albania edition
gf looks like a young joanna lumley
crisis averted
'cane in the brain
god I loved that episode
does she look like brigitte bardot? (young obviously)
>causes a storm killing you instantly
I like to imagine there is one person who obsessively bought hand sanitizer for years because of their extreme OCD but now can't get it because this virus and every Tom, Dick, and Harry are now stocking up.
have eaten an entire tin of altoids this morning
right i'm off
Is Corona Vegan friendly?
No expert is saying the truth because they know it'll cause panic. It's going to be a slow painful death for us all.
*nasally voice*
Is Corona Vegan friendly?
what about the people that have recovered from it
i just turnt my phone tho
are brit zoomers starting to say "y'all"
t. brit zoomer (no)
remember when they went to went patagonia and the argies were all seething at this number plate
that was top gear at it's best
no we say you's or youse
Many have relaspe and many others have died. Either way the recovered are still infectious.
need an mg42 to the bollocks
Do you like living in the UK?
nah, there are definitely some americanisms creeping them, the zoomers often don't even realise they're americanisms though
but ya'll is one step too far, everyone knows that it's cringy yank nonsense
yes and you know it which is why you asked
thats right
Society is clearly about to breakdown and nobody but extreme cope artists will deny this so I bought 20 jars of peanut butter . Bit of a lazy stockpiling effort but not the end of my effort
why does literally every other fucking tv show or film i watch have a bmwf couple what the fuck is this shit
yeah i live in the far south which isn't bad at all desu, do you?
alri moldova lad
Yeah its ok but I wish there were more jobs in the countryside and the towns/cities weren't so fucking ugly
no expert is saying the truth because there are no experts that will say something that aligns with your pre-determined version of the truth
a certain rootless international clique perhaps?
that's what you get for immersing yourself in popular culture
british zoomers love saying dude, you hear it everywhere
Weird how not only every day normies but actually 4channers are just burying their head in the sand
I'm really for what's about to take place. None of you deserved this
what was the furore about the 50k new nurses last election?
>Tom, Dick, and Harry
more like xing, ming and ling
The Bards of Wales
Edward the king, the English king,
Bestride his tawny steed,
"For I will see if Wales," said he,
"Accepts my rule indeed.
"Are stream and mountain fair to see?
Are meadow grasses good?
Do corn-lands bear a crop more rare
Since wash'd with rebel's blood?
"And are the wretched people there,
Whose insolence I broke
As happy as the oxen are
Beneath the driver's yoke?
"In truth this Wales, Sire, is a gem,
The fairest in your crown:
The stream and field rich harvest yield,
And fair and dale and down.
"And all the wretched people there
Are calm as man could crave;
Their hovels stand throughout the land
As silent as the grave."
Edward the king, the English King
Bestrides his tawny steed;
A silence deep his subjects keep
And Wales is mute indeed.
The castle named Montgomery
Ends that day's journeying;
The castle's lord, Montgomery,
Must entertain the king.
Then game and fish and ev'ry dish
That lures the taste and sight
A hundred hurrying servants bear
To please the appetite.
With all of worth the isle brings forth
In dainty drink and food,
And all the wines of foreign vines
Beyond the distant flood.
"You lords, you lords, will none consent
His glass with mine to ring?
What? Each one fails, you dogs of Wales,
To toast the English king?
"Though game and fish and ev'ry dish
That lures the taste and sight
Your hand supplies, your mood defies
My person with a slight.
How dare you notice certain patterns?
Most of them are "retained" so not new
the virus itself isn't the problem
its China's Chernobyl
'cheap plastic crap' is finished now because of it
"You rascal lords, you dogs of Wales,
Will none for Edward cheer?
To serve my needs and chant my deeds
Then let a bard appear!"
The nobles gaze in fierce amaze,
Their cheeks grow deadly pale;
Not fear but rage their looks engage,
They blanch but do not quail.
All voices cease in soundless peace,
All breathe in silent pain;
Then at the door a harper hoar
Comes in with grave disdain:
"Lo, here I stand, at your command,
To chant your deeds, O king!"
And weapons clash and hauberks crash
Responsive to his string.
"Harsh weapons clash and hauberks crash,
And sunset sees us bleed,
The crow and wolf our dead engulf -
This, Edward, is your deed!
"A thousand lie beneath the sky,
They rot beneath the sun,
And we who live shall not forgive
This deed your hand hath done!"
"Now let him perish! I must have"
(The monarch's voice is hard)
"Your softest songs, and not your wrongs!"
In steps a boyish bard:
"The breeze is soft at eve, that oft
From Milford Havens moans;
It whispers maidens' stifled cries,
It breathes of widows' groans.
"You maidens, bear no captive babes!
You mothers, rear them not!"
The fierce king nods. The lad is seiz'd
And hurried from the spot.
thinking i may apply to be janny just to delete posts in /brit/ i dont like
Unbidden then, among the men,
There comes a dauntless third
With speech of fire he tunes his lyre,
And bitter is his word:
"Our bravest died to slake your pride -
Proud Edward, hear my lays!
No Welsh bards live who e'er will give
Your name a song a praise.
"Our harps with dead men's memories weep.
Welsh bards to you will sing
One changeless verse - our blackest curse
To blast your soul, O king!"
"No more! Enough!" - cries out the king.
In rage his orders break:
"Seek through these vales all bards of Wales
And burn them at the stake!"
His men ride forth to south and north,
They ride to west and east.
Thus ends in grim Montgomery
The celebrated feast.
Edward the king, the English king
Spurs on his tawny steed;
Across the skies red flames arise
As if Wales burned indeed.
In martyrship, with song on lip,
Five hundred Welsh bards died;
Not one was mov'd to say he lov'd
The tyrant in his pride.
"'Ods blood! What songs this night resound
Upon our London streets?
The mayor shall feel my irate heel
If aught that sound repeats!
Each voice is hush'd; through silent lanes
To silent homes they creep.
"Now dies the hound that makes a sound;
The sick king cannot sleep."
"Ha! Bring me fife and drum and horn,
And let the trumpet blare!
In ceaseless hum their curses come -
I see their dead eyes glare..."
But high above all drum and fife
and trumpets' shrill debate,
Five hundred martyr'd voices chant
Their hymn of deathless hate.
(Translated by Watson Kirkconnel)
who here has applied to be a janny but was rejected? Be honest
anyone want owt
Remember how this man managed to make a career out of kind-of knowing Snoop Dogg?
not long for this world de lads
62 years old and still acting like a wigger
the utter state
He was a baller m8
all the mainstream rappers used to love coming on his show
he also got shot which helped his street cred
what does poo taste like?
>He was a baller m8
He's a literal nothing that stole a career
Have british zoomers started saying "dude"
it's ok but i wish i could have sex
I thought Noughts and Crosses was going to piss me off but it's actually quite good. It's well made and it's only fiction at the end of the day.
Yes but only the cretinous virgins who love memes
t. zoomer
Bog roll
>Coronavirus: Premier League considers ban on over 70s at matches over coronavirus
fucking roaring
(((they))) have the common man well and truly whipped
they make our kids shitty toys we're not willing to spend the extra to pay for
they can't make them anymore cause they're dead/quarantined
Socialist China has coronavirus under control
Capitalist Britain is doing nothing
Yeah I will give it a watch for sure
big fan of alternative history type things
no, they say habib