Edisi Devilish Time
What are you up to tonight?
Spams your thread
Keks and Copes and samefags at your thread
Nearly identical, why do all tagalogs look like this? Does pagpag make you look like a fat gut with down syndrome?
Bitch's ugly perufag
Yuck so this is what a pro dutertard marcostard, visayan illucano looks like
Hahahahaha benis in bagina.
As mkl continues to cry about havig that face while projecting his pagpag marcos virginity.
We get invaded by chinks thanks to our dictator
“Impossible naman na hindi niya alam ‘yan. The President is the repository of information in this country. He has the most information."
He likewise blamed the “softness” of the Duterte administration’s foreign policy with China for the troubles surrounding the establishment of POGOs, which now supposedly includes money laundering.
I think I've developed a humiliation fetish
Downloading hentai rpg game on my pc while reading today news
Ayen sure did when he doxxed mkls ugly dutard marcos worshiping face ;)
Entitled how?
Fucking cant unsee
Damn you.
>removes post after fatass got exposed
Wanna cry? Want a bottle of milk? Want to suck mommy's teats? Keep crying LMAO
What game?
Is he jomon or yayoi?
Looks like a jomonji lol
And he havent stop crying every since, its the new samefag tirade.
feelin cute
He looks like duterte, disgusting tho.
For the "minding your own business"" mkl durtard crying (you) score greentext
I cant wait for the oof travel ban
Bobok enak kali yak
They actually says that fetish are one way of mind defense, to trivialize and to reduce mental damage on what might be our perceived flaws/incident
What does it mean if I like Asanagi sensei works?
TiK ToooooooooK
What does it mean if I like Mizuryuu Kei's works?
Tok tok bisayan pagpag pokpok
For me, it's Unbalance
It means you are girl fetishists.
AYAM : " Gua benci banget sama manusia Pi...
SAPI : " Lah emangnya kenapa Yam ? "
AYAM : " Coba deh lu bayangin :
- Gue makan beras yang berserak aja di usir-usir, padahal mereka tiap hari makan telur dan daging gua
belum lagi semua kesalahan mereka imbasnya ke gue...
Tulisan jelek dibilang cakar ayam...
Tidur tak nyenyak dibilang tidur ayam...
Hilang semangat dibilang angat-angat tai ayam..
Yang parahnya lagi, mereka masak telurku, eeh di bilang "telur mata sapi"... sebel gua Pi...sebeeeeeeel
SAPI : " Laaaah gua lebih parah Yam ...
AYAM : " Loh emangnya Lu diapain Pi
SAPI : " Coba lu pikir, setiap hari susu gua di elus-elus, di remes-remes, dan di pencet-pencet dan diambil lagi susu gua, tapi kagak pernah dinikahin...
emangnya gua sapi murahan apa.
indons u rdy for this?
It's been refused to land in Semarang
>"So you are the target, follow us, let's hope you are worth all this trouble"
what do?
Top kek Jani has no chill with mkl tier samefagging dutertards banterkeks
Oof at the incoming seethe cope damge control.
How's cov19 in your cunt?
Pretty good, 0 active cases.
Your infected cunt on the other hand, doesn't look so promising.
its hard to actually now how many are infected with covid, since it could result in asymptomatic infection/mild symptom.
0 active cases doesn't guarantee no infection in your countries as well
I guess so. We just got 9 new cases in a cluster originating from a dinner 3 weeks back.
whatever makes your aids-ncov infected cunt feel better...
Watching a programme about Vietnam and it's making me want to go desu it looks quite nice, the food looks good.
Looks like my friend from High School.
pengen ngentot gan....
Is this true?
Would that mean feetfags are grandpa in their 80s?
Same energy with Saykoji - Online
This is what visayan illocano pagpag eating will make you look like
He look like he eats visayan pagpag visayan badjao waray monkey desu
Is he some kind of Duterte's son? Lol
Oof mkl marcotard larp literally replying to himself, the D's dont lie ;)
Shit, I'm so sleepy, man.
>El involuntario celibato
>El subhermano pagpaglogio
>El obesitator goblino
Ayy lmao
Le globlino autrocidad dutertardo
>El involuntario celibato
>El subhermano pagpaglogio
>El obesitator maroctordo goblino
El Ogro Demonio ala tagalog
Top lmao
>As mkl continues to cry about havig that face while projecting his pagpag marcos virginity.
I smell coronachink flying voters in 2022
the duterterized National ID system about to be rolled out. Instant citizenship for the mainlanders.
you wonder why Philippine passports are looked down overseas. Tsk tsk tsk
El subumano al visayan ilucanus
Just about right