*uses the whole can* edition
Other urls found in this thread:
only about a hundred or so more marketing surveys and i can get myself a 50 dollarydoo voucher to jb hi-fi
get in
feeling good
feeling great
feeling nice
my eyes hurt
> muh blog post
fuck up baldie, not an argument
Might get a Guzman y Gomez mini burrito on the 'kend
*opens my mouth and swallows it all*
I wish I was dead.
Everyone rants and raves about Oz being great and it is but the place bursts into flames once a year like clockwork thanks to the climate changing (not man made)
shut up grim nonce freak hope you get shot
It's been doing that since ancient aboriginal times lol
women who have sex outside of marriage should be forced into prostitution
alri amber you single or
seething roastie
joris-karl huysmans saved me
abysmal posts
not much you can do when the populace turns away from god
nobody goes to church? enjoy your floods, fires, earthquakes, you name it and satan has got it
crumpets instead of toast in a full english
yes or no
going to shops for bread is a possibility but not ideal so i need to know if i can use these crumpets
And who's gonna pay your bills today
And who's gonna turn the girls away
And who's gonna make you feel ok
And who's gonna take your pills today
And you know it can't be me
Yea you know it can't be me
Sometimes I just feel too much
And i don't want to feel at all
Doubt they had lighters 2bh
South Australia has never had a natural disaster
I made the last thread. It was me. I made the edition. I alone take credit, or blame, for it. The responsibility is on me.
What did you think of it?
Amber on a mad one
im going to kill every single australian on earth with a single punch
i hate the city so much
you'd have to be mentally ill to want to live there
Think you're a fucking nonce who doesnt appreciate real women (30+)
Don't ask me mate, hate crumpets.
worth a squirt
who’s amber
based amber putting an end to the lowercase australian gimmick
legalise ephebophilia desu
Some lightweights really cant handle cities haha
i've heard kangaroos can get around 5 years in prison for saying like this.
just got done by janny for racism outside Yas Forums
need to be in court 9am tues
cheers yeah i'll use the crumpets
never know, might be better than toast
this is how cuisines evolve innit, out of necessity
all that fire and hardly anyone died
it literally doesn't matter, it was always just alarmist bullshit. notice how quickly they stopped caring once there was a bit of rain and it ended overnight
alri saitama
they grow up so quick
hear ukranians have to clean up their fat prison sharts for around 6months before being deported
Amber Roberts? nah
ASHLEY Roberts though
tick tock
always felt potato cake was a welcome addition to a fry up
used the n word several times in one post earlier
no biggie as im black(1) but i expect i'll be brutalised just the same
(1) in the sense that i share their cool nature and thick hamburger lips
christ i remember turt posting this photo years ago on /fa/
you got beans, yeah?
or you just going butter
Not pictured :- his mansion in burnt ruins
could do with a steaming hot mcdonalds hash brown fresh out the fryer right now
lyrics posting is back in a big way
Fill with song, and let me sing forever more.
>that webm
kek how can ukraine ever recover
was having a blissful time in /brit/ until I was accused of a thoughtcrime I have not committed
*stretching and laughing*
ahhhh! hahahaha!
you are paedophile
this but out of emma watsons hairy rectum
touching hands
reaching out
touching meeeee
touching youuuuuuuu
Fill the void like you always do
wrong flag mate
all women should be arrested
time for the daily /brit/ listen
I thought Russ lived on the finger wharf
Lads be honest. Have you ever done a finger bum wank?
I used to do them all the time, stopped at some point though I'm not sure why.
tick tock roastie
friday? shan’t be doing any work
pack that in mate, coronavirus
jesus, kanagaroos are so nervous bests as i see. did i say something bad about you?
ill punt the wrong flag so far up your bottom theyll call it the moon
hope you used some hand sanitiser
the posts you've made are seriously grim
you were trying to advocate for being attracted to 11 year olds 2 days ago
theres no way you dont end up an offender
based schizo poster
Simps will deny this fact but the only way for society to progress is to put women into birthing pens away from everyone else.
keep seeing peoepl out on the streets
idiots are going to make this worse
100+ cases today is going to spiral in to thousands of deaths
some 16 year olds are just fit
ah yes, every other day of the year there's not a soul in the toil kitchen before 10am
but one birthday girl brings in some baked goods and suddenly 9:37 hits and everyone's spitting feathers
see through this lot like a fucking stained glass window, me
*wipes donut sugar off my cheek*
I’m going to deliberately catch the Coronavirus from Chinatown and then discreetly infect my boomer boss
Shaggy- It Wasn’t Me starts playing
this one right here officer
mate you make a joke about one aussie, a minute later you've got the whole pack of bruces after you. they're very sensitive
got a dildo in the boot of my car that I use occasionally
*reads post*
hahaha TOO right
All me
every retail worker I've spoke to seems already resolved to die lol
looks like they're using this as an easy way out
6 monthly review in 20 minutes de lads preparing my bollocks for a right battering
Would eat the door handle with my hoop then start screaming for help
You lads are going out tonight right?
>43% of his retirement gone even though she remarried
aint no law
*screams and yells and thumps the wall*
what are they called those triangular potato things? not wedges
it's like shredded potato deep fried and frozen and they're a quid a bag
anyway i've got mash potato if i'm doing that i might as well leave the bacon and eggs and do bangers and mash
cor that's a thought
Almost all our cases come from Italy, Germany or Iran. It's community spreading now anyway so there's no containing it.
Corona hits Cameroon
Africa SOON
Baking a frozen pizza
Papa Giuseppe's Supreme Rising Crust if you're wondering x
based amber
>2 entire rotations of the sun ago, user was advocating for "thing" loosely related to "thing" which you are now discussing
>yes, at least i can see, the dots are all coming together now...
How do these people sleep at night?
Honestly? Imagine your significant other rotting away in some hell like conditions and just not giving a shit and having the audacity to take the money.
i see. it wasn't joke though.
got beans it's just toast i'm missing
ye haha
someone slipped a hong kong dollar into their change yesterday (hopefully as a joke)
No but the wife is
>tfw stood in between Italian tourists and an old Chink yesterday
yeah to the gym
business idea: guilty until proven innocent
>3 posts trying to defend against being called the nonce poster
Somehow don't think an innocent man would give as much of a fuck as you
Tesco worker here. Saw some women push a granny over for the last few hand sanitiser we're putting on the public facing shopfloor.
You'll have to ask us to get it from out back and it'll be 2 per person. Won't be surprised if we start moving everything outback as the animals can't control themselves.
the truly innocent people are those who don't defend themselves
I’m going to the gym then hitting the town with the lads after
This nonce is absolutely fuming lmao
>wahhh why cant i talk about being attracted to underage girls without people haitng me thats a THOUGHT CRIME!
dollop of clotted cream in the coffee today :)
When I make a good post but no one responds
think that's hash browns
potato cake is thinner and not as greasy, denser texture.
had one on a fry in scotland and it was a welcome addition. good replacement for fried bread.
hash brown
positively epicurean
someone being mean to me is the same as being convicted of a crime #1984
not a big fan of this argument
suck me you french bitch
thats an order
Not seen a single empty shelf anywhere, besides does hand cleaner even do anything really?
apparently i was paying too much tax and just received a VERY large rebate
*surreptitiously googles positively*
cleans hands, I reckon
Every woman without exception is a liar and nothing but a plump, lascivious little animal. The rest is makeup and costumes.
coffeeberg has me by the bollocks
>Hurr durr the chinee are soulless bugpeople
>Start shivving each other over bogroll
Seriously, fuck white people
>Vatican city reports first case of 'rona
yes it is hash browns thanks
couldn't even find them on the tesco website
was starting to think i'd imagined them
People panic so easily
Just proves that is some serious shite was going down then getting out of a population centre is a good idea unless you are looking for trouble
is ask.com down
How suicidal would it be to backpack across Wales? Will I get stabbed by a junkie before I can even get out of Cardiff?
I'm betting it's il papa himself
People are buying that and other handsoap because of facebook I 100% reckon. Most of the people I see buying it are middle aged women anyway. They should have been washing their hands before this shit and now they want to hoard it.
Yeah it's honestly making this job a lot more depressing seeing how soulless people can get so quickly.
cooming into a conch
huh not me, I’m not even gonna by a single face mask or bottle of hand sanitiser
>British people have the largest number among big western industrial nations. The study measured one-night stands, attitudes to casual sex, and number of sexual partners. A 2014 nationwide survey in the United Kingdom named Liverpool the country's most promiscuous city.
>New Zealand women had the highest number of sex partners for females in the world with an average of 20.4 sexual partners. In all of the countries surveyed, except New Zealand, men reported more sexual partners than women.
if you gym, then booze, the alcohol gets into your muscles and makes them weaker not stronger
do a geowizard and film it for the lads x
Not if you do it in a straight line.
>lived in england for 8 years
>still cant hide my foreign accent fully
being an eternal JF is not a nice feeling lads
you would be fine
>lil papa
is this some new soundcloud rapper?
>getting out of a population centre
but won't everybody else have the same idea?
i reckon hunkering down is a better idea
gonna hide my supplies in my attic and make a den up there
if it kicks off and they're breaking in i'll just scurry off into the attic and hide for a bit
pop down when it's all blown over
holy grimoly
I fucking love kiwi girls and by that I mean I love fucking kiwi girls
Never brought hand cleaner in my life, I just use washing up liquid and I save having my daily shit until the evening so I can have a shower straight after
*deports you to barbados*
peng or grim?
i said hey!!
Wales is lovely. I'd do the North or Offas Dyke up toward the North, though. South Wales and Cardiff especially is grim as fuck and the people are (literally) English. No point backpacking in South Wales may as well do South and South West England
imagine, if you will, the smell emanating from deep between the cheeks