Paris World Exhibit of 1889

I will post ITT great pictures of Paris World Exhibit, the 1889 edition.

I will start with some foreign pavilions.

Attached: Visitors strolling the exhibitions. Paris World Exhibition 1889.jpg (1024x801, 251.24K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-venezuela.jpg (1200x1639, 615.5K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-paraguay.jpg (1200x935, 572K)

racist era in racist country



Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-mexique.jpg (1200x990, 547.5K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-japonais.jpg (1200x1594, 605.34K)

Great Britain

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-grande-bretagne.jpg (1200x965, 502.26K)

Come back home brother you belong here


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-chili.jpg (1200x1475, 535.41K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-egyptien.jpg (1200x903, 484.55K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavillon-bresil.jpg (1200x1620, 527.08K)

post india

Now some pictures of the French exhibitions.

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pavilon-pastellistes-francais.jpg (1200x981, 624.13K)

The Eiffel Tower

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-tour-eiffel.jpg (1200x1530, 613.5K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-horlogerie.jpg (1200x980, 622.26K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-orfevrerie.jpg (1200x979, 526.52K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-meubles.jpg (1200x973, 611.3K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-pastellistes.jpg (1200x1545, 564.6K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-fourrure-et-chasse.jpg (1200x966, 567.83K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-joaillerie.jpg (1200x962, 636.74K)

we need to go back


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-ceramique.jpg (1200x948, 637.16K)


Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-fabrique-de-laine.jpg (1200x912, 580.09K)

Late 19th early 20th was so aesthetic

The Central Dome

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-dome-central.jpg (1200x1530, 481.79K)

Gallery of Diverse Industries

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-grande-galerie-industries-diverses-photo.jpg (1200x946, 520.8K)

It was the entry to the galleries.

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-grande-galerie-des-industries-diverses.jpg (1200x974, 633.1K)

Marble sculptures by Jules Cantini

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-expo-sculpture-marbre-jules-cantini.jpg (1200x909, 513.43K)

The vestibule

Attached: exposition-universelle-1889-grande-galerie-industries-diverses.jpg (1200x1603, 535.59K)


Comfy thread

It's sad to see how we stopped caring about aethetics. To give you an example, compare the ground at the Eiffel tower from back then to today, pic related.

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 51.22K)

mon cousin :)

very cool, thanks for sharing

Yea it's rather the alarming today that few people have a sense for aesthetics. It pervades even the way people carry themselves and speak.

Bon fil.

a little autistic but interesting

wtf, where are the black cocks?

Which world’s fair was the most aesthetic, Yas Forums?

Is there any doubt? Paris, 1937.
Pic: German and Soviet pavilions.

Attached: paris.jpg (3591x2673, 2.5M)

the BMWF fair held in america/europe

Weren’t these two also facing directly across from each other?

Yes. They really did hit every sweetspot.

Attached: 021018-37-World-Fair-Europe-History.jpg (720x460, 247.6K)

The one in the right is more inspiring

Ferme la sale socialiste. Tu n'es qu'un traitre pour ton peuple.

>WE WUZ ROMANS VS l'egalite des hommes et femmes unis vers un même objectif national
Replace le marxisme avec deporter tous les bougnoules comme toi et ç'est puissant

What are you all hoping for from the 2020 World Expo?

Attached: Dubai_Expo_2020_Logo.png (418x148, 46.43K)

What the actual fuck? What the fuck is that flag??? I'm from phone and can't see what country it is, anyone care to tell me?
I don't think I've ever seen it once in five years I've been on this site, and I'm here 24/7

St Pierre and Miquelon, that tiny French island next to Canada

hi I'm surprised you get your own flag
no we belong to them nigga

Attached: Air_Saint-Pierre_ATR_42-500_at_Montreal_Pierre_Elliott_Trudeau_International.jpg (1200x803, 333.7K)

>RARE flag

Attached: 1535914798071.png (644x740, 11.46K)

Pauvre imbécile, si tu avais l'audace de sortir des conneries pareilles ici, on t’emmènerais derrière la grange pour te foutre une balle dans la nuque et ton cadavre puant finirais dans une fosse commune.

wtf paris why did they demolish it?

Globalist pozzed shite

can something explain what these fairs were about ? also why did they disappear

So what the fuck is going to happen with that 2020 Expo in Dubai?

comfy as fuck. wish I was there

Perfect, my city has a lot of buildings in this exact style, I see them every day when going to uni. It's a shame many were demolished or are in poor state of conservation, but there's still many others that are intact and preserved. Do you have another pic? One that shows the entrance?


they're still around Montreal hosted it in 67 and had a baseball mlb team named after it

man... imagine how cool it would be to walk around this place. someone needs to make a vr version

What a beautiful aesthetic, progress has been the ruin of aesthetics

It says “Russian restaurant”.