Why are most people in most countries fine with LGB, but not with T? It's as if the"global culture" rejects its very existence.
Why are most people in most countries fine with LGB, but not with T...
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I accept the possibility that some males and females are attracted to their own gender for whatever reasons but that a male is actually female inside and isn't just mentally disabled I refuse to believe, you can take a look at any famous tranny like CWC or narcissa to understand this
Body modification that leads to suicide and is pushed on others. Also the most vocal minority who don't really share anything with the others; "i want to have sex with another guy" is very different from "let me in the girl's bathroom and use correct pronouns and our dicks being inversed is more important than cancer patients". Otherwise just very weak people that lash out, real homos and lesbos have developed a thick hide against bants.
Transexual is a dicease, what about u kill yourself costa rican shit or act like a toy boy
Because effeminate twinks look normal and are reasonably mentally sane too.
But most tranners are like Chris Chan, ugly, antisocial, autistic.
Damn that's a tasty body
Transgenderism is a mental illness. usually associated with autogynephilia, depression and substance abuse.
As for gays, they also have a higher rate of suicides.
Everyone was fine with trannies until they started pushing le genderfluid/women can have dicks shit
>Why are most people in most countries fine with LGB
they're not
>most people in most countries
never liked those freaks
same-sex attractions which are natural and common among all species on this planet
mental disabilities which exploit and ridicule the lesbian+gay equality movements which started in the 70s
I'm not fine with any faggot, dyke, tranny or any kind of other shit eating sexual degenerate. They deserve fear and death
The West, is in the midst of a transgender epidemic. Over the last decade, the number of Western men coming out as women has skyrocketed. In the UK alone, there has been a 240% increase in the number of referrals for gender dysphoria clinics.
More and more Western '''''men''''', unable to cope with the demands of being male in modern Western society where women are venerated and men are despised, are rejecting strictly enforced patriarchal norms and opting to become women. On places like this website which are predominantly visited by degenerates, the number of transgenders are even higher. Nearly one in every three posters under the US flag on Yas Forums, for example, are transgenders. On other boards the percentage is even higher, such as on Yas Forums where it is close to 100%.
What is the reason for this epidemic?
I'm not saying anyone thought transgenderism was normal or that they were considered the gender they were trying to be but they didn't receive the vitriol they do today before they started pushing their retarded trans ideology. They brought it entirely on theirselves
what vitriol did they not recieve before
online people talking badly about them online?
Because transsexuality is a mental illness, a meme developed on the 21st century, pushed by mainstream media.
I don't really have problems with homosexuals as long as they are modest about it
Remember how the narrative was "Being gay is a choice?"
Eventually, people accepted you can't really help what you're sexually attracted to.
But most people right now adamantly recognize one's thinking themselves in the wrong body as a mental illness, especially when that induces one to irreversible body mutilation and an obsession with sexual deviance.
That can be them talking about how some people are suicidal, hypothetically or actually.
What should have been searched for is ' "I'm suicidal" | "Im suicidal" '
>hmmmm what are the specific examples with exact sources for your claim??
I don't fucking care shut up f*nn
not even fags claim this anymore
what the actual fuck
nuke this cesspool of a world already
you got literally fucking nothing, faggot
people never fucking disowned kids for this shit before 2014
never socially ostracized those freaks, never spat on them
rate of tranners is far higher among girls
ledsen att du är psykiskt sjuk :(((
red girls
blue boys
är du efterbliven
tror du svenska staten kommer kalla psykfall för deras biologiska kön?
jävla fucking idiot
Ja? De artiklarna jag har läst tyder alla på att det handlar mest om flickor.
>Why are most people in most countries fine with LGB, but not with T? It's as if the"global culture" rejects its very existence.
Do you want to know why?
Because those faggots are always on drugs, don't have proper jobs, and when they get a job just because they are freaks, the first thing they do is try to sue the company because one girl did not feel fine using the bathroom with "her".
Not to mention that they are extremely aggressive and violent and many, many commit crimes in a daily bases just because.
Trannys are worst than niggers. Kill those faggots is the best way to help them out.
Transgenderism wastes fine male bodies
länka en enda din jävla ynkrygg
Why do people always forget about FTMs anyway? Especially when they make up most trannies.
they don't
stop listening to retardwedes
This. It's mentally and physically ugly people parading their sickliness everywhere.
They rarely ever get mentioned on Yas Forums or on the news, and there's no male equivalent of TERFs for FTMs either.
>L and G
Well sex outside of marriage is immoral, and homosexuals can't get married (even if the state wants to pretend that they're equivalent), so that ends that.
Perhaps the most cringe position, just straight people who are a little off
Mentally ill 90% of the time, want all of humanity to recognize their delusions
yeah ok dude
Trannies are fucking insane. The rest are "just" freaks
CWC is famous for being the king of autism and original characters, idk about the narcissa dude
on Yas Forums
ask a normie and they'll have no idea who they are.
That applies to all trans people
Some normies might remember the ones that made the news but that's it
Transexualism is in principle a completely different thing from homosexuality so really the T's are just trying to ride the coattails.
you're a cringelic arent you?
>wat is the reason for this
drugs are fun my dude
because it's dangerous mentally ill activists trying to hijack an honest movement.
why is it so easy to accept that they are mentally ill and so difficult to accept their chosen avenue of treatment?
>Sounds like someone has some personal issues to resolve
lgb are faggots
t are turbo-faggots
trans ppl MADE the LGBT movement you retard
>muh history argument
Is the creation happening right now? No? Then fuck off.
fuck off, cherrypicking moron
>>muh history argument
>Is the creation happening
this is the most underwhelming retarded response ive ever seen, come back with a argument next time
name one world famous tranny aside from two freaks who made that shitty matrix movie
Not at all. In some countries it's been accepted for a long time.
The point is that we're discussing *current* events, the past is not related as it's not current events by definition
I still see a whole lot of T all over that page so this argument holds no water
>kill yourself
>As for gays, they also have a higher rate of suicides.
There's a few factors behind this.
>The West, is in the midst of a transgender epidemic. Over the last decade, the number of Western men coming out as women has skyrocketed. In the UK alone, there has been a 240% increase in the number of referrals for gender dysphoria clinics.
learn how to read ffs
MtF are easier to exploit for outrage fuel.
google says lgbt was created in 1990 and older gay rights groups existed since 1950
and, from your quote,
>Over the last decade
that's 2010 at most
also do you really think the retards on this site can think about {females} objectively?
B-but google says!!!
>get a rope
>fix your illiteracy problem