DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for advanced 官能小説の申し子 that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
>ずいった You may not want to admit it, but this is how you're supposed to write た >I wonder if SFX generally make sense to Japanese speakers, most of the time you cannot find them being used anywhere / in any dictionary, like the author just made them up Could anybody please answer ? :>
>Greeting people in pixiv Artists or other viewers? Either way you can say こんにちは! (If you are gonna offer him a work you may say something like “はじめましてXXと申します” which may sound much too formal for daily greetings among users in that place)
Daniel Roberts
i often notice japanese sentences that have a question mark although they aren't really questions. pic related. Yotsuba wants her dad to pay the entrance fee. its imperative so i dont think a question mark is making too much of sense here. sure it works out somehow, but there have been more obvious examples i can't find right now. whats up with that?
I hate to ask, since my text is trash, but could someone please correct this? :> こんにちは! 恐縮ですが、Pixivで発表した作品はオンライン販売がある?もしそうなら、どこ販売していますか?
>Also should I end with something like "畏・敬具"? Perfect, thanks! I was going to try and ask if there was any way to buy their stuff online (there isn't). Kinda sad to see so many good 同人誌 being only sold at events. Thank you! >why delete that post?
>I'll learn English *with* Malcolm X. He is well-spoken~ >It's not た, and it's not even a character. It's just a graphic effect of surprise and the same as the first panel's one. Ah, I see, thanks! I was thinking that it might be た in some weird 草書体, like when you continue to write the こ part with the 2nd stroke ^^ >gonna offer him ** work I think it might be better to say "commission" (描き下ろし) here
恐縮 is often used in a business situation. ダウンロード販売 is better because オンライン販売 includes some goods or paper-based books that are supposed to be delivered only in Japan.
Example こんにちは! オーストリアに住んでます あなたの作品を見てすごく感動しました Pixiv で公開している作品は、ダウンロード販売していますか? もしそうなら、リンクを教えて下さると助かります 創作活動がんばってください。応援してます
>why delete that post? No sooner had I felt uncomfortable with my English than I deleted the post unwillingly.
Easton Long
Some gaijins are trying to turn Nippon delinquent chads into some s*yised crap and trying to attack you, what do you think of this meme ?