Fights are breaking out over toilet paper in australia

the situation here is bad, i dont know if im gonna make it...

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if you are intelligent, you always have a good rolling stock of toilet paper so that a little hickup in the supply chain won't affect you

so it begins

Does that mean people will start washing their asses now instead of dry wiping?

Australia doesn't have too much water to spare

just use tissue paper

Why aren't the retard shops just putting the prices up so that it doesn't get sold out so quick?

>the toilet paper war 2020.
This timeline is getting redicoulus

its hell

I thought my country was fucking retarded but Jesus Christ, wtf is going on down there?

>not just washing your shitty arse in the shower

why are you guys going this crazy tho?

Damn. Australians take shit seriously.

Was she gonna slap her to transfer the virus?

Are you the finn in every toilet paper thread who always has months of toilet paper on standby

You need to wipe your ass first anyway

A comedian huh?

I'm tired of living in a brainlet country. please tell me no other countries are this prone to fear-mongering

>just use tissue paper
theyre all gone too, even paper towels, even serviets (aka napkins)... it's all gone

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I’m always surprised that this isn’t in use all over the world. Every house here has one.

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Damn hell, is this become a norm ?

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Every country is a brainlet country user

Australians are stupid and gullible, I guess.

I had to. It was RIGHT THERE!

So doesn't your ads gets weat? Does leak into your underwear? Wouldn't you start to smell like ass?

>i never wipe my arse, how could you tell?

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My shower is long enough to do that but I always take my close off and go into the bath, how do you use that without getting your clothes wet? I spray it on my back and wash my asshole with my hands. Is this how am I supposed to use it?

Ah yes the arse showerhead. Do you really stick your hand under your asshole in the toilet to blast water on your anus? Does shit water not just splash down on your hand?

>Wouldn't you start to smell like ass?

Someone here used the analogy of getting shit on your face. Would you rub it off with tissue or wash your face? Same principle. Home toilets usually have towels you use after you are clean, office toilets have toilet paper to dry.

The more you knowTM

Not convinced Australia really exists

I use both ass splasher and paper, much say my ass has never been clear of shit.
But the worse you can get is wet, not shit water unless you shit nonstop.
>Does shit water not just splash down on your hand?
Only if you brainlet or too fat.

what about paper plates or diapers or something?

>has never been clear of shit.
Has never been more clean i mean.

>Using the ass towel
I googled it. Its saying that you guys will spray your ass with a bidet and then wipe it with toilet paper. Is that right?

Step 4. Lightly squeeze the trigger on the nozzle to start spraying. You want to aim the sprayer at an angle, not only for the most effective cleaning but also to avoid any splash back from inside the toilet.

Note: It may take a few uses to learn the desired pressures and angles of the bidet sprayer before you get comfortable. Don't get discouraged after a couple of uses, give yourself time to get used to the bidet operation.

Step 5. Check cleanliness with toilet paper. After you are sure that you are clean simply dry off your nether regions using more toilet paper or a towel. Many people use toilet paper but some with sensitive skin may use a soft towel instead.

They are sold out here too. But manufacturers have many stocks. Retailers just don't due to cretin customers.

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Basically what I pasted here

Just look in the news section after you google 'panic buy', just about every major country is panic buying.

Where do you aim the splasher?

About time i finally learn the secret

Why are they so fat?

At the ass or behind my butt ofc and just aim.
Splasher kinda strong.
Only geh people have shit on their hand after splash.

I think you’re supposed to your your hands user. I’m gonna try it today

Mate, you just use the pressure to do all the work. Just learn to aim. I haven’t used my hands since before I was ten. If you are worried about missing some shit, move a little forward on the toilet seat and aim from the back. You’ll get it with practice.

I don’t mind using my hands though. I’m going to wash them afterwards anyway

Aaand the most interesting comment I’ve made on Yas Forums is about bidets and washing my ass. I’m going back to lurking and just posting “Benis” on /mammi/

Why is this flag so beautiful, so aesthetic?

if we ever run out of toilet papar I'll just waddle over to the shower tbph

That's actually more clean but use soap afterward at least.

Because it’s a useful comment bro, keep posting

>stockpile toilet papers

I thought it must be fatties.

This is true human nature, when shit hits the fan, it's a doggy dog world, not any of the kumbaya community crap reddit insists will happen.

I don't blame you.

Very weird, we have 10x the cases Australia has, and I still don't see any panic buying.

Do you not always do it from the back? Or do you do it from the front?

Pic related is apparently panic buying in Germany. Besides, doesn't your government always tell you to keep two weeks of supplies all the time anyway? Perhaps there is no panic because German are already prepared, whereas other countries are unprepared and live "hand-to-mouth" so to speak.

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>German are already prepared

We are woefully unprepared.

I envy the countries that have an established panic buying culture. They will prevail, whereas we will perish.

>went to the store just now
>still no toilet paper
>still no tissues

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Can't you get your gf to lick it off? Or is that just something that Germans do?

I've seen a couple of reports in the news, but nothing around where I live in Bavaria.
It might be like you say that people already have some stock, idk.