Do you love Asian girls?

Yes, they are perfect. Especially the girls from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan

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Only the ones from Malaysia

I do but most of them are really really thin.
Which makes sense because asian boys would not be able to penetrate a big butt.

cute at best no sex appeal

>I do but most of them are really really thin.
This is bad how.

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I suffer in the first world everyday because i don't have a cute asian gf.


I like a plump butt, user.


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Of course.

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gib norwegian tall blond gf and i will give all the chinks and viets who are in my town

I met a girl in Taiwan who made out with my asshole for an hour straight. I'll never have an experience that good again.

god i wish i have a gf like this

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>tfw when no cute norway gf

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why are they so ugly?

Yes, what gave it away?

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i like to look at them, but man, i dated a japanese exchnge student for 4 months once and she was bizarre and unrelatable in every way. almost like she wasn't a real human, there was nothing inside of her mind it seemed like.

I started dating a flip and it's been pretty nice. I think I kinda like her and we were both virgins until a week ago. Thanks for reading my blog.

poor incel seething because a cute girl like this will never look at him


Here's an actual, not cherrypicked picture of Japanese girls.

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Literally none of them would be above 3/10 here, which is funny because our goblinas aren't particularly beautiful.

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And before insect-lovers start screeching about how I'm cherrypicking, try googling class photos of insects yourself. These bitches are ugly as fuck. The tourists that come here look like shit as well.

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ugly manfaces

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You can actually see one girl that'd be average-looking in Europe, and one legit cutie, but the rest is goblin-tier.

Attached: DOrQ-BtUMAUv7XE.jpg (1200x900, 185.75K)

Went to Japan, there were as many cute girls walking the street as any other country.

take your meds schizo and stop cherrypicking

why are you so insecure that you can't just use one account to post

Obvious cherrypicking aside, women like Cara will give birth to tall, masculine sons with well developed jaws who would literally drown in pussy if they ever visited a gook shithole, whereas the feminsect will shit out unfortunate-looking 170cm short chinlets with round faced and a 10cm chode between their legs which is barely sufficient for copulating with a feminsect, let alone an actual human.

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Oh boy the mentally ill Italian girl again fuck off

Yes, specifically their feet and toes.

Leave my Austrian friend alone vpn faggot

wh*te women look like trannies and are ugly get over it

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don't give him attention, it's a yellow fever faggot doing this since a long time ago, he usually use greek/austrian and norway proxy. He is just mentally ill and pathetic

Top right looks either Hispanic or like an actual JOMON BVLL

>austrian friend
just admit it's you using another IP, no wonder you start appearing at the same. And don't forget to KYS

take your meds roastie lol

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peak mental illness

And yellow roasties look like: These "people" are monsters, abominations; I'd annihilate them all if I could.
>Google Japanese class photo in different languages
>post results
>b-b-but ur cherrypicking
Yep, of course :^)
Keep posting pictures of models, yellow roastie. And learn German already.

this girl is literally 14 kill yourself pedophile.
Also don't forget your kpop waifu are being fucked by rich japanese ceos

"ohooh jungkook" scream his korean plastic waifu while he fuck into her

Oh its you again different vpn now?
Und I sprich bess Daitsch ois du du bläde hua II red östrreichischen dialekt owa des komma hoit nit in google übersetza schriebn huh?
lmao fuck you

pathetic, and jealous. All you can do is mastubating to plastic girls who are fucking kpop boybands

Japs and Koreans I could understand, but Chinese women are gross.

Same she was cute but idk it’s like watching over a child or something. They do that fake being dumb thing I really don’t think it’s cute. Maybe Japanese men like that but not my thing

>Oh its you again different vpn now?
I've never posted under any flag other than Hungarian, Ukrainian and Serbian, spastic.

>there was nothing inside of her mind it seemed like
Can you elaborate, please?

i love asian girls

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Well really strange that you have the same writing style and use the same buzzwords like this one schizophrenic American I baited for months last year he/she was so mentally unhinged that she started using proxies while still accusing me for doing it

google translate...

I think you just spend way too much time on this website.

>Yes, they are perfect. Especially the girls from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan

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Sure did last summer but I had nothing to do, no school etc now I dont have much time anymore

you used google translate

Well try to translate it (you cant)
This is a specific Austrian dialect you cant translate it, it's almost like a different language

He's right though, you use the same buzzwords as the Swedish, American and Spanish posters who always got triggered by threads about Asian girls.

>4channers use Yas Forums slang

yes, especially if they have big asses

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Everyone got different preferences, personally I prefer Japanese girls. Not everyone find white girls with blonde hair attractive

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>Yes, they are perfect. Especially the girls from Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan

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it's luxembourg language

forgot pic

Especially here where blonde chicks are crazy Evangelicals or Mormons half the time.

Not really......
Why do you think so?

Oh I see it shows up on google translator but it doesn't translate many words and actually Luxembourg language is more like dutch but they also use this ë and é which we don't use in German at all I don't even know how to pronaunce that

i want an asian gf!!

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the austrian is austrian and the greek is greek, how is this so hard to understand? german anons have already confirmed he speaks an austrian dialect

If you have that picture saved on your computer you probably have a few life adjustments to make to get there.