the french royal family had access to cooks and not the general populace, its like the king knew you'd fuck everything up.
Silence Nigel nobody want to eat your "cuisine"