Italian American here, what do Italians in Italy think of us?

Italian American here, what do Italians in Italy think of us?

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Idk but you should go back you slimy greaseball mafioso

Since WWII they emulated their diaspora immensely, copying their cuisine and trying to pass it off as theirs, even though most date to the 1950's

You're just an American to the rest of the world.

Cope harder n*rthern european

Who gives a shit about what Eurofags think about us?

Italian in America, American in Italy

They think you're an amerimutt

Ignore memeflag opinions

They think you're a retarded larping American as all Eurocunts think of their diaspora.

They don't think about you

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They do, because we are special and cool, unlike you guys

Italian American are the most obnoxious larpers


>we are special and cool
99% of the world only thinks of americans as fat guys with big trucks and mcdonalds who live in mcmansions. Nobody has any particular thought on the different diasporas there

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>south america

Italian mass migration to the Americas is regarded and seen as a dramatic phenomenon, and it is fairly addressed in school history books.
My middle school graduation project (for the state exam we must pass to get into high school) was about Italian Americans and discrimination against Italians in the US throughout the last century.

nobody likes italians here

That's basically what I wrote in my middle school report and I got a 10/10.

"hating Italians" will not make you welcome

>thread full of nonitalians answering for Italians, who couldn't give a fuck
if you aren't American, you are coping. this is true across the globe.

at least you know you're inferior

Good. Italians are an oppressed people.

why are all schools oppression cope centers
i mean at least its an Italian school pushing students to defend Italy and its diaspora but still
nobody ever writes "papers" about how they kick ass, even Americans

there is no reason for a post like this here

italy is probably the most non-threatening country ever. They even bribed the taliban to avoid getting shot at by them.

how is this relevant.
they can still write about something other than oppression.

like what

From my family's perspective, who lived in Queens in an all-Italian section of it, they mostly just stayed to themselves, they weren't allowed into "American" places of business generally, but they didn't suffer immensely. They kept to their own devices and their own communities.

why so mad ?

Learn to read retard, being discriminated against doesn't mean being inferior. Your pasty whiteboy ass would be inferior to black farmers from Zimbabwe by that """logic""".
I was 13 and I had fun researching the topic, what do you mean by kicking ass?

my white irish/german mother married a shitalian

>learn to read retard

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self hater ?? ok lol

and then he divorced her

at least you know what you are. Everyone in my family hates niggers.

boenanoche amicos, mio nonno was from Italia, that makes my ofically white verita?

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you sound so sad and mad it's hard for anyone to take you seriously. I hope you can find happiness
not sure but you can probably claim italian citizenship and have a double one

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Do you guys actually say badabing badaboom?
And do you do the hand thing when you're trying to convey something

kinda true. also if you speak Italian, been to Italy, and have Italian family, you are considered like a lost cousin, still American but not so foreign

I still to this day hate Italian-Americans more than any other group of "white" Americans.

The only italian-americans we know about are those that work in cinema and music industry so they have a pretty good reputation here right now.
Outside of those, you're no different to us than other americans except for sometimes having an italian surname

lmao you're literally seething that your mom got blacked. you know how people on youtube always say "why do you hate x people? did a x fuck your mom?", that's you, a living joke

You should go back to Bongland and leave the continent NAMED AFTER AN ITALIAN

Cope, from spending time on Yas Forums anglo mutt larpers are easily the most obnoxious, no other groups make as many insecure coping muh ancestry threads as anglo mutt americans.

not wrong. your angloids especially the ones from Yas Forums are 100% responsible for the amerimutt meme you have with their cringe
>we are still a british colony we rebelled but my soul is still english i dream of the motherland
>i have some german, irish, scottish, dutch, welsh, swedish but i'm about 80% anglo saxon i'm more british than british people
>goddamn immigrants destroying my homeland of england it's sad to see the great british race destroyed it hurts my british spirit - billy from Ohio
>the goddamn forefathers did not meant for this country to have non english only real americans are english goddamn irish and germans destroyed this country
>whats my phenotype is it pure english anglo saxon

They're slimey people.
If they do something wrong, their first thought isn't how can I make this right, it's how can I get away with this.
I can't trust them, simple as.

Based WASP poster

>I was 13 and I had fun researching the topic,
yes and all schools are oppression centers where everyone is taught to complain about oppression

All the good Angl*s sailed over here

There are no WASP on Yas Forums only middle class larpers.

I hope you’re middle/norf Italian-american and not shitcilian

>like what
literally name three things that are not oppression.
are you even capable of this anymore or has public education ruined you?

The italian american larpers are also anglo mutts

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Back to your containment board, brainlet

then I agree for the most part
I could've done a project on how great italian culture is and nobody would've said a thing

Not surprising, "anglo" mutts always shift and become predominantly other races when necessary to either claim their achievements or cultures. It's funny to see the anglo supremacy post on here, because the reality is the majority of them irl are desperate to be seen as something else and they will grasp at the slightest hint of dna from elsewhere .
I knew this, actual predominantly Italians, Poles, Germans or whoever, don't do this muh heritage posting, only anglo-american mutts do. They're the ones obsessed with their ancestry that much.

I went to NY and was strange see that italians were segregated in their communities

Yes you do. Americans in general are obsessed with Italy. Tour there a lot and they are the American idol of worship. 90% of romance novels about Italians come from Americans. And American TV shows ALWAYS romanticizes Italians. Only other group Americans portray in romance drama television as much as Italians are Brits.

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Based, I knew it was a lie. Americans make more media about Romans, Italians and Greeks than they do Anglo Saxons.

kek this nation doesn't give a blind fuck about "anglo saxons" or germanicness. We are literally making games with Greek gods slaying Nordic ones

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