
Could I get by with just Speaking English here.

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Obviously not.
You have to go back.

Close to the borders and on the Montreal island yes. But stay away anyway, we have enough anglos.

no, unless you want to lose some teeth

obviously yes

don't bother going to that shithole, they dont even speak real french

I never left

Can't wait to have some chocolatine when I get home

You left Mexico you freak. Go back.


Kind of. I drove up to Saguenay and Lac St. Jean a couple years ago, and it's very very French. If you want to communicate with anyone, they at least expect you to START in French, and then maybe they'll take pity on you and try to speak in English.

I’m from the midwest


Yes but bring your sisters.

You can actually

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Two woman for each man coming in.


I don’t have sisters but I have a cousin with big tits

why don't you fuck her?

Could be a he, you never know with yanks.

>most of montreal and a handful of anglo enclaves like eastern townships
>the rest of quebec

I used to work in Ottawa and had clients from Gatineau all the time. I was hired despite knowing zero french. Nearly every quebecois I met spoke both English and French

Outside of Ottawa anglo Canada gives zero fucks about learning French. Literally like 5-10% of people living in Toronto can have an actual convo in french

he says as he types in English. Oof.


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Yes i live in montreal and dont speak french.

Kill yourself

obsessed freak

Yes if you go across the river from Ottawa or go to Montreal. Otherwise bilingual Quebecers are pretty rare.

How come Canada has 3 territories? Just make them formal provinces. It's not like they're overseas entities like our Virgin Islands of Guam.

>anglo enclaves like eastern townships
estrie is 90% francophone, its not the 19th century

Creating a new province is not that simple legally speaking

Because they barely have any population. Each territory has a pop of ~35k.

Did I heckin' ask

t. neet highschool dropout or tech industry transplant


reported to police for cyber bullying

amazing gotcha

we can actually speak two languages unlike the feeble-minded anglos

Theres a woman at work who I'm pretty sure purposefully replaces english words she knows with french ones and fakes her accent to be extremely thick and it's really annoying to listen to because she likes to talk loud enough for everyone to hear. It's like she trying to make her personality to be "look at me i'm french" as if she's the only one who can speak french in a building full of bilingual people and other french speakers besides.

"Well yes do it comme sa, it's really facile ya. Non non I don't know what dat is, attend I'll get that for you. Merde, I thought it was ere, j"vais aller to go get it."

Pull her pants down and rawdog her up the bum in the middle of the room for all to see.

She's not attractive at all.

It's about dominance not pleasure.

you speak english because you have to in order to survive in an ANGLO WORLD

nobody needs two languages to "survive"

yeah, you only need to know french if you want to keep living in some shithole like gaspé or bas-saint-laurent

Based, hang all angl*ids

Speak it anyway.0
You shouldn't care about the retarded languages like French

shitholes are great, actually

Based roastie

Lemme guess you're Flemish aren't ya?

The opinion of flemshit subhumans is not wanted

You might be able to get by in Montreal, but even those people will see you as less than a nigger.

Kek their entire industry was built by Walloons, yet they're still mad over admitting it. Their firearms are also designed and built by french speaking people.

canada needs to remove this tumour

>I drove up to Saguenay and Lac St. Jean

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They truly are inferior to wallons in every conceivable way

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Flanders have twice as many people too.

It doesn't change the fact Wallonia is a shithole, actually the whole Belgium is a shithole. Even if the Flanders are a bit better economically than Wallonia, it's still shit compared to France and it's full of people, it's grey, it looks like China.

>Flemish productivity per capita is about 13% higher than that in Wallonia, and wages are about 7% higher than in Wallonia.

However, if I'm being honest I actually don't care at all.

>>Flemish productivity per capita is about 13% higher than that in Wallonia
Wow truly a superior people call Hitler and let's go suck their cocks collectively

yet you lot always rant and rave about your gdp and productivity compared to the rest of canada