Why is the Afro-American community so retarded compared to others?

Out of all black communities, they're always the ones WE WUZZING, asking for reparations, and bear most the time the worst stereotypes of Blacks worldwide. Afro-Europeans are not like that. They're even more lazy than Native Africans, because for instance my great parents that live in Africa built themselves their own private villa with all the struggle where they live. And Afro-Europeans are not Dindus.

What happens in USA?

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African-Americans are literally the only reason why people in Europe like you. Have some respect

Fuck out of here, African Americans are the ONLY reason blacks are appreciated world wide.

Now shut your ass up and stream The Box for true African American experiece.


I lived in Europe and nearly all the youth especially Africans were larping as Afro Americans which speaks volumes.

Lmao no, For instance slavery abolition started in Europe BEFORE America, and in France they even had African Generals during the Revolution or people in the Parliament prior. So you don't make any sense.

>Typical American arrogance.

But either way yes, I'm gonna add that song to my Playlist lmao.

>Euro-Africans were giving right by their massa
>African-Americans DEMANDED and FOUGHT for their rights
Clearly, we all know who's the basedest of them all here

>africans general during the revolution
Like who ?

Bullshit. That's the same case. And do I have to remind you that Haiti freed himself with revolting (Toussaint L'ouverture/Dessalines)? Decolonization was the same. Afro-Americans were low class in USA until 1965. Decolonization happened for most African countries later 50s early 60s.
Stop glorifying Afro-Americans as they're better than Euros because it's wrong.

>so retarded compared to others

If that were true so many people wouldn’t try to copy their culture.

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Open a book.
Served Royalist Army , then First French Republic as general.

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African-americans are literally the WORST blacks and one of the big reasons why racism against blacks is so common. Your blacks are fucking scum.

>asking for reparations

Just like Poles, then.

Class mindset often doesn't disappear even when certain individuals make a class upgrade, and black americans probably had a worse environment than most black diasporas.


COOOOOOOOOOOOOPE every black population in foreign countries LARP through african american culture. Drake being a prime example, a half Jew fucking Canadian who never group up in the hood acting like a hard American nigga LOL

I dont know maybe cuz they wuz kangz...or that no one here wants to call out their retardation...

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I really like African-American culture but this Hebrew Israelite and we wuz kangz shit really needs to stop.

>every black population in foreign countries LARP through african american culture
We don't. And the few Afro-Europeans I've met also don't.

the social safety net in the u.s actually blows. our education blows, truancy runs rampant. entire communities since the early 1900s have been boxed in to survive only through drug dealing, making them the perfect hunting ground for people trying to fill up our huge private prison industry. black americans have had a shitty hand one after the other for centuries now. luckily, things have gotten better for the past 20+ years and blacks have been starting going to college and running businesses at a pretty normal average rate. Eventually they will have generations who can inherit properties and high paying position be raised outside of super ghettos with decent educations across the board. but america is america, their will always be a poor lower class that gets used and abused.

This, african americans fought harder than ANY other black population to the point we are now making films with them as leads, all over sports, and charting the highest on the billboards. That's African American impact, nobody else. Infact the first ever black lead in a film, was an American black which helped ease the racism for them worldwide.

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LMFAO that's why Americans look up every time to native African culture, despite not even knowing where they're from, throwing and claiming some random African tribe name because they saw it on TV.
The Black Panther movie is unironically the proof of that Afro-Americans ignorance and autism toward Africans.

It's like those white Americans who always say I'm 100% ethnic German or Irish or French or whatever the fuck country they want to claim fuck outta here your entire country is Garbage.

Well off and educated Africans in Europe are recent arrivals that put hard work into leaving their country but their children will eventually become Americanized and begin to act the same

What an absolute lie, every brazilian black i've known acts ridiculously americanized, even the faggots use American black faggot lingo.

He's not african.

From a cultural standpoint (and I talk African culture as a whole) this movie is unironically the worst example you could post. Still a great enjoyable movie though, but the way they depict African culture is typical American autism.

The majority of European africans are literally house nigs (and majority of them recent migrants), while the majority of American ones were stolen from their lands and stripped of their identity.

I like Africans because they often have a big pp. Too bad most of them are cut, tho.

Where do you think blacks from the Antilles come from dumbass

It's a goddamn fantasy movie from a comicbook. Do you think Asgard exist? lol

>stripped of their identity

How do you strip someone of their melanin?

Mutt's law has interchangeably disguised itself as bait it's out of control damn

Tell that to your black comrades

Tell that to your black cumrags

Are you dumb? Well behaving and not being a complete loud mouth lazy retard doesn't mean being a House Negro. You're full of shit. We also have Afro-Euros doing retard stuff but most of them living in Europe are totally way better than you.

Asgard is from Nordic mythology so it's based on Real facts. Wakanda is pure autism and like
>Hey let us throw all African cultures to clearly show its Africa in a country.

Your identity is a combination of your nation, your culture and your language. Basing your identity off skin pigmentation means your identity has been butchered and you're trying to latch on to something to cope with.

Didn't know Haiti was in Europe
>Stop glorifying Afro-Americans as they're better than Euros because it's wrong.
African Americans

A few blacks dressed in african attire, so? didn't hear anyone bitch about whites dressing up in thor shit. Sounds like you have more problems with blacks having their own fantasy movie than anything else.

I'm Bavaryan. Does that mean I'm black?

>Failed to get an ethnostate
>Still lives in massa's country
>Lowest of the low in US social structure
>Look at muh cool media niggaz on TV we wuz kangz

As a gay lefty Bavaryan, I love ALL my brothers all over the world no matter their race - except for muslims.

Are blacks Germanic/Celtic?

Negro, please. We're nowhere near being Americanized, that's why samba, pagode and funk carioca pretty much define our entire culture.

African-Americans have 0 African culture. In Brazil we preserved the music, cuisine and even ancient pagan religions straight out of Africa.


>african americans fought harder than ANY other black population
No, you didn't. The only reason you're being worshiped nowadays is because Anglo-Saxons are huge into BBC cuckolding. Brazilian blacks invented a martial arts specifically to kill Europeans and establish a free colony where they freed other slaves and even captured white women, some of them even deliberately escape to those colonies to escape their husbands.


>asgard is from nordic mythology so it's based on real facts
No it's not, Asgardians themselves are just advanced aliens, and thor's father is literally a "colonizer" who gained his wealth by destroying other cultures, it has no connection to norse at all

God I hope so.

looks like a group of real fun lads there.

Gay lefty Bavaryan here. How can I get a cute smooth Brazilian twink bf? Exotic skin preferred.

>lack reading comprehension
>miss the point about basketball-americans think wakanda is real we wuzzing hard
>you must be racist
So are you half, quadroon, octoroon or completely black?

Stolen from native African + rap/gang/crime
I'll give you that
Lmao watch every top Afro-Americans artist and how they dress/LARP as African
Peanut Butter, Baked Spaghetti, KFC, Watermelons and Kool-aid is not too tier meal.
You mean destroying English language to act cool? Ok

>we're not americanized
>brazilian artist with most weeks at #1
>mariah carey
kek, I can literally go on twitter right now, and more than HALF of those popstar worshipping fags (ariana grande, beyonce, katy perry, taylor swift, justin bieber, shawn mendes etc) are majority Brazilians they constantly randomly speak in portuguese at times. Stop the lying.

am*ricans aren't human

Dude are you fucking kidding me? Thor, Loki, Odin and all that Nordic stuff is from the Nordic mythology which is some Equivalent of Greco-Roman mythology.

Still not african.

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So? Black panther used REAL african groups even if they portrayed them differently, what's your point? Thor did the same shit. Marvel Thor has almost nothing to do with Norse mythology and is more comparable to Superman (kryptonians) than Norse.

We have the best black diaspora.

ONLY in Sao Paulo, that is a cucked state (whites are we wuz italians and niggers are we wuz from Brooklyn)

Shut the fuck up. Without black Americans you would not be in France. Any black persons who shits in black Americans in the “wed get more respect if it weren’t for them anericans) are ahistorical as fuck. No exceptions.

>negro thread
>Becomes a fight about WAKANDA

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Those cucked brazilians are from Sao Paulo nigga.
Real brazilians listen axe Bahia, forro, sertanejo, funk favela and samba

that movie blew ass. the america scenes sucked cock

You're not any better, inbred maghrebi.


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Quilombolas used to capture black and native slaves too, retarded.

Stop believing im the muh niggar freedom fantasy

COOOOOOOOOOPE american artist sell out all over Brazil nig.

>listening to music from America means you're Americanized
Please. I listen to American music from time to time but practice 0 American culture irl, also this You will never find Brazilian churrascos playing American music EVER.

you like thievery corporation?

They're both basically movies using elements from real life history but completely dunked in fanfiction. There isn't a big difference.

>You're not any better, inbred maghrebi.

Nafris are often cute and smooth

>you would not be in France
>Implying that's a bad thi-
You have no proofs of that. Stop being emotional.

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blacks do not have any actual history beyond being savage tribes and some of them being slaves for various groups of people
wakanda is the most hilarious larp i've ever seen

Ive never listened amerikans music here in my state. We listen to forró e axé bahia


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>I hate Blacks but can't stop listening Black music

Why are westoid like this?

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>other niggas think they can compete with American
Niggas pls

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Everything is real good actually.

Did you even read the link I posted?

>Quilombos were communities in Brazil founded by individuals of African descent who escaped slavery. Members of quilombos often returned to plantations or towns to encourage their former fellow Africans to flee and join the quilombos. If necessary, they brought others by force and sabotaged plantations. Anyone who came to quilombos on their own were considered free, but those who were captured and brought by force were considered slaves and continued to be so in the new settlements. They could be considered free if they were to bring another captive to the settlement. Women were also targets of capture, including black, white, Indian and mulatas, who were forcibly relocated to Palmares. Some women, however, fled voluntarily to Palmares to escape abusive spouses and/or masters. Since small in numbers, men were also recruited to join Palmares and even Portuguese soldiers fleeing forced recruitment were sought out.

>Palmares was established around 1605 by 40 enslaved central Africans who fled to the heavily forested hills that parallel the northern coast of Brazil. Here they instituted a free settlement they called Little Angola, which would grow to be the greatest community of escaped slaves in the Americas. Portuguese authorities called this area Palmares, due to its many palm trees, and were locked in deadly clashes with it for much of the 17th century.

>Quilombo dos Palmares was a self-sustaining kingdom of Maroons escaped from the Portuguese settlements in Brazil. At its height, Palmares had a population of more than 30,000. Palmares developed into a confederation of 11 towns, spanning rugged mountainous terrain in frontier zones across the present day states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. Palmares was an autonomous state based on African political and religious customs that supported itself though means of agriculture, fishing, hunting, gathering, trading, and raiding nearby Brazilian plantations and settlements.

Your culture is the white protestant culture adapted. Has 0 influence from Africa

We really need to kill faggots.

considering they all have part white genes I would expect american blacks to be superior

You sound unloved and incelic and I am not interested in you because you're probably ugly.

Shut the fuck up davido go to bed

Nigga pls, Brazilian niggas WISH they could produce such art.

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ah fuck
you post on Yas Forums too?

How did you know?

I think you did tell me at one point but I had forgotten until now
t. noticer

No, they're simpleton west african emulating black US street gangs

American Blacks working and living in France in the early 20th century were the only blacks in France outside very few from the Caribbean and even fewer from Africa. You’d think they’d let your parents Congo ass inside if they had no precedent?

My nipples are SO erect right now.