

Attached: fury.jpg (980x653, 152.54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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what did you do with your old parts? you just build an entire new PC in a new case nd sell your old one off?
I'm thinking about just doing that


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howling at some of those

>I'll put asbestos in your washing machine, cunt.

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thoughts on bretonian music? big fan me


Girl just deleted me, don't know where I went wrong. I started it,
"hey, are you from georgia us or georgia the country?"
"Hey hey, Georgia US"
"oh nice, whereabouts? i'm in atlanta, buckhead"
"I’m in Augusta but I go to Atlanta every few weeks!"
"neat, maybe you come over when you're here somtime and lick my feet"

This is Tinder we're talking about

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Mental how Luxembourg is the same size as my city

proud i dont make posts like this, they don't serve anything other than making Yas Forums a worse place

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don't care for it, they're annoying

attracted to a lad at my uni

having a go

>im gay btw :v teehee

need a slag edition next

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What's he doing?

I'd do it

I describe myself as anglo

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>25yo gf
>Wants me to pay for everything
>"well if we're together for years and this goes nowhere I'm screwed, but you'll be more attractive, so my time is more valuable"
I got her to agree to a 25/75 split

you want to be facefucked by a pale brit and be called a brucie kangoo fucker?

interesting board this

honestly? yeah


don't know how anyone could think sloppy wilder stood a chance

how about a hairy french man does it?

Toil in 1hr 15 mins. Haven’t slept yet

Your mum's a sloppy wilder

scrowling at the Aussie FREAK

Girlfriend was sucking me cock last night and she was really going at it so I said something like “daaamn alright there kobayashi” and now she’s not spoken to me in a day


what do you do?

got me good there haha

is there a place with the exact same format for posts as Yas Forums, but with a kinder community who will be nice to me?


What the fuck are you looking at


any hobby board? doubt people would be especially toxic in /p/ or /gd/

think reddit might be more your speed

stunt cock

tee hee hee

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/britfeel/ on r9k
feel free to fuck off to there pronto

post the best /brit/ song you've ever heard, cor blimey


finna get high and play Shadow of the Colossus

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I will run a knife over your face and put you in a shallow grave

I post on /ic/ and everyone is a cunt.

how 'bout now?
look at this, brucie

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for who?

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papa :o

Have a listen, will you?

so glad i'm not hairy, i've got like 3 chest hairs

Keep quiet before I stick your hot knife up your arse you fucking minuscule runt

mind you my locker room nickname in school was "the poney"
make that what you will

literal child

>so glad i'm not hairy, i've got like 3 chest hairs

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ok woman, post tits

good game

Ah yes, the 6 foot 5 behemoth that is Robbie Williams

just want to coom on large breasts

yeah you'd do that an all wouldn't you, gay cunt
you must have got nonced by one of your da's 13 brothers to turn out this way

i like mikey now
you touch him you touch me
and it's commonly known i'm harder than sktz, harder than /brit/ really

All it comes down to in this life is how far you’re willing to go, ie balls.

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so pipe down kids

yeah I'm willing to go balls deep in this

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do you ever shut the fuck up?

true, true
it's all a big battle of the wills

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>that bony nonexistent arse hips and thighs

dragging my balls across the alps, across the rubicon

Anglo and American sports chads united

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Ok me imagination. Come at people it’s hot knives will you. I’d literally bury a hatchet in your skull, fool

akshually quite like sktz as well
bet he's a good la to drink a pint with

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be quiet homo


>says the bender wanking over a bunch of sticks


Ever since I saw that webm of the lad who cuts off his boyfriend's cock, I've been completely vanillafied sexually. I've become so scared of getting any weird fetishes that any image that's even remotely out there sexually I feel sickened by. That image some user posted of the girl drinking from the cat's bowl makes me feel actually sick.

It's all just a slippery slope. One day your girlfriend is the big spoon, the next day your boyfriend is cutting off your cock just for fun.


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she used to be pretty cute

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that backdrop is CGI as fuck

Tyson the Dyson

hopefully cocaine is the cure to coronavirus

>click it
>Whats the best thing about being a meth addict?


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legitimately can't remember why they were twatting about in the middle of nowhere for ages in the final film

had to make lots of fillers to split the story into two movies

They needed to find the deathly hallows and the horcruxes

He kind of looks like he's holding a ring in the OP's pic.

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Retail management toil

projektmelody is live

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*walks into /brit/*
hey *exhales a cloud of coffee breath*
*looks around a bit*

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>new format

Why is this virus spreading so much, SARS barely left Asia

>yanks doing maths

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CIA bioweapon

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COVID-19 is like a lot more contagious than SARS

Have never gotten a straight answer, how do you french kiss? Does she stick her tongue out and I suck it or what.

That happens in the book as well