Houses are practically free to buy there, some cheaper than 10k
Would you live in an isolated village of Castile with less than 50 inhabitants?
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It looks really comfy but I would prefer to stay in Italy
Italy is comfy too. Do you have a countryside depopulation problem?
depends, will I be able to find someone to play table tennis with? it's my favourite way to pass the time you see
> Do you have a countryside depopulation problem?
Yes, unfortunately, the most internal and isolated areas are subject to depopulation
no, it would be already a pain in the ass in a isolated village of Galicia, give me trees and rain at least
What exactly do you do there?
That's sad. In our case the level is going from depopulation to de facto uninhabited areas. I wish I knew how to live just with the land and the climate. But sadly I am an urbanite and would die there
>What exactly do you do there?
Find yourself
Looks better than Mexico, that I can tell you. Where do I sign for that paleto life?
I lived in an isolated village with continental climate but it was isolated by mountains and miles of thick forest. It's much better now when they have faster internet because I'm a semi NEET.
I usually prefer colder climate instead of med and that pic looks too warm for my taste.
I don't know what I would do for a living, in order to pay my utilities
I'm right here.
My friend I would move to the Pitcairn for all that I care
yes but in catalanophone areas instead
i can probably collect neetbux and live across the border
checked it out, doesn't look that bad, it's 4ºC right now
Yes. I could live my feudal fantasies and force the locals to work in my fields
Just buy some cheap, old property there and try not to die.
F.ex this one costs barely 3.000 euro
If I knew how to agriculture I would move. I don't dislike the idea of living in the past. But I am a useless urbanite...
i think to enjoy places like this you need to be born there and have a social circle / have family there
my dream is to move to live in a beautiful medieval village near the sea
Farming is nowhere as hard as it seems.
Although if you pretend to make it your main source of income you'll have a miserable life
You need doctors?
would love to live in a cute house in some small town in the middle of nowhere if there was anything to do in those towns
thats two months of my welfare
Either that or enjoy solitude / have a companion of your wave
>Although if you pretend to make it your main source of income you'll have a miserable life
That's the problem of spanish countryside. There are lots of land. But there is nothing else.
Now most of them have internet access but remote jobs are almost inexistent here
I wouldn't live there, but if it's that cheap, maybe I could buy it for holiday use. Could be cozy to hang out there for a couple weeks a year
Depends. As long as I have decent internet so I can work from home then yes. Although they really wouldn't take kindly to a German homo I guess.
If I could speak Spanish, sure.
there are many latinos in our emergency services but here old people speak galician
I think that's the same in all countries in the world.
They are almost free. Anything for less than 10k is a gift. Some people just hope for someone not to let die the house of their ancestors. The value of houses in these villages is so low...
I'm not sure user. You could try.
Deppends what you mean by "decent". Nowadays most of them have relatively stable wimax or cable connections. But they're nowhere as fast as fiber optics.
If you're lucky and live near a 4g antenna you can use it as a home internet connection, they're the fastest.
Not that you're going to interact a lot in these villages either. you'll end up learning the basic words and gestures for the old men to understand.
I have 1.6mbits internet at home, as long as its that fast I'm happy desu. Are there also entire villages one can buy? We could make an Yas Forums settlement. Problem is that it'll consist of 90% men.
>implying they want a pancho living there
I'd be linched before the end of the week. Other than that, sure, sounds comfy as fuck.
>I have 1.6mbits internet at home, as long as its that fast I'm happy desu.
Yes, I'd say most of them are faster than that
>Are there also entire villages one can buy? We could make an Yas Forums settlement. Problem is that it'll consist of 90% men.
Yes, there are entire villages for sale. but they are way more expensive for obvious reasons.
Yes! I can’t buy a house there though because I don’t have eu citizenship
You have a wrong conception about how countryside people react to immigration.
They won't receive you with balloons and "panchito welcome" but won't bully you either.
People in the countryside care about who you are and what are your actions, if you're beneficial for the village or a problem. Not your race or nationality.
Is there any young female population that I can create a harem with?
>I can’t buy a house there though because I don’t have eu citizenship
huh. I didn't know you needed that. There is surely some certificate you can get. This country is really easy to immigrate in.
You wake up in Valdin, Galicia (30 inhabitants)
Shame there's no sea access, i'd buy a small fishing vessel.
Grapes it is, then?
I don't know, but you can grow anything in galicia and it will grow. Plenty of water, no extreme heat and no extreme cold.
>es una parroquia en vez de un lugar
woah lad, I get nervous in big cities
Drone operator like this
They offer their service in agriculture drones to technologically illiterate communities and those who couldn't afford to buy and maintain them. A whole set made for rice farmers cost about 10k usd which is a lot for thirdie farmers so renting becomes more economical for them.
we already have that
i will move to spanish countryside someday
>Yes, I'd say most of them are faster than that
That's actually pretty good, Internet in germany is notoriously bad (or extremely expensive).
>entire villages
Damn, I could buy this bad boy for 84k euros. If I want a flat in Nürnberg I have to pay at least 500k
84k + all the money to make all the houses inhabitable
anyway yes, it's cheap. but why would you want an entire village to begin with?
Then all one needs to do is sign up with those companies to be the local drone operator/technician.
Easier job than fixing farm machinery at least.
Depends on how hot it gets in the summer.
nigga, that place is empty for a reason, shit tier services, bad roads, nothing to do, people in the countryside are extremely busybody, etc. and those houses usually require a shitton of work
Not me, Yas Forums. Imagine a village full of Yas Forums autists.
How would I know, which of those should I take a look at then?
this. these cheap villages usually come with +20km of dirt "roads" to reach any kind of asphalt, and prepare to invert thousands to put solar energy and repair the houses
If you were eventually really going to buy a village, you should contact the company to show you all of them before deciding anything. Then you can really see what their deficencies are
I would but I don't want australia tier internet
>How would I know, which of those should I take a look at then?
You can email some real estate agency, there are some brits and other guiris that buy farmhouses in the countryside.
Also, expect neighbors to be a pain int he ass if they find out someone bought a property next to theirs because usually they are not registered and the property rights depend on 100 years old documents.
When I was a kid I lived in the middle of a forest, closest store was 10+km away. As long as there's decent internet I wouldn't give a fuck.
>decent internet
>rural galicia
my sides
Yeah that's what I was afraid of.
I don't know what the case in Galicia is, but in most rural Castile you will always get either 4g/3g signal, a wimax antenna somewhere or something like that. It has improved a lot in the latest years. 10 years ago yes, you'll pray to get a shitty 1mb with old copper telephone connections, but not anymore...
Ok that's not that bad. I have 100M 4g.
Is it "free" like those Italian villages, where you have to commit tens of thousands to a business and/or restoration works?
Even if not, whilst the idea sounds very nice I think in reality I'd find it a bit isolating, particularly as my neighbours probably wouldn't welcome me into the community until I was fully fluent in the local language. Maybe in retirement it would be ok, but not while I'm in my 20s and single.
well, maybe because Castile is flat as fuck, but Lugo is full of hills and valleys
t. one of my friends house is in a valley and 3G doesn't work there unless you put the phone on a milimetrical position in a table outdoors
Home connections are limited at 50mb I think, and you usually get 30-40mb if you're lucky enough to have signal
pic: random spot of empty castile 4g signal. I'd definitely check that before buying something.
No, it's a normal buying operation. And it's not free, it has a (low, but existing) price. You pay for the property and get it yours. Then you do whatever you do with it.
>and/or restoration works
yeah, that's the problem, these houses were abandoned decades ago so they might even lack sanitaries and then you need to do all the paperwork and restoration following the law because your neighbors might report you
Report you for what? Noise?
>you need to do all the paperwork and restoration following the law
this, remember the hipsters from Fraguas
for those who don't know, a group of young hipsters went to an abandonned village and occupied it, restoring the entire village illegally and got jailed
Yeah, but he probably lives in some valley in Dinaric Alps where winter temperatures go as low as -40°C.
you need a license to restore a house, if you do it on your own you risk yourself to get caught and pay a penalty fee or even get the works undone
for not following the regulations like not using the correct tiles or different kind of bricks, I worked in a law firm and you cannot imagine the amount of shit they throw to each other for the most meaningless shit ever, like going to court twice for a small patch of land of 9 squared meters, they spent more in lawyers than the value of the land