

Attached: Peter Hitchens on good form [Makes BBC hotties laugh] - YouTube - 2_52.jpg (960x540, 73.64K)

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coronavirus was created by the USA to destabilise Socialist China and anti-imperialist Iran

not necessarily true

thoughts on London becoming an independant city state?

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hope so. fuck iran

so many disinfo shills in /brit/ it's amazing

one of those street advertisers tried to hand me a voucher for ubereats
walked right past, didn't even look at her

And better at making pizza Italy?

Just walked past the local hospital, tank parked outside and stacks of bodies covered in placcy sheets lads.

got £0.05 on an apple gift card . wonder if i go in and buy one of those slingbags they put your macbook in

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good idea desu
then quarantine them and nuke it

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Based. Eat shit Commies.

rude cunt

t. neolib soy cuck

My mate on topsecret.com says Donald Trump has been evacuated to the ISS. The orange man running round telling people the virus isn't real is a brave actor who volunteered to take one for the prez!

>The latest number of confirmed cases comprises 147 cases in England, 11 in Scotland, three in Northern Ireland and two in Wales
need a fucking wall along clawdd offa pronto

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da iawn

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Brother is at Royal Stoke hospital in for corona virus and he told me hes heard the nurses talking about his penis size when they think he's asleep. Beyond disgusted something needs to be done about these nurses and their gossiping

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yeah well someone had been rude to me earlier
circle of life innit

1-4-7 who soon will be in heaven!
all who get Sweet & Sour Ninja virus die!

based, advertisers are the scum of the earth. lowly parasites.

don't think nurses care what the patients look like. they deal with so many. it'd be like a warehouse worker judging the appearance of boxes he's forklifting. or it'd be like a mod actually reading the post that's reported instead of just issuing an automatic ban

listening to elliott smith

They'll be dead soon anyway, if you go within 100 yards of someone with Tangerine Chicken Flu you're dead.

is his name lachlan

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The fire’s roaring, and I’m sat in a comfy leather armchair with a blanket draped over me, hot buttered crumpets and a steaming mug of tea in hand. Wuhanflu can do one

The fire of the funeral pyres for the untold gorillions of English dead!

listening to this slammer

the fire is fucking roaring lads

i am fully engulfed in flames

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mate in the army reserves said they've been called in to dig mass graves

In the crematoria, disposing of the toxic remains of multitudes who have passed from the Dim Sum Execution bug.

eye for an eye makes the whole world blind lad

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had some welsh cakes
don't know what made them welsh but there you go

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-07 Jameela Jamil blasts comedian who joked about her getting coronavirus(1).png (636x338, 147.76K)

the mad man

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dont care paki

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Was out for a walk there lads, lots of houses with crosses painted on the door and a really rank smell, like bad meat from inside.

>Shops are all empty!! Start panicking!!

In the 7 min walk from the train station to my flat I walk by 3 shops, all look the same as normal.

nigga looks like chuck off better call saul

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-07 Jameela Jamil blasts comedian who joked about her getting coronavirus(2).png (636x745, 308.09K)

How do I make money without having to sell any of my stuff

modest mouse was actually an incredibly good band

*translates black man into Welsh (Cymru)*

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don't get it

captcha being a proper, proper cunt at the moment

Potemkin supermarkets! UK ran out of all food last Tuesday.

Quick rundown on this jameela character stat

I want to shag Emma Watson.

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tried getting a job mate?

the 9/10 (fat chebs and perfect fanny) is on her way over

on some songs the singer sounds great but on others it annoys me

Ha ha time for Jeff and the lads!

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>the 9/10 (fat chebs and perfect fanny) is on her way over
what are her feet like

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Went to the 24 hour shop - closed.

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better call sneed

Can’t even get a warehouse job bros

what do you mean "actually"

brock lesner is his name iirc, and yea his voice is difficult to get into

haven't looked as I am well adjusted

Passed the nursing home on my way home, some wag has painted "all dead here" on the roof.

where did my friend go

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I shaggeth your mum so hardeth she got a cumatoma

they put out a lot of shit in their later years

jews are white

australia is a racist shithole with no culture or history

she's got Munchausen syndrome

Janny applications are up lads, anyone volunteering?

shant be believing such a statement about the quality of chebs without an accompanying picture

I wonder what Gary Lineker is ranting about today

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Went to the bookies there to back a few nags, lad behind the counter grabbed me by the arm and said "you must get this child to the safe zone..." and pointed at a kid before falling over and coughing a lot. Do you think it's the Egg Flu Yung Reaper Virus?

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no point lad
heard this corona business with take out the internet in mere days

wonder has harvey weinstein had a wank in prison yet

is google broken?