It’s evening in Aerodrom
/balk/ + kurva anyatok
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I wonder if Nikephoros is here.
>Romanians ghost-deleted their weaponized autism of posts the moment they realized that they're wrong
Is spergtovid still going?
Post music you're listening to tonight
Meгa Hигep шит
Does /balk/ want a Serbian kveen?
I support no queens. Death to monarchy.
That's a king...
Post chin, midget.
last reply, don't want to change up again
you'll die in mongol cum slavshit
post the polish source, other than that slavcope site
you can delete my posts, but mongols will delete you shit bloodline
turk roaches always had more honor than any slavshit
Daskale, are these the average turkish students?
No we don't look like that
Old farts are dropping out like flies in Italy
A long time ago, you said you have bright pale skin and black hair. I remember daskale, they also have it.
I didn't said that
You also told me, you have black eyes. Its the truth daskale, I swear.
You're delusional, even the very file you've sent has only verified what my file has proven - that there are no pre-Slav I2a1b-Din samples in SE Europe, regardless of age.
>post the polish source
He thinks Y-DNA can be tampered with, even though the process to determine it is nearly 100% accurate, and the method is STANDARDIZED
Hahahahaha, what a brutal flustering. You've asked for proof, and proof you were provided with, studies, links and even samples, and on top of that, your arguments were categorically refuted as well, yet you still persist in your delusional rants.
Based Boomervirus!
He isn't me and I didn't say I have pale skin. Also, they don't stand out/look out of place but I don't think there is an "average" look for us, we're diverse in looks. I assume the photograph is from İstanbul or Ankara, both cities are overly crowded and have people from all over Turkey; be it Lazs, Circassians, Kurds, Assyrians, Bosniaks, Albanians, Pomaks, Arabs, Armenians, Zazas, so on and so forth.
Having said this, the "average look" depends on place, too. People from Thrace and Eastern Black Sea region tend to have white skin/light hair and eyes while those from South-East tend to be swarthy and have Perso-Arabian(?) features.
I'm not the person you think I am, retard.
Why does everyone in Skopje have a 300 iq
I taxi with drivers every day and they know all the investments, who put the money, we talk about how skopje is developing on /balk/ and I give them 100 denar tip. Half of them were shqips
so by not posting a single real source you think you won or something?
you have an idea what that site is?
you don't even know the history of Poland
that much of a "slav"shit you are
Turks are unironically good peope. The only bad thing I can say about them is that they created mentally challenged masses in the Ottoman areas of the Balkans that later moved here.
oldest sample
what are the others in your shit tree you faggot?
>the retard doesn't even know what thracians are
The pretty turk is a nice poster, the albokurd is a piece of work.
>what thracians are
Certainly not Romanians.
It's one guy bro
He just replies 10 times to the same post with non-argument nonsense to make it seem like someone is agreeing with him.
I see... The story is clear to m, now.
another (anti) religious thread that I made has finally taken off after a rough start
People this big tend to be really docile.
>t. Second Bulgarian Emperor
also known as vlach by the rest of the world
I found this picture in Andre the giants wiki, I think this is a bulgarian with giantism in a picture with german soldiers in ww2. That's what the description said. I never knew Andre had a bulgarian father.
>The pretty turk
Hamamcı Bulgar fren.. Is that you??
kae ova uf bitola le e
Also, I guess you weren't around when I posted myself but pic rel is me.
This is a mega normie look, you remind me of my friends h
Bruh you’re making some hanim hearts flutter in uni I’ll tell you that. Just don’t be an autist and look around you.
Have a nice evening
Greeks: Is this a true story or made up?
So this is you daskale? You look exactly like I imagined. Two legs, arms, two heads. Good thing i'm a genius so I an't so surprised. You look like almost every turk ive seen tho and you even have the beard. I though it was haram to have a beard in islam?
Фaлa y Кaпитoл cyм
Don't burn the place down
It's true
>you have an idea what that site is
Unfortunately for you, I do, YFull analyzes your Big Y data. Take a look at their site and their tree. Sometimes they can even place you in a haplogroup branch newer than what FTDNA has you set to.
Yes, oldest undifferentiated sample, that is proof of it being native to the land of Slavs, not the Balkans, and was dispersed everywhere else by the aforementioned people. Aside from that, S17250 is the most widespread and numerous sub-branch of I2a1b YP196, found EVERYWHERE where Slavs live and have MIGRATED TO, and where Slavs have left a notable imprint in the gene pool other peoples. Your point being?
A people, like the Dacians, with no I2a1b-Din present in their samples.
can tell that person is a 175cm manlet
Зaщo би пpaвeл тaквo нeщo?
>two heads
>I though it was haram to have a beard in islam?
I'm not Muslim тбх...
No лмao. I'm an uggo.
I'm somewhere between 180~185 but I don't know my exact height...
The serb and the romanian altruists have been arguing for 48 hours straight.
>I'm somewhere between 180~185
yup that's a 177cm manlet
Fyrombey, what places in budapest do you recommend? Im going there tonigh
have sex
You are a male.
>I'm not Muslim тбх...
Yeah I know, you wanna larp as any religion that allows you to feel "enlightened". There is only one and it ain't Christianity.
You should grow a big beard tho.
>two new corona places confirmed in Macedonia
ooohhhh no no no no
>we wuzin for two days straight
so this is the power of balkanshits
>Sofia the only capital city free of virus, all international companies move there bringing hundreds of thousands of well paid jobs and shiny glass skyscrapers in
>Bulgaria becomes the most developed country in the world
wtf meant to write cases
Nah bro it's a joke. Just meant have fun
Tsar Kaloyan was Boyar, so he ain't a Vlach.
Well we had a good run. Just hoping we could go out with a bang
Stop posting this puke
read what that site is retard, and who owns it
post the source faggot, the reason I posted those links is because your polish source isn't there
also, post Dacian samples, you clearly don't know what they are
I recommend the parliament building first (cause u can see everything from there), that whole city is easy to navigate once u get to the river and start walking on the riverfront. I recommend the castle for the view and recommend that little island with nothing on it cause you can fuck girls in public there.
I also recommend walking around the street from Nyugati station down toward the ferris wheel and bassilica. Also get 4g and install "bolt", it's a taxi service. You'll get lost and fares on that are only 10 bucks or so city-wide. You order a taxi and pay once u arrive in cash. Yellow cabs will scam you 5x
>Филипчe : Бpaчнa двoјкa oд Дeбap ce пoзитивни нa кopoнaвиpyc, ce кoнтaктиpaaт дpyгитe 40 пaтници вo aвтoбycoт
>Tиe ce нa 62 и 68 гoдишнa вoзpacт кoи oд Бpeшa пpиcтигнaлe нa 27- ми oвoј мeceц. Cтигнaлe co aвтoбyc , a пaтницитe ce cимнyвaлe вo Кyмaнoвo , Cкoпјe, Кичeвo и вo Дeбap.
>Toгaш нeмaлe cимптoми , a нa 3- мapт им ce пoјaвилe
imagine how many people they infected during that one week
Don’t, just please don’t. You’re obviously an idiot, Mr. Sandu Ciorba there is obviously an idiot, please spare us.
>There is only one and it ain't Christianity.
What is it??
>you wanna larp as any religion that allows you to feel "enlightened"
Eh, I don't really care anymore.
>You should grow a big beard tho.
Half the population lmao
Fucking albaboons
Based we have 3 cases now lmao we're gonna be on top of the balkan chart ssoon
being first world ain't easy
I really want to be Austrian :-(
It’s also here, it’s just being treated as normal flu, until the first death case. Even Americans are panicking and stocking up on toilet paper and canned food.
Lemme guess, shqiptards are sharing the virus all over Skopje?
You're halfway there, my Austro-Hungarian friend. But why? HVNG-ARYANs are based.
So why can't you just find out?
I've had this discussion many times with him, and I will have it many more. The way I see it, sparing anybody is the same as not sparing anybody. No difference.
>What is it??
By results, Buddhism. But religion as a whole is a waste of time.
>Eh, I don't really care anymore.
This is the correct choice. You only exist on this earth to satisfy your primal urges and if you've done it correctly. You will die happy.
When I was little, there was this world tour show or something and they showed different people around the world. I once saw a Muslim village where they didn't recognize a man if he couldn't grow a proper beard. It was pretty interesting really, by their standards you'd probably be on your way to manhood. So it go by that?