And how many languages do you speak r/int?

And how many languages do you speak r/int?

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Meh Spanish

Two. English and Appalachian.

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Turkish/Crimean Tatar
Men French

Me? Only Scots and English.

1, the best one

>real languages


>meme languages


greek,english,punjabi and thinking of learning sanskrit
how do you feel speaking uk's language?

Europe is amazing.

I've met escort girls who spoke 5 languages.

Una mica de francés

Quina vergonya

Mae lowlins langage frein.

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Plora'm un riu, localiste.


Ancient Greek

Europe, where even the whores are more cultured that 3rd world intellectuals.

>Ancient Greek
don't lie on the internet giuseppe

some german
some swedish
can read estonian but it's hard to understand it spoken

fine, considering i'm descended from brits that came over in the 1600s.

Don't they speak Catalan in Valencia?

Indians and Africans speak more languages on average than Europeans lol. It doesn't make you intelligent.

In a languages university I saw classes on Neogreek and Ancient Greek. If you want to read early versions of the Bible, Ancient Greek is among the only ways to do so. I had Latin classes in high school.

Do you guys really consider them two separate languages or is it a meme like Serbo-Croatian?

we use the glotonym "valencian" for our dialect of catalan, there's some political bullshit in this topic

middle (geographically) swedish
swedish english
ok swedish german

what? you think he's a biblical scholar?

I was talking about relevant languages, not some sub dialect of an obscure dialect or some tribal language spoken in one region. By that logic I can claim I can also speak Meglenoromanian or Istroromanian.
He might be. They do have the Vatican and are still pretty serious about religion. Scholars can't shitpost with the plebs?

People study Ancient Greek in high school here in Italy.

>relevant languages, not some sub dialect of an obscure dialect or some tribal language spoken in one region
The absolute cope. Keep thinking that whores are smart and cultured lmao.

Τί μεν ψευδολογοίην;

Λύκειῳ ἔμαθον.

I've never required their services so I wouldn't know. And if you can't detect obvious jokes you have more important things to worry about than what whores are doing.

Translated for the plebs:
Why would I lie?

I learned it in school (Liceo)

>I was just pretending to be retarded

No. It was an obvious joke. If I say "America, where even the children have more guns than some police forces" do you really think I actually believe that?

Yes, there are tons of police forces that don't carry guns.

Not around here since they get the dong AK. From what I know in the US you have to be at least 18 to own or buy a gun.

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Written French
Some Russian, enough to visit Moskva

Swedish, English, French

Sounds cool if you want to become an historian / theologian I guess. Apart from those two though I have no idea why you would want to learn a dead language?

>middle (geographically)
Could you be a bit more specific? Probably a norrlänning lol.

Italian, English, French

Far right is a qt. The two in the middle do not look better than average

Now kiss

The police rarely get qts.

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Middle right is cute though

It's one of the most important languages for philosophical studies.

Also, just like Latin, it helps to understand better the modern languages which are full of words with a Greek root.

>It's one of the most important languages for philosophical studies

Never ever put the words "important" and "philosophical studies" in the same sentence.

Let me guess: are you an engineer?

i barely seak English well, so 0

That pic looks like something familiar

An engineer is only about infinitely more useful than a "philosopher".

>Never ever put the words "important" and "philosophical studies" in the same sentence.
kinda disagree but based af

it must be sad being autistic enough to define one's life on "utility" and not what one truly enjoys pursuing.

I speak the one language that actually matters

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>it must be sad being autistic enough to define one's life on "utility" and not what one truly enjoys pursuing.
I would agree if it wasn't for the fact that universities are publically funded and unemployed "philosophers" get handouts from the state.

one. I would speak two if i didnt drop out of spanish class

Only two that I'm confident in, no points for guessing which ones. I guess I could get by in German, but it hasn't been proven yet. I've had Russian and Spanish classes as well, but it's only left me able to understand some song lyrics.
Speaking as an outsider, Czech and Slovak are definitely separate languages. Like, Slovak is way more understandable!


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2, working on 3.
I'm learning french because it's aesthetic, but I'm considering maybe trying spanish since it's more marketable.
I'll probably never learn either one though lmao

Greek only

3, working on my french.


Why I am the only the one that speaks Scots?