What can be done to stop racism and hatred of other cultures?

What can be done to stop racism and hatred of other cultures?

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that's not how bell curve works

it is tho

Explain why this bell curve is wrong


>polfags think they're on the right part of the curve

Make it mainstream again

Education. Racism and all forms of hatred are a byproduct of ignorance. If you hate a certain culture or race, then spend time educating yourself about it without a personal bias.

I don't hate a certain culture or race.
But they keep enforcing their stereotypes.

t. couldn’t answer my message yesterday

Racism is natural, sane and normal.

Nice link you have there friend, but there is more than one Qatari poster on here. I've talked with three on here before. They post rarely though, probably because they have a life.
>But they keep enforcing their stereotypes.
Which is a product of their upbringing and environment. No, I'm not talking about culture, I'm talking about the socioeconomic part of their upbringing. The reason why refugees tend to be awful people is because they tend to come from bad socioeconomic backgrounds, some suffer from war trauma (like in Syria for example).

This. Based chocolate poster.

Kek, yes I believe you, you’re totally not that guy :^)
Whatever all the answers to your low brained posts are contained in that single post, there’s no need to explain further something that’s so painfully obvious.

Okay dude, if your beliefs work for you and they seem to bring results, then stick to that. I have my beliefs as you have yours.

I'm sorry, but that excuse doesn't work here.
Yes you're poor here?
Means you're still better of than 90% of the world. There are many social programs here, for cheap housing, health insurance support etc.
Lower education is completely free, for higher education you get financial support.

How would this make this so prone to get into the criminal circuit?

>Tfw ive become more racist the more educated and experienced in others cultures I've become

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Racism is primarily the love of your own kind. It balances the sane hatred of parasitic creatures.

Yes, but they keyword here is upbringing. They weren't brought up in your country, under the same conditions as you. They were brought up in their own country under different conditions then brought into your country.

You're not racist because you favour a certain race or culture. You're only racist if you let that make you hate other races or cultures simply because of your own favouritism. But liking a culture or race and preferring it over others is not bad. Just like having a preference to who you want to date isn't bad either.

>implying the only problems are caused by rapefugees anyway
We have four-generation shitskins here and each generation behaves more horribly than the previous one as their demography spreads.

But the more educated I become, the more I hate other cultures, you goatfucking pedo worshipper

>They weren't brought up in your country
But most are second generation, so they were raised in this same country.

I'm not talking about the current wave refugees, I'm talking people who were born here.

What if I spend my time educating myself about reasons to hate other people?

Racism is supposedly caused by ignorance yet racial consciousness is mostly triggered after having experienced racial hellholes, something that most anti-racists carefully avoid.

To quote what I said yesterday:
> I'm talking about districts where shitskins make up 80, 85, 90, 95% of the population. Extremely insalubrious. Endemic drug trafficking. Daily stabbings or rapes. And yes shitskins are prone to this kind of behavior.

>And EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T, people still unconsciously feel more comfortable and confident when they live among their own than when they are forced to live alongside foreign elements. This is basically the ingroup advantage, or cross-race effect. It's not always verbalized because people see racism or, said differently, the wish to live in White homogeneous territories as the ultimate sin, but it is surely expressed directly or indirectly by an overwhelming amount of the population. Even, and perhaps especially, among all those anti-racist who carefully maintain themselves and their kids away from the invaded areas.

> And I will add, by the way, that Asians, Turks, Niggers etc. are the first one to naturally favor their own group and segregate foreign elements from their districts or businesses.

Unless coerced through a large-scale mongrelization program, nothing will go against biology and racial endogamy.

>segregates minorities into separate neighborhoods and treats them like foreigners even if they've lived there all their lives
>"w-why do these shitskins cause so many problems"

Yes, and they were raised by the same refugees who brought them into the same country in the first place. As they stay in the country longer they progress more and adapt to the culture and usually assimilate. I have talked with refugees and people suffering from war trauma because I am a psychologist who deals with people suffering from these kind of issues. Most of them just want to go back to their home country, but accept their migration is a consequence and just learn to get on with their lives, but the trauma is still with them. They are usually aggressive, resentful etc. common trauma symptoms, you'd see in many people.
You'd make a good comedian then.

>who carefully maintain themselves and their kids away from the invaded areas.
We have a known anti-racist politician who removed her kid from her school, after it accepted kids from the poorer area, including Moroccans.
And then also said that she wanted the best for her child. That was quite a laugh.

I lived in Toronto with similar racial demographics and none of what you said was true in my city

I hope you grow out of your edge phase eventually, but if you don't then I hope it somehow helps you progress in life and be happy.

That is how a bell curve works

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Some cultures deserve hatred and there is nothing racist about it.

>wanting to go back

They want to sit here on the couch, receive free gibs and/or go into the drug world and get rich as fuck. And once they are that rich, they go back to their home place, but not before fucking this country up.

They are the first to claim their actual nationalities because unlike the crazy colorblind deluded egalitarians, shitskins actually know where they come from and who they inherently are and remain even after several generations.

Also, they weren’t segregated, they just made everyone run away because of their behavior. The same scenario always repeats, now in smaller cities as well.

Most of the Turks you actually get are usually Kurds who flee because of the persecution they get in Turkey. You think way too one-dimensionally dude.

Reality won’t change to fit your incredibly childish «we are all humans and equals» worldview. Actually racism will not stop increasing as traditionally homogeneous societies crumble under the demographic pressure of invasive populations.

FACT: Black people are violent retards

You have the mindset of a tribal ape, my guess is you're either some edgy angry kid (probably this because you're on Yas Forums), or you're lower class and don't really have access to good education.

Most syriqn refugees are literally militia deserters running to the west to escape persecution from the SAA

im on the right after moving from 90%+ white city to a 40% black city that makes it dangerous to even cross into half the damn city

My country is filled with them and they're pretty okay.

I only like this because ‘i hate asians’ is high iq

What would a nigger loving muslim know about okay?

Not americanized blacks

I don't care which tribe they are. If they're not willing to improve themselves, work and follow our way of life, they're not compatible with our country and should just fuck off.
We have 3rd generation of them, unable speak normal Dutch, and never had a legal job. I'm sorry, but you had all the changes, and even if your parents didn't give you proper education you can always do it later. We also have more jobs available than people to fill them in, so that's not an excuse either.

Cope. I’m a White man who experienced both racial homogeneity (is a France populated by Frenchmen) and racial hellholes (ie areas plagued by third-world filth). I see the things for what they are and describe they accurately. You’re the one living in a dream world, or actually a dystopian one. Is it because you’re a rootless mutt, or a social outcast? Unlike you I know how it feels to belong somewhere and I have the wish to preserve my land and my people. Kids don’t have such thoughts. Kids say like you that racism is bad because why can’t we just love each other instead. Doesn’t work that way for the behavioral, cognitive, biological reasons I’ve mentioned earlier.

>According to Qatar's Constitution, Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation,[105][106] although in practice, Qatar's legal system is a mixture of civil law and Sharia law.[107][108] Sharia law is applied to family law, inheritance, and several criminal acts (including adultery, robbery and murder). In some cases, Sharia-based family courts treat a female's testimony as being worth half that of a man.

>Stoning is a legal punishment in Qatar,[118] and apostasy and homosexuality are crimes punishable by the death penalty, however, the death penalty hasn't been carried out for either.[119][120] Blasphemy can result in up to seven years in prison, while proselytising can incur a 10-year sentence.[119][121]

It’s pointless and undesirable to wish for their integration. They’d just destroy your biological integrity, soil your blood. This is just disgusting. Although it would of course be a racial improvement for them.

That is actually false, I have seen divorce cases happen here and a woman's testimony is not worth half of a man (whatever that legally means). And wikipedia can be edited by just about anyone, but go on, tell me about how you know more than me about my own country.

>Stoning is a legal punishment in Qatar.
Again, I was brought up here and have not seen a single stoning happen in my entire life. But do go on.

>According to the U.S. State Department, expatriate workers from nations throughout Asia and parts of Africa voluntarily migrate to Qatar as low-skilled labourers or domestic servants, but some subsequently face conditions indicative of involuntary servitude. Some of the more common labour rights violations include beatings, withholding of payment, charging workers for benefits for which the employer is responsible, restrictions on freedom of movement (such as the confiscation of passports, travel documents, or exit permits), arbitrary detention, threats of legal action, and sexual assault.[176]

I don't care about racial purity, would be a problem with my non-western gf.
I care about my country, way of life and safety.

>should just fuck off
Yeah but to where? Back to the same war hellholes they ran away from?

Racial homogeneity wouldn’t be an answer to all existing problems, but it’s assuredly a prerequisite to solve them perennially. Although I don’t condone them (at all, should even be forbidden) mixings at a small scale are not irreversibly harmful for society as a whole. However, a large scale demographic substitution is indeed disastrous in both the sort and long term and deeply degrades the cohesion your people, by destroying its reason to exist (if everyone can become French, or Dutch, then being French or Dutch becomes meaningless). It also destroys the diversity they claim to cherish so dearly.

Stop defending your masters pajeet

unintelligible mess

I am Qatari. I am a minority in my own country, however most of the immigrants who come here tend to be well adjusted people who don't suffer from war trauma or other kinds of trauma, so it's not that bad.

What education do I need to stop hating gypsies?

>war torn country

And if the war is over, yes they should go back. To rebuild their amazing country they're always talking about.

12 hours of reddit per day

Educate yourself. Then you’ll realize all valuable individuals throughout history were deeply anti-racist and tolerant to everyone, especially the marvelous Gypsies.

They are usually ignored by the governments of the countries they live in, are usually segregated to areas of their own etc. The government should have a more proactive role in forcing them to integrate and assimilate, force gypsy children into schools even if they don't want to.