America isn't Angl

>America isn't Angl...
Germoids, Plastic Paddies seethe

Attached: ancestry map by state 2.png (1317x831, 110.86K)

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>tfw in the grey dot
fuck you low iq muh heritage muh ancestors LARPers

Its only muh heritage LARPing when you're claiming a non-Anglo ancestry who you can't even speak the language of.
Honestly even actual Irish people are heritagefags pretending their culture didn't die out centuries ago and any modern "Irish culture" is just a LARPfest.

How did you calculate Brit ancestry

based southies dabbing on the m*dwest

so you are telling me that the most british ares in the us are also the ones filled with negroes and spics?

ireland itself is a larp
it is, in all ways except legally, part of the UK

Amerikkka is hispanic.

Attached: us.png (450x284, 47.75K)

I blame spain for this

Bingo, ops map only calculates the white people. And most of the places as Anglo on his map aren't even white majority anymore, unlike the German areas.

is this a map of ancestry excluding mexico, goblino ?

No. Don't know why you think they are even close to being a majority

fifty six percent hernandez

My mutt mixture

Attached: Screenshot_20200306-134909_Ancestry.jpg (1080x875, 87.17K)

my brother :)

Most of the German areas don't have people

Ok Mbango achmed

*achmed mbangi
Arab girls love to get blacked


Attached: 9qj8bnp.jpg (720x720, 85.65K)

you're American m8

Thanks I forgot about that

Correct, I am American and therefore Anglo

>Why yes, I am an English-Scottish-Welsh-Irish-German-Slovak-Czech-Polish-Dutch-Cherokee mutt
>How could you tell?

Attached: 1561768000606.jpg (500x500, 43.01K)

Most white Americans are British isles mutts

why do you have to hark back to this tribe from thousands of miles across the sea? get ur own identity

We do. It's derived from the British Isles. Something most of us are proud of.


i live in a "german" state

Attached: dna23andme.jpg (712x1213, 182.61K)

what you look like

You don't stop being Anglo once you cross a sea

You can have any ethnic or racial heritage you want, hermano, as long as you become anglo

Attached: corona-vin-disel.jpg (600x315, 26.02K)

Where did you get this from? Even if it was only for non-Hispanic whites, it's wrong.

The American Federation was a WASP-led Coalition of mostly West African and West Germanic peoples. Many of us are just living in it's shell.

Attached: 1555605541641.jpg (855x1000, 176.01K)

Your mal is trash, dark purple is the Anglo majority statesand red is "American".

Attached: 480px-Most_common_ancestries_in_the_United_States.svg.png (480x297, 36.54K)

i wish there were genetics studies on white americans
i think it would be pretty interesting
specially i'd love to know how the population expanded from the thirteen colonies into the midwest, the plains states and the west coast

american is just anglo

It combines American, English, Scottish, Scots-Irish and Welsh into British.

Yeah I descend significantly from the 18th century German settlers but I'm still Anglo.
It doesn't matter what language my ancestors from 200 years ago spoke, I'm culturally Anglo

>the Anglo states are also the shittiest ones
checks out

And that's a good thing.

t. Shitalian from New jersey

Most "white americans" are mainly of british ancestry

Attached: h.png (599x347, 212.92K)

Pure anglo saxon phenotypes

Attached: anglo.jpg (640x640, 57.87K)

why are you seething though?

kinda like the guy on the left but less muscle

Attached: 1560712596667.jpg (540x720, 60.89K)

Lmao only 1% black but still visibly mutted

We have the one drop rule for a reason.

Actually a Germanchad thank you very much

Cope map, half of the south is negroville and latina paradise, granted most whites there are bongs in the southeast. But some of these highlighted states are not only mutt, but Anglos aren't even the majority. Germans are the largest European group in California, it is also the most diverse state in the country in terms of European ancestries, "anglo", kek.

He didn't, it's a meme map

The brazilian had a point about amerimutts

Attached: 0006055364.png (811x490, 32.23K)

It's a cope to begin with, the majority of the USA population came from immigration, not the settlers reproducing. Our population started booming only after waves of new comers from Europe. Without them, we'd probably have a similar sized population to Australia or Canada by at this moment.

This has been done.

Attached: albion_gene.jpg (926x609, 113.26K)

>First, because they are of the founding culture, those with English ancestry simply think of themselves as Americans. And, indeed, according to the 2008 Community Survey, we find that 5.9 percent of the population simply considered itself “American,” a category that was not tabulated in the 1980 census. Many of those “Americans” are probably of English heritage.

>Second, since the English are the oldest group, their European ancestry is more distant than that of other ethnic groups. Children whose parents came from England 10 generations ago are not going to grow up hearing much about the Old Country. At the same time, any sense of English ancestry probably diminishes when an American of English descent marries someone from a more recently arrived ethnic group. A child who has one parent who is a 10th-generation English-American and another who is a second-generation Italian-American is likely to hear more about Italy than England in the home.

>There is also the temptation in an age of ethnic politics for people to claim an ancestry that they think most advantageous. The English in America do not make a fuss about being English, while other groups do, and people are drawn to groups that seek attention. An interesting example of this is the number of American presidents who claim Irish ancestry, not matter how tenuous.

That isn't true. Immigrants only made up a significant part of the population growth in the Northeast and the Great Lake states. The entire area of the former Confederacy experienced very little foreign immigration from the founding to the late 1980s, and the nation as a whole was like 2/3rds descended from colonial era stock until the early 2000s. Anglo women in the 19th century had a stupidly high fertility rate of like 7 children per woman, beating out even modern Africans.

not really, if you look into past data there was one in the late 1900s (1980s i believe) that showed more americans claiming english ancestry than the german number. unless they all just died since then it is retarded to think there arent a great deal of them. most people whose family has been here for a while have some underlying brit dna, even african americans

>First, because they are of the founding culture, those with English ancestry simply think of themselves as Americans. And, indeed, according to the 2008 Community Survey, we find that 5.9 percent
This is a cope, that arm-chair pseudo intellectual aprician anglo posters made up. I know non-whites who classify themselves as American.
>There is also the temptation in an age of ethnic politics for people to claim an ancestry that they think most advantageous.
This is a another famous cope, and an attempt at Anglos trying to somehow justify that mutts, are still inherently English, meanwhile if someone else has even 10% of some other ancestry than their main, they are completely mutt. Welcome to the historic hypocrisy of anglos. Other ancestries can dissolve and disapear, but English is somehow some omnipresent ancestry. Nice to see it's still alive. All this is just cope because the USA has quickly become non-anglo, and the power has shifted from Anglos to Jews and other foreigners and now anglo aprician intellectuals come out of the woodwork to cope

He looks at one of those clickbait sites that steals data from 23 and me. Fellow muttoid doesn't want to admit they're also a quarter black and hispanic too.

>unless they all just died
They became mutt, and either classified themselves as just white because they've become too mogrelized, or associated with their recent ancestry, either way you want to put it. Someone who is a mutt, is not English, unless you want to say

>amerimutts trying to dab on germans whilst taking pride in an ethnic group that only exist because of german and french seed

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most of those people claiming "german" ancestry, "irish", etc are just as mutted though, most of them will not he 100% german or whatever. they just heard grandaddy came from deutschland so they write german down

Not true, population grows faster when you have lots of land
Note that the South had very little immigration and a small population in 1783, but now has a population larger than Britain

I'm Norwegian :)

Egentlig, enn hva sier jeg? Ikke bruk en online oversettelse.

I say they have a better chance at being full. I've personally met a lot of them (have family in North Dakota), they without a doubt look the most "white" of americans, and are the most blonde, rather than the mongrelized ones you see in the rest of the country. Most of these states have retained their extremely small closnit populations isolated from the heavily immigrated to states in which the bulk of so called "anglos" inhabit. The South might be British, but it also has the largest black population in the country. Texas might be mostly Anglo, but it also is filled with the largest hispanic population outside of California. So the question is, how long will they remain "anglo". Texas is overrun with mexicans.

We're not claiming that they don't have German ancestry, but someone who is say 50% German 50% English marks German on the census form, which makes English under reported.
I actually don't think German is that over reported, but I do think Irish is.

We use a lot of our extras in cinema from Dakotas, Iowa, Oregon and surrounding areas because most of us aren't light haired enough anymore to keep up the illusion. Half of the white guys in our porn from sites like Sean Cody come from German states too, and when we're not using them we're using Australian actors to keep up the illusion kek