It looms for me and it looms for you too edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Invest wisely and you will never have to toil again
90% of the british public are 40IQ retards who need to be culled, like these people literally never have a complex thought, their biggest concern is emmerdale or some domestic horseshit
What's on plan for the weekend?
janny caught with his pants down
and what have you done that's so notable?
Unlike you. You’re a smart chap aren’t you. A sophisticated intellectual like
*kills you with one punch*
yank slags are lightweight
says the peak of human inteligence, sat hunched over his computer in his mums spare bedroom at 1.30pm on a friday afternoon
if you are gonna die of a virus might as well be a meme one like coronavirus
From the thumbnail i thought it was a bottle of Yellow Tail red wine.
will science ever discover why horse girls exist and why it seems to transcend race, creed, colour, borders?
25 Years old, earn 40 grand a year, have had sex at least 18 times with 12 different women, two degrees, one in microbiology, one in history, 8 inch penis and rent out a flat to students whilst owning my own home by age 23
would have preferred the millennium bug to have done me and my bollocks in
what's the etymology behind the 'spo' suffix there? been wondering that for a while
don't believe a word of this
just worked out that the career dude i saw today makes over a mill a year ($5000 fee, 5.5k clients, 15 years, 2 people)
It’s true
Thats because you are not like me, like everyone else in this thread you're pathetic worm leeching off the teets of good men like me
>8 inch
post cock
What would you do with the rest of your if you got told you had corona and were going to die lads?
where am i supposed to find a qt trap and/or femboy gf(m)
are there specific sites or apps
I've had sex over 3000 times with one woman so I think I'm winning there
rorke in his room playing space cadet pinball at full volume
/fa/ nomenclature
i'm younger and make more than you
World domination idea: engineer a virus so infectious and lethal to everyone except Chinamen who uniquely carry a specific gene then release it in your homeland, manufacture false "evidence" for "deaths" in your homeland and pay trusted actors to "prove" to enemy states that it's really hurting their nation too when in reality everything is fine for that nation
Wouldn't surprise me if they'd been covertly working on the most plausibly deniable attack which could secure eternal victory since WWII, to wipe the Jap menace out once and for all
this + posting here at 13:30 seems questionable
>Alisson has suffered an injury in training
>He has damaged a muscle in his hip and ruled out of Bournemouth game #LFC
you're a paki
i'd post on /brit/
probably something like:
"got the corona lads :("
originally derived from "inspiration" weirdly enough. "thinspiration" was a term for photos of thin people that anorexics would look at for motivation and this was shortened to "thinspo" and ultimately led to the use of "-spo" for pictures around any theme
what the fuck did you just say?
Boys that try to look like girls: grim
Girls that try to look like boys: peng
imagine having all of that and still being insecure enough to post your stats
you're german so it doesnt count, half of that money goes towards refugees raping your mum
its my break retard
I am a white Anglo
you still need tradies to build all you need, trashmen to take care of your trash, etc
you need them more than they need you desu
it all makes sense now
except does that mean /fa/ is full of traps looking for inspiration to dress like a slut?
>Hello. I’m soyrish. Did I mention I’m soyrish? Haha. You celebrating parties day?
>adrian in goal
gagging for a jumbo sausage roll from asda
The age of toil has ended. 2 days of drinking by myself and reading romance manga inbound
dayum white peepoo just got cancelled
is over there mate
Good thing the tradies that work for me are subhuman, they're 40 IQ deano retards that would suck my cock to make money, i have them in the palm of my hand I fucking own them
someone was posting last night lamenting the loss of tomboys in general
you won't see tomboys anymore because all the girls who would hitherto have adopted a tomboy lifestyle will nowadays just have their breasts lopped off any taking testosterone prescribed to them by their jewish doctor from age 12 onwards
becomes much less sexy when you imagine a bloke like yourself doing that
i'm afraid the local paki rape gang scene is rather limited
have good reason to believe I am the smartest man on /brit/
This was the first video of her I saw
Now she's has gone and opened a Patreon with tiers for full on orbiters to slot right into.
I should have suspected that she'd go down this route, given her first ASMR video was a girlfriend roleplay... but I was still surprised.
Mad how "It's grim up North" used to be a common thought.
Now it's completely reversed to "It's grim down South".
you seem to be under the impression this is a linkboard. it is not.
you are a paki
I want to kiss Emma Watson’s beautiful lips.
>It's grim up North
>i fucking own them
*dies in one punch*
i'd say 99 times out of 100 anyone who claims to be female here is a tranner
>earn 10 million GBP per month
>sleep with 10 different women and men every night bar sunday
>bicep curl 200kg
>eat at the chillest restaraunts
>wear the freshest clothes
pic related? yeh its me
Mikey is a confused little boy
damn, is it me or is rorke lookin kinda cute today?
who do you think cares?
If you can tie your shoelaces then you're smarter than 90% of this place already
Almost all of the peng bits of UK are outside London and the home counties.
Let your thoughts run free
Please don’t think about it
What’s your problem, Paddy
that has literally never been said and you know it, cope on
>already 14 dead in america with 233 cases
>we have 1 death in 116 cases
if i vaguely remember the US had more deaths from swine flu than africa did
Just had to get it off my chest.
Misuse of the image.
Any i.4dcn links can be hover-to-view'd so don't require clicking. They are completely acceptable for this reason.
I'm 230LBS and 6"1
Post your favourite counties lads
What if we all just ignored women completely. Would they come looking for sex or do they not want it as much as the lads
for me it's ingleborough, the second of yorkshire's three peaks
i fucking OWN you all, you're fucking nothing to me and you think you can talk shit, i could fucking buy your house and force you to live on the streets i have so many connections i could make sure you wake up in a prison cell facing trial for rape
The Deanoification of Victorian Britain.
we have two confirmed deaths as of like 10 minutes ago
>there are at least 3 medical students and a doctor that occasionally post on /brit/
grim thought
2 and going to be 200 cases later today
Cant conveivably wrap my head around people who watch asmr videos
Everyone I open the link to one I immediately get mad at the tone they talk in and how the video sounds
all gamers should be arrested
Lancashire Prefecture
Hey all you girls and boys
Move your feet out to the open space
We got nothing on him
We got nothing, We’re gonna dance for the win
Are you using some sort of enhanced 4channel program?
business idea: undertake HRT, become a streamerthot and never reveal that you're actually a dude
You role playing as a brit.
For me? It's Wiltshire
that thought never crosses my mind. i know i could never do that
much of the attraction i have is in knowing it's a man. makes me feel dominant in that way. that's how the greeks and romans viewed it. the top was expressing his masculinity in dominating another man, the bottom was a weak bitch
cant help but notice your post was very aggressive, heres a friendly polar bear i drew to lower the tension
Where is the setting to enable that?
Can't find it
prefer Scottish shires myself
Went to walmart and saw a group of 'ard latina girls with tattoos and baggy gray shirts, clearly fresh out of prison, blocking the aisle I wanted to go in. They stared at me really fucking hard as I tried to walk by, and one of them lipped her lips as a joke and they all started laughing. I tried to laugh too, to ease the tension, but one of them said "What's so funny? Do we look funny to you?", and so I just said "N-No" and walked away.
It was one of the hottest things I've ever seen, and yet also one of the most intense things I've ever experienced. That must be how young women feel when they get catcalled or something, because they absolutely made me feel like a little girl.
Are some Chinese yesterday. The BBC reckon you can’t get the Kung flu from it so if I do I’m just going to bring them to court innit
What's the point of prepping if you have no means of defending it? What's to stop gazza and his mates breaking in and taking your 10 boxes of hand sanitiser?
it's for this reason i watch asmr in a language i cannot understand
Played tennis for Vale of White Horse when I was in Primary
cant stand cope like this, if you want to shag blokes just admit you want to shag blokes
No I’m not. What made you think that.
my hunting rifle
looks like Dave Bautista in Blade Runner 2049
*right click*
*copy image location*
*paste image url in file box*
that was hard
reporting this to gchq
You’re a british lapdog you pathetic squirt
i want to shag blokes. it's not a cope. i'm explaining i don't want to shag muscle-bound hairy blokes, that seems unnatural to me. i don't see how anyone could be attracted to that
femboys and traps are fine
Shoulders way too large for me to do this, not a good business idea.
>mfw making yore boy Alucard a homosexual faggot
same haha, normally go for french
So are you haha
>i want to shag blokes
stopped reading right there poofta cunt
Mental to think that in a few weeks we'll all be having a big whinge about our corona symptoms as we pull through it together
You’re too uptight sham. You need to learn to relax man. Go with the flow haha
Greater London
still have my green and white socks from county rugby
There isn't. Literally everybody who has ever been in a SHTF situation says prepping is dumb, and it's doubly stupid to advertise your prepping online. My former landlord was Bosnian and lived through the war and he said the only thing worth stockpiling were guns, ammunition and batteries. He also said it was important to have friends/family to back you up.
only good thing about french is i cant understand a word
its nice enough to be soothing with a cute girl but ugly enough to not distract me entirely
you suck british cock all your life you pathetic worm
feel any better yet?
Mikey is English
Simple as
Business Idea: Make the irish into dog food
imagine her pooing
what a sad little man you are for being so invested into /brit/ shitposting, get a life t b h
that's /brit/ well and truly fucked then
too late man, worked myself up into a frenzy now
just back from ram raiding the local 7/11 to secure myself some emergency toilet paper from their safe
I’m British though lad
t. 0.0001% irish blood
dont care
dog born in a stable
I give it three weeks before they start to shut everything down here like they did in Italy
oh my days it really did look like poley for a second
Thinking about attractive ladies doing a poo
The absolute peak of top shaggers are still having sex only a 1/4 as much as an average married guy under 35
I’m Irish but I’m British.
>let me *brap* tell you *shart* about my *queef* irish ancestry
>[...] jailed for an unrelated crime, possessing the "wrong" permutations of molecules which he grew from seeds planted in his backyard
sick bastard
We're nothing like Italians. Coronavirus isn't going to affect Britain in any significant way, we'll just get on with things.
You are a dirty grub in the dirt
based British lad
Role playing as a brit, as I said initially. Pathetic.
had her tongue up my arse 2 weeks ago
Yeah but it gets boring after a while
Gone off it me
haha she got fired innit
But married men only have one shag surely.
They might shag that shag hundreds of times but it's still only one shag.
god i fucking hate women
Everything is supposed to be shut down here. In reality what that means is life goes on as normal for 99% of people but the schools are closed for some reason to the great irritation of parents everywhere.