/v4/ + frens

Automatic transmission edition

Attached: how-an-automatic-transmission-works.jpg (849x565, 472.48K)

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Where's the fun in that?

The fun comes with part that you can afford a car with an automatic transmission.

Manual is funnier

Blessing this thread with a cute girl :)

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She looks like shit. I wouldn't fuck that thing if someone payed me to.

>implying you would have opportunity
She would not even spit on you

Automatic is best for city.

>She would not even spit on you
And thank God for that. I don't get my sense of validation from fat and ugly thots and e-whores.

Post face and body. I want to see what kind of a creature calls her fat and ugly

Motherpuckers refreshed the warehouse job ad again. They dont even require forklift license. Got no reply from them.
There's also a part time job for DHL, working hours 8.30-12.30

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how much they pay for fulltime job?

13k czk

is that even minimum wage?

yes a little above minimum , its netto not brutto

do employers in Visegradland demand ridiculous amounts of experience for shit jobs too?
>must have at least five years of professional box packing/unpacking experience and master's degree in boxology

Why would you consider this ? You cant get a better job in Poland ?

no thats American thing like deep fried butter or school shooters

I have no work experience and live in a shithole that is basically a gulag where the biggest companies pay the same shit salary because the people have no other choice but to work here. And they are too pussy to go on a global strike for wage raise, most of them are from villages around the town with families and shiet so they pussy out. Only ukrops leave bikos they can go anywhere.

Sweet and handsome
Soft and porky
You pig out 'til you've seen the light
Pig out 'til you've seen the light

Gonna get more of this tasty Korean liquor

I am an incel.

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If Manolo was here right now he would die by my hand.

Why do you want to kill me?

literally me

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All meds must die

But why?

Is having a gf better than grilled salmon?

I bought calamari rings made in Spain at Lidl and they were kinda meh.

Also someone needs to stop you - the great (ehehehehe) evil.

I'm the best person here.
I'm the opposite of evil.

No thats literally me. You and Sloni are pure evil.

How do I stop being such an awkward person??

my dreams are literally more enjoyable than reality, but I feel guilty for spending so much time in bed

Just stop giving a fuck

>2336 €/month

I only have nightmares.


Me too

>all that tension and twisting

I finally got to like wheat beer

you'll need D cup if you drink that crap
I knew Germans who had proper tits because of that beer.

Just how much do you need to drink to develop tits?

Do you guys get very sad when you read about some historical figure for a while and then read about their death and get all emotional even if their death was deserved or not that tragic?

No. Fuck them.

I feel you, RIP stalin forever in our hearts

holy shit ETERNAL ATAKE is OUT bros

my collegue used to chug 5-7 bottles before going to bed, every day, for a decade
one time he did a whole Kiste, chimped out on the project manager, told her wife to divorce and went for a joyride in Argentina's plains, I was told

Yes he should not an hero in that bunker


Just how did he afford it?

Honestly, would you?
>inb4 pedo
Fine, would you if she was like 3 years older?

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No she is not cute

I want a God chosen gf so yes.

would if she was 3 years younger

Jewish girls often look inbred, honestly. Well, probably because they ARE fairly inbred.

> interesuj się pop-yutuberami
> pracuj w korpo za 3,5k
> jezdzij 2 razy w roku na wakacje na kredyt
> krec filmy lajfstajlowe ze swoim shitzu
- "oh, ale ty jesteś fascynujący, kiedy mnie zaprosisz do siebie? hihihi"

> antynormickie pasje: szermierka i astronomia
> spokojn y tryb życia
> bądź specjalistą 10k
> gymcell, ale łysiejący wzrostak z chujowym ryjem
> jeździj po świecie na konferencjach naukowych
- "meh, no ta... fajnie było, muszę lecieć"


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I understood like 60% of this, any czechbro want to try decipher this

wrong thread guys, sorry. My mistake.

Btw. hello v4, I'm new here. Show me your best

Kys Poolish monkey, your kind is not welcome here.


choke on your Langos you fat twat

his son went to Venice week or so ago. dumb fuck that son.
