The channel tunnel was the greatest infrastructure project that the human race has ever achieved. An island separated by 22 miles of water is now connected to the European continent via rail and car.
Prove me wrong?
The channel tunnel was the greatest infrastructure project that the human race has ever achieved. An island separated by 22 miles of water is now connected to the European continent via rail and car.
Prove me wrong?
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Yeah it's a great achievement
Imagine explaining the channel tunnel to a British or French person in the middle ages during one of our many wars. It would absolutely blow their minds.
china will make something greater but terrifying
Indeed, a glorious achievement. Now invading France when the time comes will be 10 times easier.
Not quite to be frank, the idea of a tunnel to connect UK to the continent has been a very old idea.
But anyway, let's talk about the franco british union and the crucial need to stop Germany from conquering Europe once again.
>Seikan Tunnel
>the same, but longer, deeper and in a seismoactive zone
based! leave the EU and let's make this a reality
it should have happened before but de gaulle robbed us of a glorious future
shut up you weeb freak
when you take into consideration the history between Britain and France then the channel tunnel is still better
Did you too watch the B1M?
its been a long time in both since last white government, now in both countries it's the same nation
>The channel tunnel was the greatest infrastructure project that the human race has ever achieved
There are longer tunnels in operation so it's kind of a weird thing to claim.
Arch nemeses learn more about each other through their indifference. hundreds of years of conflict has fostered an unbreakable bond bound by bloodshed between france and britain. I am proud to have shared so much of my peoples' history with my continental brothers.
underwater tunnels?
it's not just about the length of tunnel though, you need to take into context britain and france being at war against eachother for 1000 years beforehand
>There are longer tunnels in operation
Not under the sea.
It's not that impressive. Call me when you make a space elevator or something.
>no EU flag
jealous of our bromance
fuck the EU
>implying we needed EU to make the channel tunnel, the concorde, airbus, ariane etc
fuck off leech
should build another one for netherlands/belgium too desu. more links the better
the germ menace must be stopped
Based image. Textbook worthy.
Cringe image. Tabloid worthy.
underwater tunnel between belgium and the netherlands?
Without the EU the continent would be plagued by wars, conflicts and no joint international project could be started. It's sad how people underestimate EU's role in bringing peace to Europe.
Tbf, every tunnel between Belgium and the Netherlands will be underwater in a couple of decades.
mon frère :)
>what is nuclear deterrence
>no joint international project could be started.
I just listed the most famous ones, but yeah unfortunately poland was never involved for some reason
>I just listed the most famous ones,
they all happened in the EU or its predecessors.
Don't forget the Concorde
I'd say you're probably right.
>should build another one for netherlands/belgium
quintessential yank post, no other flag could ever say this
look at a map you fucking mong
i meant from the UK to either NL or BE. That way a train/car ride from anywhere in the UK to NL/BE doesnt have to go through france and it would further be good for trade probably
"Peace in Europe" has nothing to do with EU, it's just lame propaganda, and those joint projects are strictly from capable country to capable country, zero shekel from NL was put in the Concorde project.
the concorde was fucking based, i was young at the time but i can still remember seeing one of the last concorde flights in the air
it's no coincidence that the peak of human achievement projects all involve anglo-french co-operation
I would like that actually but we have some very expensive and rather controversial rail projects on at the moment like Crossrail and HS2, so there probably won't be a push for another generation at least I don't think for something on the scale of that
>comparing pound's value from 19th century to its value in 21st century
that's Daily Mail-tier
>from the UK to either NL or BE
you can already get a direct train from London to Brussels and Amsterdam via the channel tunnel
building a separate tunnel avoiding France would be pointless and a waste of money
Get fucked. Peace in europe is down to America essentially garrisoning europe.
The economic area created by the EU is crucial to peace in Europe. Retards like yourself are too stupid to grasp that nuclear deterrence without economoc cooperation results in standoffs like the US and USSR in the Cold War.
it would significantly decrease the transit time. Looked up it takes 4 hours from London to amsterdam so a direct tunnel would half that. Also what if you were going to hamburg from london? Add potential shipping benefits. It could be a little redundant. But assuming you can build whatever shit you want for whatever benefit you can also add a normandy or brest tunnel to UK
I think they're constant prices not current, a quick google says tower bridge cost £1.184 million to build but it's in the pic it's given as £235 million
there are like 20 flights a day between heathrow and amsterdam (and many other regional airports like birmingham and manchester with 10+ flights a day)
these flights take somewhere between 60-90 minutes depending on the airport
that's more than quick than enough, there is no demand for what you are suggesting and you don't have a clue about europe
>The channel tunnel was the greatest infrastructure project that the human race has ever achieved.
Incorrect, there's only one man-made Megastructure in the world.
>nuclear deterrence without economoc cooperation results in standoffs like the US and USSR in the Cold War.
And ? It worked afaik, and it still works, economic cooperation is a totally different topic.
ah ok
it didn't work tho, the US and USSR made an arms race and waged proxy wars against each other until one side collapsed. If you're enough of an edgy faggot to consider this a preferable state to economic unification like in the EU, kys.
>ah ok
not an argument faggot
also I'm not Israeli, just visiting
>And ? It worked afaik
>peace kept by the constant balance of stockpiles of world-ending weapons is just as good as peace kept through peaceful and mutually beneficial integration
The aggressive way was (and will always be) much better. It led to the space race, the computer race, and much more, and it benefited to everyone. You prefer the "friendly economic" way ? Fine, enjoy a world where the only goal is profit instead of victory, it will benefit to a bunch of guys for sure, very probably not to you.
>It led to the space race, the computer race, and much more, and it benefited to everyone
Yeah, because after the end of the cold war innovation just stopped and we ended in a second dark age
>The aggressive way was (and will always be) much better
Edgy and retarded. Are you 12?
Eurosceptics are spectacularly stupid and at the same time straight up evil. Always on the move claiming that sweet victim status while actually being the aggressors.
>Help! We're being conquered by a bunch of democratically elected, overpaid bureaucrats!
>but longer
channel tunnel has more length underwater
Are you 20 ? Bellicisme was always the fuel of mankind, the first tools were weapons, metallurgy was perfected to make weapons, if you can phone call at the other side of the planet it's because militaries wanted to shoot at each others.
Do you seriously think Europe has improved since 1990 ? What did we create beside more nigs, more traps, more poverty, more inequality, should I go on ?
What do you expect from a bunch of cowardly and incompetent imbeciles? Remember how all of the shitty politicans that pushed for Brexit suddenly dissappeared when it actually happened? But still, watch them blame all of their coming problems on the EU because they refuse to see their own short-comings.
>Germany mad that people are waking up and leaving the 4th Reich
>if you can phone call at the other side of the planet it's because militaries wanted to shoot at each others.
You can't call anyone if you are dead
Also wars drive innovation in certain fields, which doesn't automatically translate in innovation in others. The average citizen in the USSR drove essentially the same car for decades because investments in military technology didn't influence consumer goods
Innovation in space exploration, consumer goods, environmentally viable sources of energy, medical science and much more is now driven by profit
Yeah, internet was born thanks to the military, but it would have remained a barebones decentralised communication tool if it wasn't for the civilian market. War is basically venture capital that kills millions in the process, nice
>Do you seriously think Europe has improved since 1990 ? What did we create beside more nigs, more traps, more poverty, more inequality, should I go on ?
We don't live on the brink of mutual nuclear annihilation. The average citizen can afford way more services at a better quality than one in the 90s. The environment is cleaner and safer
And most importantly 80 years ago our grandparents were killing each other in a war that killed millions of Europeans and devastated cities and countries
How many great inventors and artists we'll never know about died in WWII?
Imagine actually thinking that war is good for the average person
> the greatest infrastructure project that the human race has ever achieved
From a purely engineering point of view i wouldn't be so sure, but considering the social, cultural and geopolitical implications, i would agree. It's a symbol not only of European engineering spirit, but also of European unity and peace belong in the EU and deep down you know it.
>via rail and car
Does it have a traffic tube? I thought it was just two train tracks and an emergency line in the center.
You put your cars in a train, you can't drive in it
Holy shit that's what zoomers are taught in school...
I grew up in the Somme and we were taught that WWI was about sacrifice and bravery, and every november 11 we were at the ceremony at the village war memorial.
Thank you dear EU for breeding pussies...
>How many great inventors and artists we'll never know about died in WWII?
Who the fuck cares ? How many great inventors and artists were eaten by predators 50 000 years ago ? The weak and the unlucky dies, more news at 11. The ones who lived made the world you are living in, deal with it ffs, human life is not precious.
>European engineering spirit, but also of European unity and peace
Wut ? It's a franco english project.
Lmao fucking internet tough guy
You would shit your pants and die in a trench the first day
Grow up.
Fuck off Nigel.
It’s 2020 if you haven’t understood the Anglos can never be trusted yet you’re a lost cause.