I love these kind of threads

Post the street you live in.

Attached: sp.png (1366x768, 2.68M)

My street looks like shit but it's a comfy place to live. Friendly neighbours, mostly old, and all services at a walk distance. The neighbourhood was created for the "proletarian" during the 60s industrial expansion of the city.

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (1892x913, 374.61K)

No need to play it secretly, any fool can recognize that BMW building

Attached: Unbenannt.png (1596x919, 3.37M)

Not my actual address, but very very close to me.

Attached: Screenshot_20200306-100626.png (1280x720, 1.21M)

What kinds of industries grew in your city? Manufacturing some kind of product? Mining?

they actually updated the street view last year, neat. not much changed tho aside from some houses.
i live in a crappy side street off to the side, but this is the main intersection I pass through.

Attached: home2.jpg (3840x1543, 1.8M)

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this is the view from my window

Attached: flempan.jpg (2272x1704, 657.54K)

Sunny as fuck.
Is that in the south?

honolulu hawaii

How is life in Hawaii?

Making of shoes... sounds funny but gave and still does give work to lots of people.

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>I suffer in Brazil


Attached: vulica.png (1920x927, 2.75M)

Looks nicer than the apartments I lived in as a kid.

let me put it to you this way
where I used to live, I made $50,000 a year and I saved around $20,000 in one year
where I live in honolulu I make $55,000 a year, guess what I saved? nothing.
despite that, I still love living here.

What makes life so expensive there?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

$1700 500sq ft apartment
food is 2x the price of mainland U.S
high taxes
wages not relative to cost of living

Attached: calle.jpg (1230x782, 492.65K)

Lots of green, very nice.
Those buildings are boring though.

as close as I'm willing to go

Attached: 90130.jpg (2014x1150, 818.19K)

general area but not my road it all looks the same anyway

Attached: file.png (1702x926, 3.4M)

Perkele, nyt tiedän että asut Oulussa, nähdään 10 min kuluttua

Posted this meme street yesterday too. No Streetview because everything was built after the last time they were here

Attached: download.jpg (1800x1167, 553.17K)

I think this is a great location though, everything I need is a short walk away, there is a comfy channel around the block, tram stops and a subway station close-by, and in a way I kinda like seeing new buildings being constructed in this area

Attached: img_8727-4.jpg (1500x1046, 1.05M)

growing up in small town was best

comfy summers playing with friends on streets, jump to the lake, eat ice cream on square with girls in mini skirts, go to mountains and sleepover there, discovering old castle ruins in night...

good old days

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 19.47.20.png (1131x702, 1.25M)

When was that green-ish building on the left built? I can't that style where they just plaster the windows totally randomly and asymmetrically

That's where the images were stitched together for the panoramic view.

huutista intiölle

Nah it looks like that irl

Attached: Selection_330.jpg (1288x846, 668.34K)

Attached: sumpis.jpg (1547x946, 239.2K)

That's not "totally random", those are where the stairs take a turn.

Yeah actually when I look at it from that angle, only one row is asynchronous. But it reminded me of this silly trend where they throw the windows around really randomly. Here is the best image I can find as an example, the windows are different sizes and in slightly different positions so that it looks really disjointed

Attached: P1020425.jpg (1600x1201, 342.02K)

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I do.

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Attached: Untitled.png (1281x922, 2.06M)

House is comfy to living despite its street named godless. On the first floor located "Krasnoe-Beloe" shop. It is cheap alcohol chain store.

Attached: street.png (1882x656, 2.55M)

How much would a house there cost? Nice view.

Is this Twin Peaks?

Attached: Screenshot_3.png (1919x910, 2.95M)

Privit, Weißrussland

Unironically comfy

I would post but all the streets in England are fucking ugly and most of them look the same wherever you are

Is this upper class? Looks gorgeous

>this impresses a New Worlder

>didn't even post his street

he probably lives in a skyscraper

Zona Norte - Rio de Janeiro

Attached: ca30b620-e1fc-4c5c-98f4-557506932768.jpg (2555x944, 939.08K)

ei sentään Tuiran mogadishu avenuella tai veri-douppilassa tai vastaavissa paskapaikoissa tarvi asua

Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2020.03.06-21_40_43.jpg (1600x767, 386.4K)

I'd say upper middle class



Attached: Sin foto.jpg (1898x969, 371.35K)

nice view


Attached: 1583529944135.jpg (2000x2250, 2.3M)

Thank you for censoring the squirrels identity.

Yantic neighborhood, outside of Norwich, CT.
Houses run in the 200k range, most everyone has about .5 to 1 acre of property along with their 1930-1970 built houses, which are mostly cape cods or raised ranch.
I live in this neighborhood, although on a culdesac not a main street. Not posting my own street obv.
About as middle class southern new england as it gets.

Attached: yanticn.jpg (1897x957, 944.96K)
