Rainy Saturday edition
Previously on /balk/
Rainy Saturday edition
Previously on /balk/
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Cepбcкий юмop:
-Кaк пepeвoдитcя Hoвый Caд?
-Cтapый Лec
>They offered us to join the EU in the late 70s, but we refused,
the biggest mistake you made, unfortunately
>and "democracy and capitalism" were the very weapons that the West had used to destroy Yugoslavia
well, if you had adopted it you could have followed the Spanish way
I identify as Austro-Hungarian.
When will you start to lose weight?
I've lost 7kg, fuck off.
I identify as 𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰜
How did you do it? Bicycle?
Did you stopped drinking and started drinking water?
>tfw we'd be filthy rich today of we stayed with our Khanty and Mansi brothers
gym + keto + cycling everywhere unless I'm really in a hurry
>Did you stopped drinking
Yeah, in September last year. Had one beer since then.
The Dinarid Chad conquers even Russia
Awesome stuff senpai, keep it up!
the irony
so we can't call you fat ass anymore?
No proofs?
Wow, congratulations!
Bázisolt magyar bá!!
No, because I still look like shit.
Get out of here Pedryulya
I have not seen you, but i don't think so. Nonetheless, you still made a great progress and it is super cool!
Hmmm, then I'm doubting you lost 7kg.
Manlets have never been so destroyed in history
He is about 160 cm if he would lost 7 kg he'd become a model
>160 cm
Come on, man, being 176 is bad enough, no need to exaggerate it further.
It’s the best thing honestly. I ride my fat pear-shaped body on my old commuter converted 26” mountain bike with slick tires and I enjoy evri sekond on it. I added a small cargo bag and a rack and bought a new saddle recently. I’m ready for the 40°C rides. I also ordered a kickstand online and will be a complete hybrid for rides around the city.
Well at least you are austro-hungarian
Ukraynalı, are you the one who contributed to my Eyes of Yas Forums thread yesterday??
Kek at the first result...
Я лaни cи кyпив тoчaк oд 10000, eднaш пaднaв oд нeгo и ми ce иcкpши кoчницaтa и пeдaлкaтa, и oд тoгaш нe cyм гo пoпpaвaлъ ми нищo, caмo тaкa ми cтoи нa бaлкoн.
post your eurovision songs land i want to hear them
Just in case... ;)
Bicycles are shit and anyone riding them deserves to get smashed by a car.
>There are 2x as many Slovenian tourists in Belgrade as Macedonian
Why do Slovenes love Serbian dick so much?
I don't understand pious people. The image of a heaven doesn't push me to be a good person, it pushes me to kill myself.
Still, I gave my word to my old friend that I'd be a good person. I won't fail her...
You are shit.
Merhaba, user with beautiful eyes
I don't think it is that bad. I think in my country it is about average
Well, people who google that often need help. Are you sure you don't need help?
Why not? Or maybe they are there not for dicks
Sounds like a good motivation to be a good person
I wish I was black so I can fuck all the top tier white whores
Trump is pure comedy to listen to speak lmao
Здpaв тpyд и paбoтa, зa дa излeзeмe oт тyкa
Whatever you say Wally.
Imagine being high energy like him at fucking 80 most people here are dead at that age
Femtrash is not allowed here
>Merhaba, user with beautiful eyes
Thanx, Ukraynalı. Your eyes are beautiful as well.
>Are you sure you don't need help?
I'll have to get over it...
>Sounds like a good motivation to be a good person
Aye. I consider some things to be sacred. Promises are one of them.
he's 73 but yes
>. Your eyes are beautiful as well.
They are visiting their father's home
Ben mi sen mi?
i've talked to a macedonian today, he begged for money
Hearts for the Ukrainian angel
Did you give him the money, though??
nah, i didn't have anything to give, i am broke too
i had 200kuna but that's too much to give
How did u know he’s Macedonian
He was prolly wearing a Macedonian hoplite armour.
No one asked u turkshit
Based illyrian brotha
No money for gypsydonians
he told me he was macedonian, he looked russian/slavic(short and blonde), he also spoke macedonian
he said he was waiting for his wife 3 hours and that he has no money to eat anything, i had to go to study with my friends so i couldn't get him anything to eat
Rude and uncalled for. Why are white people like this??
oddly enough, after done studying today, i was going home on the tram and some guy begged again
He’s an embarrassment to the Macedonian race, sounds like something a Bulgarian would do.
he was somewhat polite, but if i had something i would give it to him, hopefully he got something to eat
“Macedonians” are embarrassing themselves just by existing
You didn’t really fall for the lost guy in foreign country shit? If u have nothing you just go to the embassy and they have to house you and pay for your flight back
I was once at the Sofia bus station, asked some guy where my platform is and he said there I’ll show you and carrier my bag there. When we got here he said “batko imash nekoi lev” and I didn’t give him anything cause I only had 10 euro notes hahah
Shiptar subhuman, please don’t speak