/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico

Possible boogeyman or boogeymen edition.

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How do we stop him

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Czech em jannies

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kill b**mers

This thread is better

We'll have to use malarkey if we're to stand a chance against the joementum

shut up, lying dog-faced pony soldiers.


give bernie a new face, a new voice and a new personality

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everytime someone says to make a new thread, we always end up with two. Fucking illuminati imo

Gee, /cum/, how come the mods let you have two threads?
Other thread is just iPhone ad spam, though. Fucking dumbasses can't use adblockers, apparently.

Would you live in a treehouse?

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iFags aren't very intelligent I guess.

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I'm an iphone user with an adblocker, you have to be a serious pleb to ever browse the web with ads

>see thread on Yas Forums that triggers an emotional response
>before I know it I've posted a borderline fedpost

To be fair, the bulk of people who buy Apple products aren't exactly considered patrician.

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incel cope i bet your screen isn’t even broken

Why would you want a broken screen?

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>he isn't browsing on a laptop while naked in bed
I do need to replace the backlight bulb, though. It's getting a little reddish.

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status signalling (counter signalling)

Signaling that they're clumsy fucks? that they're poor? idgi

you wouldn't

apparently not, all my friends and I have nice phones that are not cracked

Mom wanted me to call her because she hasn't talked to me all week
shan't be calling her..

Gonna go eat dinner now, I'm hungry.

Tempted to get some pizza for din

fren from HS didn't want to go to the bar with me...

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Don't worry I'll go to the bar with ya

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I work construction, and we usually rib a guy for having a cracked screen, especially if it's their company phone. Once saw a guy fastball his fucking phone into the side of a company van in a tardrage fit. He got his screen replaced, but his van still has the fucking dent.

tick tock how long until janny takes this one out

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My gf is being mean to me. Insulting me and invalidating my feelings.

We'll just see about that, iPhonenigger.

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ok retard, man up

bumping this thread

wth i never sent you a chat request?


holy shit I want to visit australia now

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>/cum/ is split into two
>both halves die
Well, fuck... That's a possibility.

t. Never been in a healthy relationship built on the foundation of mutual communication and respect

Thoughts on trans folks?

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Co worker tried to invite me out to hang out and I rejected because I wanted to watch anime

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mentally ill

lul what's wrong with this idiot?

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>Insulting me and invalidating my feelings.
>mutual communication and respect

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ok retard, man up

I support their right to exist and am an advocate for LGBTQIAPK+ equality

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Not inherently bad. I do wonder whether all the cases are really biological in origin though.

They're not, most trannies are AGP hons

lame. you will remain a nerd forever with that attitude.
going into submissive mode just like 2020

>going into submissive mode
it must be, but like goddamn, his only good argument is that the only democrat centrist to win in recent history has been Bill Clinton.

guy is such a weak bitch

I just wanted to watch cute anime girls do cute things

Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider, boys go to Mars to get more candybars

Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider, boys go to Mars to kill blacks and jews

yeah well...up your butt, round the corner, up the tube and OUT YOUR BOOB!!!

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I know. That’s why I’m so upset

I heard girls go to college to get more knowledge and boys go to jupiter to get more stupider.

forgive me bros, but i just do not like white people.

HOLY fucking BASED would vote for I just don't like non-white "people"

I despise African Americans

going to start drinking my rolling rock

wtf did elon musk do to you???

umm it was Charlize Theron...

I don't like you, either.

i hope gringos DIE

i wish for the death of all chicanos

seems like the type.

sorry you had to go through that user. they are a rowdy bunch



always a disappointment when a get is in some moonrune language