
Tolerant left edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Coronavirus is serious business.

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Listening to link related ^

T- minus two hours until toil commences

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It was Cornwall day recently.

Just applied to be a janitor.

emmayank and priscillafrog are first on my list

Such an absolute tragedy


This but also literally every other JF.

DYING to drink my bottle of Orangina but I want to save it for the footy reeeeee

>Why can straight white men have sex with men without social consequences

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I was watching Fox News as I worked out this morning

jäätynyt tötterö

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go on
take a little sip hehe

Wish I didn't have a neck

you devilish gazpacho

How many bajillion were dead then?

not his best track

>no internet or video games
imagine the boredom

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Would HEEM this cunt so hard

You don't have to sign your posts


more like who gives a shite

this but unironically

apparently if you wank 5 times a day you are immune to coronavirus


wuhan virus*

Time for a midnight luncheon

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>The Asian cricket club of the year's future hangs in the balance because it refuses to take Lottery funding as it is unacceptable for its mainly Muslim members.
>Mount Cricket Club in Batley, West Yorkshire, needs £2million worth in donations to improve its facilities.
>But most of the cash-strapped club's members are Muslim and believe it is unethical to accept contributions funded by the gambling industry.

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5 exactly, or at least 5? asking for a friend

back then they made their own entertainment

another insect

capping this post for when you're being a big sook about your 'onavirus inflammation next week

at least one of them has to involve bum fun though

Children still play with those boats at Jardin de Luxembourg
Probably the most comfy spot in Paris

Yep, that really is some racism outside of Yas Forums.

>wuhan virus*
Fat Yank Tard Virus*

your mum gave me a big sook

I imagine if people 100 years ago had had internet and video games the world wars would have never happened.


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*kung flu

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96 Gajillion have died since the new lads. open you eyes!

yeah read about it

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imagine the smell (of horse shit)

got called racist in greggs

now we have speedrunning

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tell us what happened lad

Does Harry and Paul still get aired on the BBC? Re watched a lot of episodes online lately and think nowadays half of their skits would be deemed hate crimes or some other "offensive" bullshit. Beatles vs Oasis skit still has me laffin.


Meanwhile in Aus the Fawlty Towers episode where Major calls the Indians "Niggers" is still on and uncensored.

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ecofascists around the globe rejoice

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I got called racist in greggs

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ye but why

good post

haha is funny because you say same things as famous screencap. just as funny the 500th time lamo

I was being racist

found the chink/chink sympathizer


What's it like having aspergers mate?

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sucking a golfball

be quiet


No it doesn't get shown and Harry Enfield hasn't done anything since

Post rare Ks

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get mad every time i think about the fact that other man have railed the gf from behind

the other day i went into costa for a quiet one and some mental old woman just got up and started talking to me about my "computer" (referring to my phone) saying if they had been invented before world war 2 it wouldnt have happened. she then went off on a tangent talking about random unrelated things for 5 minutes straight, went back down to her seat to finish her coffee, and then got up again and talked at me for another 10 minutes before leaving

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Welp, thanks for ruining my night you slaphead.

Just want to fold women up like origami papercraft

this but unferrously

in greggs

man face
boobs too big
too tanned


the US is the spiritual successor to the british empire

Kisses cute feet
Kisses man dick

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lol you think about other men screwing your gf

what deano wanks to

The Chad Old Lady says whatever she thinks
The Virgin Irishman who listens in stunned silence

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glad someone said it
bloody reddit tourists

not a virgin. you have horrendous taste

got drunk, cops got called, started referring to the police as Officer Faggot and Officer Porch Monkey.

flatmate just told me he came back from a footy match
I'm going to stay with my mum for a bit while this fucking idiot dies alone

nah you're a virgin

feeling like I'm too old to keep coming here.

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missus coming round later, gonna watch a flick, order an indian and have some wine :3

>Yanks have been simping for white women from the very beginning


respect for maintaing their integrity

me on the wagon looking up her skirt

imagine the vile fumes that emanate from her crevices


*pisses in your mother's face while she eats egg salad* lol

you wish

this is what all men secretly want

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>Get on your knees, incel
woah, what would you do?

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>ordering takeaway during an outbreak


this is me

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been coofing.
lots of olds around. coofin on em as well.

Just threw out my pack of Leggo's Ravioli
Can't take any risks