Golf ball edition
Don't talk with your mouth full!
alri ray romano
i have to go for a run BUT I DONT WANT TO its been 17 days since my last run
Lower case aussie tries way, way, way too hard if you get what i mean.
That is a GREAT movie. I saw it on T.V. in the summer.
Hell is the home of honor, duty, justice, and the rest of the seven deadly virtues. All the wickedness on earth is done in their name: where else but in hell should they have their reward?
gonna do it lads
no I can’t say I do
Alri mum
NGL I kinda tuned out after James Woods raped his mulatto buddy in prison though. Up until that point he was chad.
Just do it fatty
really wish i were a girl
So you liked the straight interracial seen then?
Drinking Coronas 7fl oz(48.30ml)
Emmett do u like songs about hunting whales
I forgot about that. Its a pretty heavy movie, all around.
I mean James Woods makes the nigger suck his dick though so, I guess he got his.
Belter make room
Fuck your shitty queen
>seppos posting shitty music
Piss off back to /cum/.
I want to smell Emma Watson’s stinky farts.
An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.
for me its -2 and Clear
The fuck?
emmett with yet another post based upon homosexuality
trying to tell us something em?
what do you mean
I saw Nightcrawler and I thought it was garbage by the way.
might doxx you as a joke
Sorry Juan I don’t speak Spanish.
Couldn’t cope with -2
Chinaman pretending like he doesnt speak Chinese aye
How are we all this arvo then
Right, that's it, I'm having a poo
sorry lad taken
>waaaahhh everyone who doesn’t like me is a chink
Yeah, bet Edward S. Webster was a chink too you fucking mutt.
reddit janny is in the discord right now begging the tranny mod to delete /brit/
Hmmmmm, as it were
there aren't many good new films
Zhang BTFO!
操這些白人 白人像這只蒙古羔羊,真是太辣了
Taking a /shit/
yes there are
be quiet
name them then
Walk on
think about it
Some folk’ll never lose a toe
But then again some folk’ll
Like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel
Having a trump
The plague, the famine, the earthquake, the tempest were too spasmodic in their action; the tiger and crocodile were too easily satiated and not cruel enough: something more constantly, more ruthlessly, more ingeniously destructive was needed; and that something was Man, the inventor of the rack, the stake, the gallows, the electric chair; of sword and gun and poison gas: above all, of justice, duty, patriotism, and all the other isms by which even those who are clever enough to be humanely disposed are persuaded to become the most destructive of all the destroyers.
Tis juist ever sae similar enough that tis unnerstaunable th' wee bas
Trump will win 2020
Can’t wait for WWIII so I can kill some g*rmans without worrying about the consequences.
>defending krautniggers
Was there any need for that to be a gif?
There are. Not as many as there once were though.
Might buy a samsung s20 ultra
Know nothing about phones me just buy the cheapest chinkphone at the post office.
Hot girls poo too you know.
not doing the work for you
couldn't find my usual brand of soy milk today because the doomsday prepper mongs have hoarded it all
grim state of affairs
I just realised the George Foreman grill is named after an old boxer and isn't just a brand name.
>couldn't find my usual brand of soy milk today because the doomsday prepper mongs have hoarded it all
>grim state of affairs
imageboard not linkboard
name 3 lad ill watch them