Why does the West have so much intergenerational division and conflict?

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Because the elites are dreading class conflict

why do they think boomers know what tiktok is?

is this something that's supposed to be worth posting

i would do unspeakable things to that girl

Why do chicano males look like that?

America has copious amounts of literally any kind of conflict you could possibly imagine. It is quite obviously engineered but Americans are unbelievably stupid so it always works.

wtf I love chicanos now

everybody is trying to trigger everybody on the internet
sick of this shit

It's the same as it was before during the Cold War, but people are too cowardly to admit it

If you mistreat the working class, and abuse your position as the elite then people will go red more and more. Just becuase the USSR doesn't exist doesn't mean it won't happen.

People look for hope when they are young, and older generations have entrenched themselves

>>that chin

Why would anyone write an article "discussing" this "topic"
Do people seriously have nothing better to write about

No, some people are paid to write shit like this, and those articles make a lot of views


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Its male

This is only possible in the US because the USSR doesn't exist (which is why the elites are trying to force the CHYNA meme.) If we were locked in combat with a socialist power (as we were in the cold war) all internal socialist movements would be completely ignored and/or even squashed by the government.

And that will be what will hit them like a ton of bricks a decade from now when everyone will avoid social media because it will be filled with AI produced deepfakes.

>trying to trigger boomers
>on Tik Tok
Boomers would have no fucking clue this is happening if this retarded "journalist" didn't write an article about it.

because we aren't cucks to tradition who will stay in the past because "muh ancestors"

Because most "journalists" are lazy fucks, and it's much easier to get clicks writing articles about some dumb twitter trend that "extremely-online" twitter types are obsessed with and acting as if anyone in the real world cares.

they're bored.
nobody disciplines their children.
they've abandoned Catholicism.
take your pick.


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between some smug privileged boomer and some condescending self-righteous commie zoomer, I begrudgingly pick the boomer

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How do I rotate pdf


fabricated factions and conflict

For some reason boomers are incapable of ignoring retarded clickbait like this

I think it's American thing and it's all because their media is fucked up.

I talked with European students and they respect old people as Asians do.

I don't think you or those europoors understand the american boomer.

Petty divisions of anything other than rich vs. poor distract from the real problems

boomers are white
millenials are mutts
zoomers are macacos

totally diferent poeple and behaviors

>literally using a Chinese app

>55-75 years olders
>Give a shit about TikTok """"memes""""

This. It's problematic as hell. They don't even ban Trump supporters.

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I wish I was a young zoomer I hate being a 27 year old bald failure.

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It's okay, anime. At least you have me.

Thanks man

>OK Boomer
>wants an old ass Jew in office

Every candidate is old as fuck you retarded boomer

oki doki boomer

Every society is like that.
In some societies old people didn't had political rights for example

zoomer opinion

because the internet allows the opinions of vocal minorities to be amplified


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hurr i mean its because people buy stuff with money and they dont pay enough taxes
>at least one zoomer in this thread unironically pretends to think this instead of admitting he just hates his dad

wtf I love tiktok now


>implying boomers care about tiktok or whats on it

too much change in a short span of time
in the generation before and after ww2 they went from being taught the glories of colonialism to being taught black people deserve to vote
one generation later they were being taught that the world is dying because of oil and it is not morally wrong to be gay
a lot of change in such a short span of time meant it's hard to get them to agree on anything because the very fundamentals of their own world and morals differ so much

Inequality of wealth. But the Gen-X and Millennial lines are following each other closely. Maybe it has already turned.

>If we were locked in combat with a socialist power (as we were in the cold war) all internal socialist movements would be completely ignored and/or even squashed by the government.
Eh, no. The fall of USSR made it possible for corporations to just roll over people with the There Is No Alternative-meme and just disregard worker's rights.

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btw her name is neekolul, maybe she can distract you from all the tankies in this thread

>the west
No such conflict here


tell me about ostalgie brudi

Heh, oh user...

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thats because american politicians are like 70-80 years old and still stuck in the 1950s thinking any sort of centrist or centre left policy is communism compare that to the recent generation who know far america is behind the rest of the world in healthcare and other stuff

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can tell whoever wrote this article absolutely despises muslims and lgbt people

they use the terms "radical" so often to describe bernie, like he's the farthest on the spectrum as you can get, crazy how boomers fall for that shit like where were they in the era of the black panthers and weather underground

Just because bernies goals are in some form or another already a thing in other western countries doesnt mean he is centrist. He just needs to start somewhere. His rethoric and political history is clearly leftwing not just slightly center left.

>lefty thinks everything is far-right
shut up already

Enlighten us.
t. doesn't quite understand normiepeople no matter the age