Cum shirt edition.
Cum shirt edition.
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Black girl smiles at me and tries to talk to me
Looks like he can barely restrain his soy face
This is a 10/10 for me
More context?
what context
Never mind. Thanks for the useless information, I guess.
imagine having so much trouble expressing yourself you can't even elaborate on what you want to know more about
Imagine getting this upset over someone questioning your religious beliefs.
Ive busted 3 nuts today so far
Kill yourself.
um. wow
How do you bust one and not the other?
jesus christ sashy what the fuck?
I think he's playing around mexicans forget english when we get really upset
Bernie only got BTFO really in Minnesota and Massachusetts. He was always expected to lose everything else. A good showing in Michigan and Washington will go a long way
I masturbated thrice*
>He was always expected to lose everything else
they were boasting that they would be hundreds of delegates ahead of anybody else after super tuesday
The only reason he's still in the race is because of bloomberg
What to?
Because I was feeling lonely,why else?
It's been a while since the last one.
umm... wow
>why else?
still why? give the little guy a rest.
it can't even feel good at this point, shooting out goo just because you're bored, and because you can is really fucking lame. get a hobby.
>3 times is a lot
Are you a woman?-not you sven--that's not that much
Who is "they"? Bernie was never going to win SC, NC, VA or the other southern states in a primary against Biden. He WAS supposed to win more progressive states like MN and MA though which is why I mentioned them specifically being a painful loss. Texas was also a tossup which he lost. Pete and Amy dropping out and then immediately endorsing Biden was unprecedented, that doesn't happen. Also Beto endorsing Biden probably helped a lot to win Texas. Bernie did alright considering the situation, he's about even with Biden or possibly ahead after California counts their delegates. Tuesday will decide the future of his campaign
reddit, the topic of the original post
>14 confirmed deaths
covered in dirt so I dont want to get in my lounging clothes again but also dont want to take a shower yet
Pretending to be retarded or...???
are you?
every day i fear death from coronachan
every day i fear death from narcochan
riden with biden
every day I'm shuffling
fucking boomers
Was there ever a moment in history where a nation or place had a leader but no one knew who he was or if they even had a leader to beging with?
There are uncontacted people in Brazil and Papua New Guinea who don't know anything beyond their tribe
what do you think sentinelese are doing at this very moment?
Oh man that's a good question
probably sleeping, there's like 12 hour time difference
Fucking their wives and living happier lives than us
you know theres two homos butt fucking somewhere on that island
But you have an american flag
i think it's time we put all this racism business behind us
keeping their paradise free from industrial technology's evil influence
>i think it's time we put all this racism business behind us
I've had sex hundreds of times with over 20 women of various races/nationalities, AMA
normies plz go REEEEEEEE
had sex with
>half english half filipina
very good, sven
I've had sex with
>2 half-black half-white mutts
>1 ukrainian diaspora
Why are you bragging?
My best was a pakistani girl, yours?
REMINDER: Trust no one, not even yourself...
I've had sex with exactly 0 women
How do you feel about it?
Here's a panorama of Mars from the curiosity rover. If you zoom in and look close, you can spot some ayylmao's hanging out.
describe to me what the pakis feet smelt like
love pics from mars
Meh,not really looking for sex,not until """i get married""".
got a real madmax feel to it
Ever having a bad day and just get pissed off? Was me today screaming in anger messed up cutting my onions (some fell on the floor) bashed my head into the cupboard
half english half filipina
can't say, fantastic pussy though
Nah it's because reddit is currently trying to get the US government to ban Tiktok and so they have to seem less anti-establishment.
wow this is such a good idea, why doesn't Bloomberg just send me a check for $1m bucks??
Gf’s depression is beginning to stress me out.
>beaner math
Why do we pay to educate these people?
lol blue checks can't do the most basic math
>Two children throwing snowballs at passing cars shot by driver.
Do Americans really?
idk what you're talking about but a $1m check WOULD BE lifechanging for me
>mfw all the malarkey itt
I wish I had a gf
this man has senile behaviour and should not be in charge of anything
This is months old
Trump is pretty senile and spews word salad as well desu. He just covers it up better with more bullshitting and tone.
should YOU be in charge of anything?
lol, bet she's a berniebro which is why his plans make financial sense to her.
still though, I want my goddamn $1.50 from mini mike