>be 2 american teenagers in rome >ask sketchy street dude if he knows where to get cocaine >he says "si" and leads us to another guy >guy #2 says bring 100 euros and come alone (leaving one of the americans with guy #1) >guy #2 leads american to another guy with "cocaine" >gives 100 euros and gets crushed aspirin in return >start to argue with the pusher but undercover cops tell american to fuck off >american who stayed with guy #1 takes the guys backpack and runs with other american since they got scammed >get call from cell phone in bag >say give us back our 100 euros and cocaine and come alone >italian street gang calls their undercover cop buddies for help >undercover cops agree to go to meet the americans and get the backpack back >italian cops go in plain clothes unarmed >see american teens and jump them >fat dude named mario is easily 50 kg more than american he is trying to beat up >gets stabbed by american trying to break free >americans run >italian cop dies because italian cops are in cohoots with italian fake drug sellers in the street so they can all get a 10 or 20 euro split from these teens
these american teens are going to be found innocent or given a slap on the wrist. They arent going to get the life sentence for murder.
Why are italian paramilitary police (supposedly the super respected carabinier) helping drug pushers scam 10-20 euros/per person per day from american tourists?
skip ahead to 17 minutes and they go through what happened that night
Robert Bailey
>he a gud boi he dindu nuffin dey wuz finna go skool
Xavier Rodriguez
>ignoring the fact that italian cops are corrupt as fuck and helping pushers sell fake drugs
Aiden Parker
lol wtf is this the crime of the century? so much drama about some kids wanting to buy drugs.
Oliver Fisher
d i n d u
Julian Fisher
Italy is the same country that claimed an innocent American girl was a witch who killed some British slag when in reality the black man was obviously the killer.
Anthony Sanchez
there's a lot of eyes on it, it is basically an international incident. Italian cop was murdered, chief culprits are two rich kids from the bay area.
All in rome over buying fake drugs. Italians are being big faggots about it by acting like this is 100% the american's fault when in reality it's a bunch of dumbass italian scammers and cops literally scamming two kids for 100 euros that they shouldnt have fucked with.
instead of giving back the 100 euros for the fake drugs the dude calls the cops to get it back? literally organized crime with the help of italian cops
Nicholas Edwards
s e e t h e
Jaxson Brown
Americans are truly niggers
Sebastian Phillips
If your a dirty cop and get killed by a smaller teenager you were trying to jump you deserve to fucking die lmao
David Mitchell
as much as i think the americans involved are scummy, the carabinieri did criminal shit so the fact they are cops is irrelevant
you guys couldve found easier targets than 2 6'+ chads. italian scammers got cocky and wanted their 10 euro split so badly hahaha
Jackson Nelson
your country is literally run by mafia. and you meme about our cops.
Luis Scott
vergonati mammoni mafiosi
Lucas Ross
also italian emergency response was SO bad that it took 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. They sent the ambulance like 5 miles away at first because they couldnt report their position right.
Maybe the dude would still be alive if your police and emergency dispatch wasnt shit lmao
Ryan Garcia
italy is 3rd outside of milan and inter
Nicholas Phillips
I never even seen these kids in my life, Americans right now are all about the election primaries and the corona virus (as you'd know from secondhand exposure to American internet culture). Nobody knows or cares about some random druggie kids in Italy.
I think OP is trying to bait Italians for some (you)s he made a similar post yesterday
Jose Wilson
Jayden Ross
It's true though, Italian cops are fucking Mexican-tier corrupt, at least in big cities. At best, they'll just sit in their patrol cars and watch people get robbed and pickpocketed because they don't give a fuck.
Jaxon Lewis
their trial is going on right now so it's pretty relevant
italians literally denying the truth that their cops are corrupt and want to do these american teens like they did mussolini
Anthony Robinson
you think Im gonna give you a (you) motherfucker? Think again
Kevin Johnson
Yeah, and maybe you believe pizza is American
Elijah Miller
either that or OP is the father lmao, dumb mutts are going down
Kayden Powell
mexican tier people They did the same shit when they came here, my grandfather was italian and once threw a guy through a glass pane window of a jewlery store and two paid off cops just watched and laughed
its in their genes to be sub human.
Ayden Brooks
not with all this international attention on the case. if the kid who didnt have the knife gets life in prison you bet italy going to have some repercussions like tariffs or we stop buying italian shit
America was absolutely ready to #BoycottSweden over A$AP Rocky and this is no different
Lucas Edwards
>Buying ILLEGAL drugs in a foreign country
Fuck them. Why should we care what happens to druggie scumbags?
Isaiah Nguyen
they did invent the term "The ends justify the means"
Hudson Young
yeah ok mutt boy, enjoy prison with Achmed and Mbongo
Adrian Baker
LOL italy's poorest region still has a lower crime and homicide rate than our best.
Connor Butler
we don't give a shit what happens to them, just funny to watch wops seethe when you bring up their cartel cops and how the fat fuck deserved to die.
Joseph Roberts
>we stop buying italian shit LMAO good luck. Gucci literally pulled some racist shit and American nignogs are STILL buying up their shit. You can't boycott France or Italy. The world of fashion will literally die as they both run it.
Juan Murphy
hes right, a lot of third world tier places in italy
American soldiers who landed in italy during ww2 would talk about how the conditions they saw in north africa was better than what italians had.
Aaron Perry
>no more trips to italy (hotels, restaurants, tourist shit, skiing, etc.) >no more american concerts in italy
they'll feel it
Cameron Reed
>tf >tp The American life expectancy has literally dropped to 78, one of the lowest in the developed world. Our crime and homocide rate has suprassed fucking Russia. If you're going to call Italy third world, you must accept WE are 4th world.
Carson Perez
>this wop on vacation seething at any small criticism of his third world country kek
Christian Bailey
they will be corona'd in jail. shitalian jails are overcrowded as hell.
Joshua Jenkins
berniefag gtfo
Christian Sullivan
>it's another episode of amerimutts pointing the fingers at countries when theirs is one of the worst Imagine calling other countries authorities corrupt when every other week your own authorities kill an innocent
John Morgan
it has to be bait
Jackson Martin
Based, amerimutt tourist deserve suffering.
Isaiah Roberts
italian jails look like how jails are supposed to be desu, not modern day concrete and electric doors but rather a medieval building made of stone with cell doors. And prisoners have to do work like laundry or farming food on the prison farm.
Has stuff to occupy prisoners but doesnt coddle them like sweden does. Punishes them but yet allows them to build characters. doubt prison gangs and rapes are problems there
Nolan Jenkins
Police here isn't that corrupt,compared to other European countries (and at least they don't have the reputation of mindless killers who gun down innocent people like US cops). Italians are just rightly filled with contempt for clueless tourists so you tend to have a bad experience with them, but it's fairly biased.
Those kids (or at least the one who stabbed the cop) are going to spend AT LEAST 5 to 10 years in jail. And that's already taking into account the "rich kid leniency" that judges tend to give.
Elijah Garcia
>>ask sketchy street dude if he knows where to get cocaine play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Jack Hernandez
American kids can easily btfo European cops, imagine if it was an adult rugged American male? LMAO get fucked BETA FAGS
Wyatt Parker
yuro cops are pussies yikes
Isaiah Hall
Anglo complex, we adopted the ability from the bongs, the ability to call other people shit and criticize them while being absolute worse shit ourselves.
Josiah Gutierrez
white cops cannot be trusted they are all inherently subhuman corrupt racist scum just like all white people they should have brought the issue to a local chinese officer >Chinese police are joining Italian officers on the streets of Rome and Milan in an experiment aimed at helping tourists from China feel safe, Italy’s interior ministry has announced.
>The experiment is the first of its kind in Europe, China’s ambassador to Italy, Li Ruiyu, said at a meeting to announce the project, according to a statement from the Italian ministry.
>The four hundred Chinese officers, who were trained by Italians in Beijing, will wear the same uniforms they wear at home so their compatriots can recognise them easily. theguardian.com/world/2016/may/02/chinese-police-to-patrol-the-streets-of-rome
Josiah Martinez
>italian cop takes cell phone picture of the two american teens >writes to drug pusher "we got two chickens here" >all this before the fake aspirin deal went down >italian police isn't that corrupt >picture of blindfolded teen emerges >literally every legal document leaked to the media >italian cop whose partner dies (a witness/cop who is angry) is allowed to interogate one of the teens
Kayden Carter
That's because violence is rarely used in first world countries, so people aren't prepared
Isaiah Walker
>italian paramilitary police (supposedly the super respected carabinier) Lol, when I was in Rome all I saw was them standing around doing fuckall while round the corner some niggers were selling fake purses in the open.
Lincoln Sanchez
you know what happens in prison to cop killers..
Jeremiah Hernandez
Yeah right you're the only one living in a democracy and every other country has a smaller dick. You people are very simple
Kayden Kelly
Italians aren't white. Also that sounds like a sweet fucking gig. >get to hang out in italy all >give dumbass tourists directions >maybe deal with drunk chinese occasionally >later get to fuck brown women and experience the city