Incels don't exist, because anyone could get a woman like the ones in the pic

Incels don't exist, because anyone could get a woman like the ones in the pic.

Therefore, only volcels exist

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is it possible to be incel in brazil?

that's true, I wouldn't want to be with any women below 9/10

Women like this have inflated egos and/or boyfriends

On our version of "tinder" i always get linked by gypsie girls. When i write them they almost immediately reply to me while our girls ignore the shit out of me.

Should i bite the bullet and get

i get rejected by terroni landwhales just because i'm 175, god i can't wait untill shit hits the fan so i can kill and rape foids


Yeah but that would be like satisfying your hunger by eating some gross junk food, you're going to be disgusted when you're doing it and regret it afterwards

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Post proof

incels ALSO have inflated egos

either "yes" or "be like him instead"
you're grown up enough to decide

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Unironically, she probably already has a bf

you underestimated how much incels have tried

You've been posting the same three set of women forever. When are you going to get a girlfriend?

Never, I won't settle for them

They are unironically cute though, if we have common interest I would love to ask them out (in which I would get rejected, again)

>you underestimated how much incels have tried
My estimate for most of them is "not at all", so you're probably right

How the fuck do gypsy girls have tinder? Here they all live on the streets basically

Can you post the new girls you've been with? You must be on a dry streak at the moment lol

This desu. I dont even know how to try.

OP's are the best I can get dude, there's no new girls, I didn't even talk to those

It's better to stay alone than settling for them, I can only lament my fate

they are called beta failed normie untermenschen, not incels

>not at all
sounds about right

>They are unironically cute though
this desu

These are like fat the wrong way.

Thought it was just me

chances are she'll trick you into meeting then sell your organs on the black market.

stealing phones is their national sport

Holy shit
What is this place? This is the epitome of desperation

I can't, not that I want anything with those women anyway.

That's true. Most incels are actually volcels who don't want to admit they don't want sex.

I only swipe right on white girls

The only downside is that they are too chubby, but they legit have cute faces. Either way they look like happy/healthy people.

Yes, then you get killed by her cousins.

You are getting your look matches Kaique.

desperation (act of being needy)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>incel who have high standard (mega delusion)

i have ass burgers so i cant make conversation or jokes

I can't even get one of those
not that I want anything with them however

that would be overestimation you retarded wog


175cm is not short you dumb fuck

I'd fuck all 3 of them and date the one in the middle
Not an incel tho

I knew a fat ugly girl who complained that she couldn't date any good guys and said that one guy who liked her in high school looked like Yahtzee and that he was "sooo ugly". I don't really see what's so bad about this guy honestly.

The girl still fucks a bunch of Chad type guys, they just all refuse to date her and just pass her around when they don't have gfs, and she refuses to date on her level.

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why did the swede shut up?

same, serbro


sex is easy if you are in the right places and right times, but with lower standards

this is the true blackpill and I was forced to take it too

175 is probably taller than average for an Italian

t. Tourist

enjoy your corona

I'm 25 yo 183cm in southern italy and literally EVERY kid in high school is taller than me so I honestly don't know about that

I have many female friends and lots of them fucked shorter people.
You were rejected because you're an obnoxious faggot who vents on imageboards like this, and doesn't deserve anything except the mediocrity of his boring life.
Can't imagine what mess of insecurity and repressed autist anger you are in person.
See a therapist and change your manchildish behavior before you ruin whatever chance of being happy you still have you absolute faggot, or the only woman who will have loved you will be your mother.

This. There's no such thing as incel.
If this guy can make it what's your excuse?

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>I have many female friends and lots of them fucked shorter people.
>You were rejected because you're an obnoxious faggot who vents on imageboards like this, and doesn't deserve anything except the mediocrity of his boring life.
>Can't imagine what mess of insecurity and repressed autist anger you are in person.
>See a therapist and change your manchildish behavior before you ruin whatever chance of being happy you still have you absolute faggot, or the only woman who will have loved you will be your mother.

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I hate this regurgitated fucking reddit tier response

That bitch is an obvious fetishist

i couldnt

I don't even know what you're talking about, it's my personal experience

how fat and ugly are we talking here

was about to reply but then I realised you're gonna live and die the same way: alone. enjoy your nothing while it lasts

Everybody and their mother posts that exact same response whenever height is mentioned on this shithole.
>Ohh 182 can't be our national average heigh I'm 357 cm and schoolchildren tower over me lmao!!!

Incredibly based

nah man you're just finnish. get a qt bug gf from thailand or china you'll do fine

>was about to reply but then I realised you're gonna live and die the same way: alone. enjoy your nothing while it lasts

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it's true though, in the first world it's normal for younger generation to be taller than the older ones
the average height is still low because it includes all the old people and the few unlucky young ones but it will undoubtedly increase if they bother measuring the population again in a few years

also it's not like I'm happy about it, I couldn't care less about the average italian height, I would just prefer to be taller myself

>because anyone could get a woman like the ones in the pic.
You are obviously baiting for (You)s, but I have actually met people irl who think like this. I don't suffer fools though, so I quickly make my excuses and depart when they say such utterly retarded things.

Yes my point exactly.
>I would just prefer to be taller myself
What height is your ideal?

between 186 and 188 cm I'd say, I feel like it's a perfect height all around