
Mikey edish

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Dogshit yank edition

Discussion: Should Vegans remove the term "meat" from their products and rename their meat substitute items something else rather than co-opting?

waiting for lord janward to exert his authority

going into isolation
wish me luck!

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Just had the rest of the box of chocolate fingers

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co-op ting

literally couldnt care less mate

posting here makes me feel less lonely even if what we talk about is complete shite most of the time

Going to the big tesco in wuhan, anyone need owt?

alri billy

it doesn't say meat though it says soy or fake or whatever
it's like the people who complaing about esports calling itself sports, except it doesn't it very clearly puts an e infront of it to differentiate it from sports

That's common to most people who post here, it's just unusual to admit it.

> feel less lonely
thats what these threads are for mate tbf

Feel like a fucking idiot for not prepping sooner lads.

I just post here to kill time at toil

you need to go back

I literally just use you lot to pass the time at toil these days

chinese eat uncontrolled wild animals to, get this, fight disease.

still think alternative medicine is harmless?

check m8

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Went around in the psych ward calling everyone racial epithets, referred to the black guys exclusively as porch monkeys. they couldn't really do anything about it since I wasn't disrupting the place

preppers are worse freaks than anons.

dad bought beans

The chad toilers
the virgin Billy no mates

celebrating my first birthday tomorrow

back to 1999

Poleaboo Radio kicks off on Wednesday

It will be streaming 24/7 on YouTube

Your show can be of anything within YT rules so if you want a slot on the radio station email [email protected] with your desired day/time (in GMT)

Day 4463 of waiting for Richard Dawkins to explain consciousness

>use you lot
silence, puppet. I am the real puppetmaster of this place

just had the rest of the everyday value bat soup
I put zero credence into the tabloid rumours that it's made with traces of rat meat
tesco would never do that
although the price is ridiculously low
like suspiciously low

wanna go back wanna go

vegetable burgers should be renamed to idk soy frisbees or whatever
if only to watch the amount of seethe

rip your data

The only people who come here are norman no mates. If you'd any actual social outlet you'd realise how utterly pathetic the chon is.

Dis nigga bought BEANS

What kind of cake will you get?

4channel uses fuck all data

I don't phonepost

actually do have mates just don't go out much

controversial but significant genetist to militant pop athetist hack
has to be one of the most noticeable disintegation of a contepmorary thinkers

Will you have a show on there Amer?

anyone able to get cash out of the bank?
Every bank near me is absolutely out.

rat cat bat
arr sound same
what difference?

is now, and has always been, a massive cope
might be true of Yas Forums where people like you belong

can't afford one. shall just be blowing out the flame on my lighter

i hang out with normoids pretty often and chan is genuinely more amusing and interesting most of the time

just use a water bottle mate

*floats between a Dublin accent, a Northern Irish accent and then just outright gibberish*
Ah yes, quite accurate haha. I love goy richie

You would think that wouldn't you?

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why don't you wanna answer why chinks like you eat bats

do you have a booth or an office?

watch his channel 4 'change the world' interview
genuinely amusing how vacuous his answers are

>tfw get to work from home every monday and friday
>tfw just post on 4channel for 8 hours on both those days

feels goodman

>watch his channel 4 'change the world' interview
i dont want to be too disingenuous but watching him speak about theology in the past has removed me from ever wishing to watch him speak about that sort of thing again

its not irish, its not english, its just well.. its just pikey

nah my screens just don't face anyone
plus my desk neighbour goes home at 14:45, which is when I slide /brit/ over to the comfier monitor

reckon they're using it as an intermediary suffix to appeal to a society that is still overwhelmingly omnivorous who would otherwise balk at the rabbit-food they are associated with

it's done, it's over

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friend: wanna go hang out, eat bananas and pick each other's fur of grime n gunk
me: no friend I prefer to chat to words on a computer screen

repeat ad infinitum from baby to big man

resigned to my fate lads
got a slight cough
was fun while it lasted but this is the end of my story

yeah cheers tesco delivery man just up the stairs and the kitchen is second door on the right
yeah of course it's heavy mate that's 3 months worth of bottled water

what thread do you think you're in?

gabbard is much more interesting to me that she had support so late
biden was obvious as the moderates drop out they would rally around him

What’s the story horse

listening to smooth jazz, yes you're reading the start of my story lads

reckon it was fiddled (again)

Love preppers that don't know how to cook.
Aah yes months of heated chickpeas and overcooked pasta.

Fully confident I have the least social interaction of anyone in the country so I'll be last man standing.
Shall be bumming the corpses of all your mothers.

pop on back to Yas Forums if you want to be among your sort lad

>Thailad has disappeared
>Malaponte has disappeared
>Finlad banned for posting the niggardly word
/brit/ is dead.

What the hell happened during last weeks? Did Bernie kill a few people and the media found out it about it?

Yeeeeeeeooow. Ya fucking bleeding mad ting haha

It’s okay. I’ll bake you a cake

I say yes, I had a vegan "sausage roll" before and it was a disgrace to the concept of sausage rolls. and "vegan cheese", don't get me started

there is reason to say the mainstream media is not only content with trump again but would arguably prefer it to sanders however the fact of sanders's failure is simple. the youth did not turn out.

no refunds

Colouring-in map hasn't improved since last night lads. I've been slacking

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I don't see what American politics not being relevant to British culture has to do with me

>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours. Apply here.
big iron looking at a hefty severance package

Just submitted my janny application lads

The dinner tonight (potato and onion soup) cost me a whopping 13p to make. Students who complain need a bullet.

literally just darkies

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at me dad's and he's flicking through all these old forms and letters and things that belonged to his parents and grandparents and that
quite interesting ngl

I tried a "Vegan Sausage" and it was just carrots strung together. Really the most bland thing I've ever eating. Tasted like I was eating cardboard.

am suddenly feeling overwhelmingly omnivorous, lads
might pop down to greggs see what's what


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That Coronavirus is deadly haha

lol there are some proper memers out there "cauliflower steak" and the like which is just an excuse to charge 10 quid for cauliflower.

Well that’s Trump winning again confirmed, I’ll look forward to all the seething again at least

Draughting up some posts for the coming months
How's this one
>coronaberg got me on drycoughtoil AGAIN
Good right?


Biden will bounce Trump's fat head off the concrete and dab on the corpse. It's Sanders who would have tanked.


thought I'd give vegan food a go to see what all the fuss is about - vegan bratwursts (made of mushroom) and vegan chorizo (made of god knows what) were cooked and consumed.
I can safely say I will never try vegan food again.

Is working remote or from home common in England?

Very popular in big cities in the US

Doing a poo

Have to work tonight despite booking it off.
Had tickets to a gig too

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No he isn't, Finlad was here yesterday
be quiet

here they always ask "where else you been tonight then lads?"

stock response is "just at a mate's house for a few haha"

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I'm guessing its a meal for one

holy mother of grim

Not a chance, don’t really give a fuck who wins but I would be amazed if Biden is able to beat Trump

currently reading 2666 on the train lads. what are you lot reading then?

fellow nighttoiler?

no way lmao. biden can barely finish a sentence without forgetting what he said in the first half, trump's going to drag him through the mud harder the hillary

Ate the gherkin in me double mcCheeseburger and now I'm a vegan

Bit scag that innit

i understand why it is but i think this thinking is counter productive. if you eat vegan (especially assuming you are doing it irrelgularly) why get inferior versions of what you already eat? should be looking at eating non meat imitation which is actually different

I don't get the reason psychologically why they are still trying to make things like the cauliflower and mushrooms look like steaks and duck when they are trying to stop eating these things. Vegans puzzle me.

shagging a bat's fanny

currently having a shot at You Bantering Me?

make a potato and onion soup instead lad

>biden winning anything except the senile boomer of the year award
he's a plant to make sure trump wins, and wins plausibly
he probably even knows it on some level

You don't have a clue what you're on about. Biden will sweep the Midwest and pick up the black vote because of the Obama meme. And now with the economy in free fall Drumpfy boy is finished.

Depends on the amount of stock you use. Reckon I could make 3~5 bowls of it with 1 onion, 3 taters and 1 oxo.