Cuisines in Europe rankings 2020

Cuisines in Europe rankings 2020

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Nice try, but no.

shut up czechik


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its spot on, ask any good chef or food critic

i'd rather eat finnish food than czech, you fucking pigs, learn to eat something else besides sugar, both you and slovaks

Sorry mate, would rather have roast beef than frogs legs.

Unironically fuck off

Raggmunk is delicious

full breakfast, fish and chips and pies

sound like some nazi metal band

pretty good

ya and i'd rather have beef bourguignon than a water sandwich, goes both ways

>water sandwich
that was eaten during the great depression, with lard. And it was American.

mm beuf bourguignon

Biased as fuck

>Dutch cuisine yellow instead of red
Absolutely based Czech
Keep seething EE and Northern Europe

Based Czechia.
I love you.

Spain and Turkey should be blue and Germany red

Never thought about that before.

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Put UK in red, Turkey in blue at the very least

Lol go eat a chip butty you faggot

English is red

What makes Belgian chocolate cuisine better than Dutch cuisine?

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throw this whole shit chart out

hungary, czech republic, belgium yellow
uk red
turkey, spain blue

>copy of others
But no other cuisine is like Dutch cuisine.

>water sandwich


Turkish cuisine is pretty based, ngl
I also liked Polish food, I ate like a king in Breslau and it was cheap as fuck.
Germany being middle tier is okay, but we haven't copied other countries.
The UK being rated as blue instead of red must be a meme, but well...
Never heard of Hungarian cuisine to be honest.

And what is the difference between Polish and Czech cuisine?

What do you even do other than put weird shit in mashed potatoes and make the occasional sausage? I'm genuinely asking.

>Never heard of Hungarian cuisine

Goulash and paprikash? Aren't those world famous dishes?

Oh... Yes. Of course. Sorry, it's so common I forgot. I have a few Hungarian friends and when they talk about domestic food, I only get Paprika stuff and Goulash. What else? That alone isn't blue tier worthy if you ask me.


Eh, I made this two days ago. Which probably is also eaten across Europe, but whatever.

But we have of course lots of mashed veggies and potatoes, we have lots of unique fast food, lots of bakeries, some fish dishes, some cheeses and diary products like vla. Lots of festive food.

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We have lots of shit like this, as you said.

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Breakfast cake

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I unironically do this like twice a week.

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My favorite food is cauliflower in bechamel sauce. But for some reason I think the French might be responsible for that.

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Irish food is nice and hearty, it’s just kind of bland I suppose. There is nothing bad tasting about meat and veg stews, roast dinners and such. Simple meals but tasty, healthy and filling

>bong food is good tier

>czech food is much better than poland and slovakia

it's literally the same

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I'm sure the bongs can appreciate kibbeling

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Stew pears in wine with cinnamon is very Dutch

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Putting stringy meat kroketten on bread with mustard is quite Dutch.

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Germany also eats Christmas bread. But ours also has almond in the center.

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Dutch oliebollen (oil balls) were the original recipe on which the American doughnuts are based.

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bros what is he doing

What we're famous for.

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Dutch people and Indonesians share a common recipe. Spekkoek. A mix of cuisines.

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>UK that high

otherwise Italian is the best, it's the only thing they're good at

I appreciate you giving some examples. Looks fairly comfy, if inelegant. I don't think I'll ever understand the northern Euro insistence on completely peeling every potato though. The skins add so much flavor.

Foreigners know stroopwafels, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. Cookie is actually a Dutch loanword in English. Because we have lots of cookies.

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This is oversimplified and ridiculous. Of course you added your own country to the list. This seems like a huge waste of time for no reason.

I could go on for a while, but I think I spammed enough. Our food is quite different from the rest of europe. Of course there is some overlap with French, German and British food, but it's not the majority of things.

The kind of thing that someone once naively thought this board would actually be used for.

What do Spain and Portugal copy? I thought they just ate a lot of seafood. Also, I love paella and bacalhau.

Cauliflower casserole with minced meat at the bottom and potato slices on top is also very popular here. But I think that's actually Italian?

reddit-tier opinion

What do Czechs eat? Other than american cock that is

Sorry, I have to add my favorite sandwich. Filet Americain with egg sandwich.

The original Filet Americain was a Belgian dish that was basically raw tartar eaten with fries. But we turned it into a bread spread.

If you buy a sandwich like this in the stores, there is a 30% chance you'll eat a sandwich with 10 times more bacteria than they are legally allowed to sell you. Due to it being raw meat. But it's still pretty tasty.

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