mowing my lawn at 7am on the dot tomorrow to piss off all the normies home from drinking and anyone who might want a lie in edition
grass is always greener on the other side xx
bernie losing the plot why doesnt he hire an undocumented citizen to mow that lawn he's busy
Petrol-powered lawnmowers were illegalised down here
professorberg called me in for an 8am physics tutorial
bastard hasnt even turned up
Jannys alarm is buzzing off the wall rn
Funny comment about the brit serving coffee in Aus as essentially all pubs and brunch cafes in London are staffed by aussies
Is it true yank bars sell beer in the bottle not even on tap
Haha he's put a cheeky radiation source in the room I'll wager
No it fucking is not.
You have sun, high wages, not too populated country, beautiful sights, we have fucking depressing rainy craggy rock with bang average wages, full of grim annoying boomers like OP who live in dull suburbia with nothing for miles but a Tesco Express and retail park who curtain twitch cos they've got fuck all else to do.
Being born British is like being born on life's tutorial island. Sure you won't die of some horrific third world disease but you won't live much either.
netflixtoil looming
umm based
We have both. Its so you can leave with the bottle and drive with it
Yep. They’ll even ask you if you want a bottled beer or draught.
errrmmmmmmmm I thought this was /brit/?? not /yankbruce/???
Ah yes the famous history of the UK let me look at this old church that will soon be turned into flats and look at the same old building in London, this will quench my human need for natural light.
Oh what's that? A studio apartment in zone 5 of London? 670K? go ont hen.
Meanwhile I could get something obscene in Perth for that.
watching chris hitchens compilations. boy he was good at running rings around those religious idiots.
no he does have a point
How much is a so called goon bag
Hurling a full drink or box of food at something is a truly luxurious and large-souled activity
What do we have on TV nowadays? Jordan my crazy life, Gemma Collins lump of lard. It seems if your narsasistic gobshite they'll make a program about you. I watch Fred remembering someone unique, talented and entertaining to watch.
An average day in Australia
Imagine the smell.
ok thats quite based i guess
about $12
>Ah yes the famous history of the UK let me look at this old church that will soon be turned into flats and look at the same old building in London, this will quench my human need for natural light.
>(reddit space)
>Oh what's that? A studio apartment in zone 5 of London? 670K? go ont hen.
>(reddit space)
>(redditreddit space)
>Meanwhile I could get something obscene in Perth for that.
Makes you think
10-12 aud for 4-5L
Surely I'm not the only one who's disappointed that they didn't include a picture of the aftermath of said explosion
Mate Australia is just one big retail park
Try visiting you’ll see what I mean
mad how he types out a new one each time instead of just using the copypasta for his tiresome wograge
There's nothing in Perth that isn't obscene
Why do brits act like homo freaks outside of /brit/?
how to get views as an indie musician on youtube:
>put anime girl on video
that's it
Business idea:
>1 wog speaks nicely about australia and instead of attacking the black bastard who hates britain the brits turn on us immediately
he's playing you like a fiddle, kid
took a long walk around campus and went past some rich cunt live on building with a pool where some peng tings were sunbathing with their arse cheeks out
Wish Emma would sell her poo to me.
>loose women
what do they mean by 'loose'
It's a fair cop, really
Part of being almost identical to yanks but also simultaneously more British and more Asian than yanks
just sneezed lads
pray for me
>check his opgg
>he's back to diamond 2
oh no no no
we got too cocky adchads
I'm in
Have any of you Australian's actually been to Britain?
The only thing they ever say when I meet them is how shit the weather is and they want to get home or how good London is, not because of London, but because it's so close to Europe they can tick off their travels.
That's it.
being arrested for viewing this post
you gotta admit this is genius
Any Crufts man in?
>know your meme filename
>telling me what to do
i dont think so
been to Europe twice but never set foot on Britain. Next time I go I will go there but ignore the south, start from Newcastle and head north to Scotland
oh holy fuck a guy in my group said he can't meet today because he's going to this
I didn't know it was fucking dogs
fuck me I'm surrounded by poshos
miss this lil nigga like u wouldnt believe
no, crossposting from reddit is not genius
>I didn't know it was fucking dogs
leftypol fears this
it keeps him awake at night
Don't mind me just clearing out the Australians
we love anime uwu
i like the material of his shirt. what is it?
>Don't mind me just clearing out the Australians
lads they shut down the cuba thing because of corona
The Australians ive met all enjoy it here, I know a couple who have even stayed for good
Haha sat down with my Mum to watch that Rebel Wilson dog grooming show
She's not watching another episode
its really uncanny valley especially after europe. It's so different but extremely familiar. But with how cities are set out so differently but just a whole bunch of small things are the same. Like thanking the buss driver and actually being polite in public.
and people have the same mannerisms and social expectations
Newcastle is really good
watched it last night
was a bit out of order how that horse bint and whoever she had on were talking about dogs, I reckon
one minute they're like "oh my dogs are my babies, I treat them better than my kids xD" then in the same breath they were like "do I get to take a dog home?" "oh yeah, we'll sort one out for you" like they're a fucking party bag
bunch of twats and their nazi kennel club, sack the lot of them
miss this lil nigga like u wouldnt believe
In Australia are their houses fucked like here?
kind of like how you can get a decent house here but only if you live in the middle of nowhere. I was reading the other day in NZ they are also fucked because they haven't got enough houses so everyboyd is sharing or living out of cars and hundreds of people turn up for viewings for one place.
What's the situation in Aus? Am I likely to be in a flat/house share outside of Sydney?
I've lived in Britain and Australia and go back and forth frequently. Got any questions considering you've clearly never been here?
that was weird, something just caused a really bright flash outside that lit up my whole room
you'd reckon theyd say god has their backs and wouldnt dream of infecting them with a virus he designed.
But compared to home, your standard of living is grim here right?
(I don't know what uncanny valley means)
Real Estate is pretty expensive here
how about just today you shut the fuck up for a change, 'ey Dave?
it's 8:40 in the morning
yeah its fucked. We didn't have 2008 so the bubble never popped.
So retarderdly expensive houses even in shitville eve though we have infinite space
yeah Sydney and Melbourne are completely fucked. some old dude in melbourne sold a storage space about the size of a carport for $600k that he bout for a few thousand $ about 15 years ago
haven't been more than 5km of my home, as god intended
The state capitals aren't as bad as London but aus is FAR more urbanised and overall it's kinda fucked. It's not as bad as Britain, but due to lack of land zoning we're becoming overpopulated simply because there isn't enough legal residential land to build despite having massive net positive migration
recession will hit
bubble will pop
just chillax and save your money for the dip ^_^
Yes. Lots actually.
Is the quality of living that much higher? There's a reason there's about 1.5m brits in Aus but only 200k Aus in the UK at MOST, and most of them are temporary not trying to stay.
Is it really a life of just chilling in the sun/by the beach? People who moan say that's not true because you work then go home but there's literally nothing saying you can't just pop off a drive for two hours to a beach somewhere on Saturday/Sunday.
Is there anything the UK is better for that the UK is actually better for and not because it means you can get to other places quicker from here?
>Am I likely to be in a flat/house share outside of Sydney?
Yes unless you're earning very well which you probably won't be outside of the state capitals unless youre highly skilled', but I guess if you were skilled enough to come here you wouldn't be on /brit/ crying about a bit of fucking rain.
Sort of and sort of not
The scale is sort of wrong, like "outside of Sydney" is more than 60 km away whereas you have equivalent new build suburbs at equivalent distances but the psychology of the distance is different
as in its weird because its halfway in between being the same but completely different at the same time so its an odd feeling
but yeah i wouldn't live in the UK long term pretty much entirely because of economic reasons
I really liked newcastle but didn't have to deal with the fucked living situation like i heard people constantly talking about just in public to each other
Been to Paris, Rome, and London me
Quite a cultivated fellow if I might brag aloud
Loved the museums and parks of London
Paris was dogshit absolute dogshit
Rome was dece (short for decent)
oh just shut the fuck UP rorke for crying out FUCKING loud
>muh real estate prices
just live at home lmao
is Paris even worse than Rome?
I liekd the torust thing of Rome but not even joking probably the biggest shithole of a city ive ever been to. Felt like the African cities ive been to
Thought we were due for more rain today, not seeing it.
*changes the locks*
hobbies: travelling :)
Very noncey, that.
I do. But I have a sizeable deposit and waiting to buy
rorke soiling his Next jeans
but my mum never remarried and she loves me :^)
I guess you take the nature for granted but yeah you can just go and camp somewhere and drink outside 9 months of the year
the UK has actual historical shit to see, tesco pork pies and any beer which isn't lager on us though
*legally sodomises a 16 year old girl*
I just don't have the balls to do a vagrant holiday
leftypol flailing his arms in the air with tears in his eyes on /brit/ again
I want to use your mum like a breeding sow
Well you'd better hope things don't cool in the bedroom then
>There's a reason there's about 1.5m brits in Aus but only 200k Aus in the UK at MOST
The majority of that disparity is simply population size difference. Quality of life I'd say is higher.
Medical system is majority private so its far superior to the NHS. Don't care about your opinions on what's right and wrong, the actual standard of care here is way better and nobody goes without basic care as the government covers it.
The weather is only arguably better, personally prefer the UK because 40C heat for weeks on end just isn't what I'm built for having only first moved here in my late teens.
>Is it really a life of just chilling in the sun/by the beach?
No, you can do it but it gets boring, in my opinion at least. The beaches are nicer than Britain and it is a benefit but it's not a deciding factor for myself nor is it for the majority of metropolitan youths (Melbourne doesn't really have beaches, Sydney's ones are dire).
The BEST reason to move to Australia is the job market. It's far superior with a higher minimum wage, easier to find employment etc. Closely followed by the cultural and ethnic homogeneity compared to Europe (which is quickly dwindling outside Tassie).
why dont kiwis ever post here
whoever is seeding this torrent to me seems to have capped their upload speed at about 50kB/s and it's driving me bananas
> can't fathom a loving relationship with his parents
where did it all go so horribly wrong for you?