yank edition
i love fanny
not really how it works is it
will the great unpaid one show us mercy?
Rec me some good ASMR bints de lads
was just about to link to this post in the last edition
baffling isn't it
for me its primrose
might eat some toast
such hot and wet lumpy farts
Willing to get into a long-winded argument with someone
3 2 1
let it rippppppppppppppppppppppp
my right hand smells like poo cause i had a poo and wiped with my right hand and washed it but it still smells of poo
name one thing (1) he said wrong here.
no seriously, prove him wrong.
Reply to this post or your mother will die In her sleep tonight.
Coronochan was created by remainers to delay Brexit
didn't get to save those breast pictures in the last thread
Why do british singers sound american?
Listening to Ellie Goulding and she sounds like a yank, same for the Joy Division singer, Oasis and many more?
men like to eat, if you're skinny you should probably get your hormones checked out
Well he was wrong right off the bat in assuming that the English language isn't English
just wanked to escorts on adult work in my area
definitely considering paying £150 or so to shag them for an hour
because the beatles did it then from then on it became the standard.
enjoying this little slut rn
>name one thing (1) he said wrong here.
>no seriously, prove him wrong.
Love a nice bit of food, love a few drinks and love some sex with women. It’s just that simple really.
what? ian curtis sounds english
Listen to the Subhumans and tell me they sound like seppos
the gf got me an alpaca
do your mog your dad?
Gotta agree with you there mikey my lad
Doing a poo
Continental Europeans do learn British English by and large. It's clear his only experience with "ESL"s are the spics browning your country from the inside, his anecdote about France is rubbish.
You should do that lad. Not only will it be a nice experience for you but it will improve your confidence.
the eastern euros are like 70 quid mate
Wish i could spend all day happy as larry watching anime and playing video games like when i was 10. Sad that i grew out of it
In awe of my heterosexuality
american singers adopt briddish features like dropping their r's as well
It's harder to stay in character when you're singing
thoughts on nuclear energy de lads?
yes but my dad's 5'9 and a former jockey
Very Insular argument he had indeed
Which is understandable but there was no need for his arrogance
the gf's twat smells of poo
yeah but isn't that the dream of every father?
The recipe for happiness
You can’t chat with eastern euros like you can with English girls though can you. There’s nothing there like. They’re like robots
how can you think joy division sounds american?
he is literally right
but seething english cunts will cry about it
praying to my lord and saviour allah. inshallah
i could easily do that everyday and die happy the problem is money
no thanks 2bh
need my bollocks inside a reactor asap
it's based but cringe people won't allow it
*braaps a litre of poo"
>that feel when i could have kicked the shit out of your dad at 17
late beatles made a point of singing in a strong scouse accent
will provide most of the world's energy in a few decades
Almost a head taller than my dad but still a turbomanlet.
>he is literally right
>but seething english cunts will cry about it
he means people like adele etc
Na not really, my dad is 6’2 whilst I’m 6’0 also in awe of his work ethic if I’m honest, proper mans man been a self employed carpenter all his life and built a successful business whilst I’m an office runt
i've had sex before, just going through a dry spell at the moment
would rather not
the national grid will be powered by the wind and the waves, and the cars will be powered by hydrogen
Made that so I did. Still fucked up the fingers. Bothers me to this day
crying like you're crying now?
not entirely sure about this
Nibbly pig got on a bus
chernobyl was keeno n its based
keanu reeves is an autist but he's a based autist
You know occasionally I feel the need to relax and post like you mongs do here, but then I realize this is actually the extent of your behavioral capacity. This is literally what you do all day, with absolutely no other preoccupations or productive output in your lives, huh? Jesus fucking christ. I think I have this realization every time I come here, and it takes me about 7 months to forget. In awe.
If the gyro pays the rent and all you could easily live on noodles and cheap fizzy drinks and wallow in your anime den your whole life apart from the jobseekers meeting every thursday
My response turns it back on to you. I'm immune. :^)
Dad died 11 months before I was born, never met him to know. Mum says I'm a bit shorter.
imagine having a 20-something-yo son that doesn't mog you
you'd probably cheer me on
No I am agreeing with him
Wasn’t implying you were a virgin or anything lad was just saying you should, it’s good.
>Woohoo! You've got a new match!
>open tinder immediately to see
>she's already unmatched
>11 months before I was born
Hold on a second...
ah yes adele
famously the joy division singer
mikey wojak craftsman
Well to me he does, apart maybe when he says "Center", but to me he still does, especially when he says "more" or "floor".
how old was she in deathly hollows?
mog my mum
I want to fuck the girl from ed edd n eddy
just imagined seeing an escort
shed suck me off for 2 sucks and then id cum and fall over
the way to go
I'm getting kicked out of my flat for shouting 'GAMERS RISE' at 3am
love my dad me, couldn’t ask for a better role model
hope I’m as good to my kids one day
calm down he froze his sperm ffs
happened to me twice this week
>Dad died 11 months before I was born
this is a good one
I know of travellers who have married like English girls and the girls have adopted the traveller lifestyle. Even dress like travellers.
It's probably a bot.
>shed suck me off for 2 sucks and then id cum
usually you won't be able to cum from a bj
mandatory condom doesn't help either
need to stop fapping to tranners
love having sex with members of the opposite sex
gonna put that on
giant tune
by mog i didn't are you taller than him
i meant are you better than him. a better man, done more, whatever
Yes brutally, apart from his nose that is thinner and more aerodynamic than mine.
Not uncommon, most women follow their husbands
finally, a good post
mate id probably cum when she opens the door
I wish I could cum from 2 sucks. Finding it harder and harder to cum as of late
how do traveller women dress different from your typical scally slag?
any saint helena man in
don't think anyone posting here is better than a mad who has reproduced
you don't have to go
just need to give the willy a good tugging like
nothing to struggle with it's just having a nice cum
>a better man, done more
nah, the deathgrip and porn addicted willy will have trouble
Very true. I’d prefer to settle down with a nice English girl to be honest but the only problem is they’re all fucked in the head
yeah because /brit/ is a bastion of neurotypicality.
from the look of her mid-30s
planning on how to explain that to the parents when you beg them to let you stay with them?
My dad was deployed to Northern Ireland and personally skulled 17 paddies, bought back a pickled ear of one of the paddies he sliced off and kept as a sovuenir
My response ;).
I always see anglos and americans seething about being monolingual on this board
Why are you like this?
/brit/ is a shagger general
simple really
Blowjobs don’t put enough pressure on the willyard for me. Just feels like a warm wet hole.
Aye you ain’t wrong mate, there are still a few good ones out there though, it’s definitely slim pickings our days.
dont have either of those
I am 6'2, and 70kg!
didn't need dad to do anything other than provide a safe warm gaff for me and his other offspring to grow up in
mother was there for the lovey-dovey nutrturing stuff
angela white or yasmin scott, who should i wank to
clogwog mate, i think you got lost
let me help you find your way home
trot on back where you belong now
What are you on about?
any recommendations on picking a bird out?
the polls have been done. most people here are virgins.
Won't be replying to that post if she dies i get the house and can quit my job and live comfortably on 73 quid a week
Britbongs mad about some burger spitting the truth. God we should have never bailed you out of WW2. This thread would be in German right now.
ah yes, you cum mostly from sex and not from wanking, like everyone on 4channel
not really a fair contest though is it, theyve had 20+ years on most of us. Unless you're famous and/or your dad is a junkie loser then thats not possible
haha I wouldn't know mate I'm afraid you're talking to the wrong poster
doing a view
Well I personally don't care but you can understand
it's like every other person can speak two languages but we can only speak one
everyone else has a secret language and wants to learn our one
Just the way it is these days innit. There would be some nice girls out there like it’s just a matter of finding them innit.
Fellas, Angela White or Yasmin Scott
he's deliberately misusing the word 'seething' to try and start an argument and kill some time
he's lonely
uh mate, may I direct you to THIS post: If you don't like it that's literally why /britfeel/ exists
how does wanking = deathgrip and porn addiction? it seems like you are projecting your own problems to me
Feels better if you grab the back of her head and fuck her mouth
Brits are too sensitive, the slightest disagreement sends them on a hissy fit
rate my new outfit
Anything warm and wet counts in my book. Male or female don't care.
seems a bit rude
would far rather let her do all the work
lazy lazy bait
angela white
Is real mikey still a virgin or did that change while i was away
Not much could possibly be going on in poland so i understand that
>yanks have to speak with a british accent and add a 'u' to all their words otherwise no one understands them
oh my days the utter state of the united states of america
with his uncles he's no virgin
I just mean your willy is used to your hand, and your hand is a lot tighter than any mouth or cunt
simple as, but you'd know that if you weren't an incel
>hissy fit
speak your own language mate
Thinking I'm gonna have two tabs open, one Angela White and one Yasmin Scott and wank to both of them
I don't know, I think he copped a shag
So did Lachlan funnily enough
2020 is the year of the virginity loss it seems
Sadly this is true
They have a massive chip on their shoulders about americans and constantly attack americans because of this
in reality "yanks" give no fuck about brits beyond harry potter or something
lmao it’s the opposite mate, being a cunt to each other is british culture
everyone is a miserable cunt on this island yanks truly do not understand banter
everything as it should be
I tend to pick English birds because you can chat to them. As for looks and that just depends what you like in the moment innit. Be careful though. I was shagging some 30 something year old English lass there a couple of weeks ago and she start talking about her kids and that. She cracked me up kek
Mis apologies señor
the monolingual masterrace strikes AGAIN
dont think about yanks at all tbqh
>at all relevant
lmao now you're really grasping for straws. btw tell me where the un is headquartered?
You're literally talking about yanks
vaginas feel much nicer than a hand
that looks painful
>This thread would be in German right now.
thats not really an insult though
yanks are so insular its shocking
ah yes the bird Yas Forums is always ranting and raving about
close any webm the second I identify a chinese factory or russian road
In some aspects yes, many others not, but at my age he was not as good as me.
So yes.
Have tried that a few times. It’s quite good.
seen this before, quite sad
mental how many industrial accidents ive seen posted from over there
liebes deutschland
>yanks have to speak with a british accent in an international organisation in their own country otherwise no one can comprehend them
oh my days
Just had to filter /ex-yu/ again. Every time I scroll down the first page they're there with a black queen in the OP. Can't put the genie back in the bottle after that, end up having a wank every time.
>he doesn't realise English isn't even legally the official language of the UK
absolute state
tbf mate if you were going for traveller girls I would assume you have to worry about the farther more? English girls these days have free reign, if I were a pikey I would do the same
isn't her boyfriend a borderline sexual harrasser who walks around gyms with his erections and takes pictures of it?
my willy is on a hair trigger mate i go off like a 15 year old boy
> nicer
not really the point is it mate
>the monolingual masterrace strikes AGAIN
I find it hard to blame them
They're only really taught about themselves in school, for example, and while they have a profound global presence their point of view is very inward-looking
I think less than 50% have a passport or something
the massive LiveLeak watermark in the corner could also shy me away
>brit mentions yanks
>I reply to the post mentioning yanks
>haha you thought about yanks
for me, thats when i expand the webm
I don’t understand what you mean.
Much easier to cum from a hand though
ok sounds pretty simple 2bh
STILL talking about yanks oh my days
clogwog has never had sex with a woman without paying for it.
17 is prime age tbf
i do not deserve this
Yanks are little wanks
cleveland-esque cities skylines creation turning out very peng lads
deserve what lad
knock off a year
(reminder: 16 is legal)
oh no no no
what's up lad?
Dosent the farther have more control over their daughters in the travelling community than the average Englishman?
Got some new speakers. Gonna tempt mr shekelberg, landlord. see how he likes em
I know I’ll get called a nonce or whatever for this but 16 is the prime female age. It’s the truth innit.
feel so clean like a money machine