/mena/ :

نسخة بقرة فاقع لونها

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trips for (((saudi))) civil war



why the neets are acting asleep
its 1;30 on a friday...
or is it the jannys that shoaed everything


انت يهودي؟

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Tell me your prediction

roll for zionist civil war

هو عربي إسرائيلي


maybe i was a jew in 1942 collaborating with adolf and putting them in ovens

bibi and trump wouldn't give up that easily ""he hasn't been meeting with evangicucks for nothing""" so its for the deep (((Saudi))) state who has loyalaties to the BIG princes to act.

i'm not really betting on saudi ppl though they're spoiled and fat and need sometime if ever to act

the wahhabis need to see something extra fucking ordinary to do anything too

Where is the qatari twink ? I miss him

I read you article, I think it's gonna divide the house of saud and don't forget salman doesn't have 100% power and his uncle he arrested has a fuckton of power. pic related

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what is the ideology of the saudi deep state

its probably mixed
60-70% at least would be against how much (((mbs))) is turning the country from wahhabi&sunni powerhouse to a copy of UAE.

but the problem must of them are too comfy to do anything
but the humilations of symbols will rub them the wrong way for sure.

shit is gonna be interesting for suuure
aljazeera is hyyyping it because they know its gold

i will read it later
both of them are top tier for sure.
its going to be "comfy living" + bibi + trump for (((mbs)).
degeredation of the saud family and the principles that've been for years.

civiiiiil war if shit happens in the correct way.

we might see HIJAZ on the map soon kek

>aljazeera is hyyyping it because they know its gold
>we might see HIJAZ on the map soon kek
yeah they probably plan on giving it to jordan again
but I have a feeling iran and turkey will come to fuck shit up lol

al-jazeera lol

and idc w/e happens i want sauds to be beheaded one prince after another

I mean link
>and idc w/e happens i want sauds to be beheaded one prince after another
yeah isil bvlls will be doing that

I like the fact that i'm white but the sun here is so fucking brutal I turned into niggerboi
now I can choose to be black or white

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T.sandnigger/nafri mutt

ليش ما تجد هون صور حلوات عربية

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i fell asleep why did janny khara delete old thread

كسم فلسثيز

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وين القحيب

t.butthurt shia

Did you just assume that Saudi is better as a wahabi state than a UAE type state ?
You are really retarded

كس اخت اذان الفجر، اخوات القحبة ما فهمت ليش حاطين جامع جنب البيت و بكل الحارة ما في ولا واحد بيصلي
ايري بالله عالاقل يجيبو مأذن بيعرف يغني

haha cucked

>muh fakelestine is free and hijaz goes to the british mutt in jordan fantasy again
You are really the most retarded person to talk politics kek.
But it is expected from someone who doesn't have a nation to fail at understanding these things.

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record it btw

your crown prince just did another purge

We have
>majoosi niggers that can take out half your oil production for shits and giggles, with no consequences
>qat niggers in the south ready to chimp out inside your borders
>militia niggers in iraq ready to go and take riyadh
>a big shia population that hates gulf monarchies right on your biggest oil field
>solid network of isis sleeper cells in najd ready to blow up shiites (like 2015)
>prisons full of pro isis shaykhs & sunni population that hates al saud
>qatar & turkish army on your border
>a jewish & russian plot to support jordanian hejaz
>small isis and shiite hezbolat al hijaz presence in hejaz, wanting to take holy sites (as revenge for quassem cucklimany)
>a palace coup and ale saud division currently going on (mbs chimp out)
>oil prices going down
>virus pandemic
>economic slowdown, probable crash

you're surrounded by enemies, everyone hates ale saud, you're fucked its just a matter of when not if, you got 2 years tops kiddo

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جبو جنتر من العراق؟

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خلص الاذان
بكرا بسجلك ياه

>secular state
>old man shouting his koran still allowed
how annoying is it?

>unironically believes syria is a secular state
I kek'd

>secular alawite state
>assad funds sunni ashari islam to oppose sunni athari islam

Is it safe to visit syria as a salafi bvll?

will you support balkanization of Syria?

Depends on where you want to go
If you wanna go to your salafi friends in idlib then no, it's obviously not safe
If you want to go to overment-controlled cities then it's safe as long as you keep your mouth shut and don't complain

Of course not. But it is gonna happen whether i like it or not

>vitamin C
>paint mask
>alcohol gel
>lysol spray
>tons of rice/beans/lentils

Am I ready?
Are you ready?

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based. it's necessary to prevent greater syria bro

Should I, me, a based salafi accept to become the sexual slave of a hijabi?

ur not based ur just another skrawny arab but yea would be nice

>prevent greater syria
No, greater syria is the only thing that can truly save the region
Too bad the SSNP has strayed away from its original concept and goals

Will the regime allow refugees back in?
What kind of hijabi would ask you to be her sex slave?
are u a big guy?

Neck yourself ssnp faggot
>What kind of hijabi would ask you to be her sex slave
All women are whores, nothing special about her

>incompetent Syrians in charge of a state filled with Palestinians
not particularly


They will, then either send them to sednaya latet or recruit them into the army

محمدك على زبي

Can't stop thinking about the fact we were so close to bashars palace in 2014/2015 nusrabros

I genuinely despise bashar desu, but when i see people like you i can't blame bashar for bombing sunnis

and you want them in my country fuck you nigga

I dont them anywhere
Which leaf are you ? The salafi ?


no the normal leb one. if syria takes over lebanon lebanese will have to deal with sunnis terrorists on top of iranian puppets and more Palestinians. Use them to rebuild Syria maybe Lebanon could send all the Palestinian rapefugees to Syria

I agree with everything you said, but you gotta understand that a rebuild is impossible under such retarded regime
I don't want syria to take over lebanon, and i opposed the intervention of hafez in the lebanese war. Nonetheless i still believe that the levant is one country that has been balkanized

aren't they negotiating with Assad for a new constitution? Assad might be winning the war but if he could sign a deal to end it now he would but most rebels seem too dumb to realize that. They could have the Prime minister position elected and with more power.
>Levant is one country
my definition of Levant doesn't include the desert areas maybe the coasts sure but those people deep in there are crazy. From Lebanon to Hatay state would be alright but i wouldn't want to to too much inside the continent


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I already said yes