
That Show We All Know Edition

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inappropriate OP image
janman cometh

Doing a so-called toil poo, or as I like to call it, a toipoo

On this day in British History

>1204 – The Siege of Château Gaillard ends in a French victory over King John of England, who loses control of Normandy to King Philip II Augustus.
>1665 – The first joint Secretary of the Royal Society, Henry Oldenburg, publishes the first issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the world's longest-running scientific journal
>1788 – The First Fleet arrives at Norfolk Island in order to found a convict settlement.
>1916 – World War I: British and German forces clash over one of the main craters created by underground explosives, known as the Triangle, in an attempt to regain control of the Hohenzollern redoubt.
>1943 – Wolrd War II: The Battle of Medenine is fought in Tunisia, resulting in a costly failure for the Axis. It was the last battle fought between Rommel and Montgomery in North Africa.
>1957 – Ghana declares Independence from the United Kingdom
>1984 – In the United Kingdom, a walkout at Cortonwood Colliery in Brampton Bierlow signals the start of a strike that lasted almost a year and involved the majority of the country's miners.
>1987 – The British ferry MS Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes in about 90 seconds, killing 193.
>1988 – Three IRA members are shot dead by SAS commandos in Gibraltar

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i reckon toilberg goes out of his way to fall for phishing scams just to fill up my day with pointless tasks

The unpaid one looms

heads: doctor who audio dramas + mong out
tails: asmr + get busy

*flips coin*

got an ASBO for racism outside Yas Forums

prefer the term toil turd myself


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Listening the song now

the coin went flying and i lost it

[sex act]d her behind [high street shop] in [english town]

How do I become a girls simp?

this is actually unholy levels of unadulterated basedness


This ones pretty easy, it wasn’t originally a death camp from the get go

Uhhh Based Department? Yeah, it's me again. I've got another couple of suspects for you.

alri found it
mong time

takes me right back to 2005 myspace and msn messenger, that

rap music more like crap music

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Have never watched wop murder and shan’t be starting now.

Took your mum on a date to Gare du Nord in Paris

Have you got someone to share the end of the world with de lads? Or will you be alone in your little hazmat suit?

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gimmick idea: reply to random posts with "mate..."

wind claims another victim

threads moving too fast, can you fuck off?

shagged your mum behind sports direct in swindon




this is gay

bit much of the ol' 'ngue from the left one there


I'm starting to think some of you lot arent shaggers

ah yes
the old 'ngue


first time I properly snogged a girl I shoved my tongue down her throat and she wanted to stop after that

gimmick idea: instead of tongue write "tounge", pronounced as toonj

*Pulls out shaggers club id*

the old 'ger 'ngue 'y 'nus

niggering a poo

'h 'es
'he 'ld 'ngue

mad how there's like one single noteworthy british composer

have never done so personally but viewed people do it on video

Went to the career dudes today
he want's 5 large for the job but it seem like a good service. They'll keep looking after me until I get the job

sucking a 'nguer

is it elgar

welcome to the tounge lounge

>Have never watched wop murder and shan’t be starting now.

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i have shagged 3 times but one was a prostitute in amsterdam in the red light district and it felt more like a sightseeing shag than a real shag

‘king a ‘lf ‘ll

haha helloooo everybody! HAHAHAHAHA! WAAAAHOOOOOO!!!!!

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don't know who needs to hear this but cis isn't an acronym for anything and everytime you capitalise it it just looks like you're screaming it randomly in the middle of a sentence

Good post as always

looking at ** year old women

For a start that’s wrong, secondly the reason that there are less noteworthy English composers compared with other countries on the continent is the English have always been lovers of the theatre over over the opera etc

Met a sassy african american woman today with big boobs and she did the finger thing

commonwealth of independent states you numpty

>paying for sex

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didn't need to hear that actually

mmhmm chile

*washes my hands*

happy friday lad!

dont know who needs to hear this but all women should get the rope and all dogs should be shot

looking at *** year old women
they have crinkly dry tounges

there was a rumour swirling around at one point that it meant comfortable in skin and that is why people still do it
doesnt need to exist at all of course because it just means not a freak

Fuck of CIS cunt

Flatmates got a massive group of girls round in the kitchen and they all stare at me when I go in there ahhhh yesss

is it holst?


did the finger thing with Amber Roberts behind Subway in Chesham

looking at year old women

>makes a post about sex
>uses a picture of Greta Thunderbraps
Bit noncey.


hook in



>30% of Brits between the ages of 25-39 now have a tattoo

Thoughts on this?

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gave her ye old lickaroo behind the waitrose in marlborough

id shag her and im not a nonce
id shag her good and rotten
id shag her up the fanny
id shag her once
id shag her twice
id shag her bonce
id shag her in rice

Oh shit has the PTA disbanded?

seems a very minor thing to get annoyed about but at the same time i dont know why so many people feel the need to get one probably speaks to the spiritual poverty that is modern living for most people

the tats

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quite a large percentage

oh spencer will you please SHUT the FUCK UP

clean shaven and clean skinned will become a rarity, me and the clean people shall see rises in our shaggable stocks

pew pew

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might sound like a gimmick compilation but i genuinely have fingered a girl behind the manchester rugby club function room

good post, good lad

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tag yourselves, I'm immer SPUREE

what's the problem mateo

no the PTA has NOT disbanded!

Business Idea: Open a tattoo store