/dixie/ — The South & Friends
About to make the coffee
me too
They cancelled sxsw. Thank goodness. If nothing else traffic will be better in that time. I hate that event.
you live around Austin? that's not at all what I expected.
do people in dixie mud wrestle naked??
The /cum/ Olympics.
laughing at retards is naive
the what now olympics?
the quick beige cat jumps over the lazy blini
french man
why did the name gaylord go out of style
homophiles taking the word for themselves
prefer y/m/d
this cat always looks so serious
he has tism
i organize my files by y/m/d
lowest to highest?
That's a bad word
today I prayed for god to shoot a miniature meteorite through my head
broos has finally seen the light
Why did nobody give bama a (you) for this
This is art
Thanks :)
Have you seen what /leaf/ has done with your little canuck guy
Howdy maple
What brings you here
No, that's pretty neat. Did they do anything else?
idk, just checking out what's going on itt
yeh someone made a couple of things like these
Since when does Canada have a general?
Do you have any more saved?
I don't see it in the catalog. Is it an 8k board?
It's dead rn, it's name is /leaf/
sorry, just that one
it pops up every so often but it usually dies before reaching bump limit
oh I know why I don't see it
I have all threads with Canadian OPs filtered
Based agalloch poster
/leaf/s are actually breddy comfy as long as people don't engage with the autistic Acadian. Even the Quebeckers seem to behave themselves there.
why do you view the catalog often enough to justify filtering OPs? the wilds beyond /dixie/ are filled with flaglettes and /spunk/posters
I did it like four or five years ago.
From top to bottom:
>shitposts and gay larping
>cuck porn and schizos
>shitposts and Yas Forums garbage
>China shill
>only poster is a schizo American "woman" with proxy
>incomprehensible English and/or Yas Forumstards in the military
>incomprehensible English and/or Yas Forumstards in the military
looked at the int catalog, what absolute garbage, shit flinging at other countries and just shitposting in general
where are you from lad?
It is truly a godforsaken board
/dixie/ is an ark in a sea of drowning sinners
that's literally all you need broh
and japan and korea
(op only)
I would filter Canadian threads, but then I couldn't make fun of them