Crappy 2 bedroom house costs 1million dollars where I live

>crappy 2 bedroom house costs 1million dollars where I live

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Based chinese magnates investing in american real estate and crushing the hopes of the average american.


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>people buying the top 0.1% of properties makes housing vastly more expensive for the remsining housing stock
You're clueless fuckwit.

That's 4x the average salary.

Stop living there.

Ching chong

Bay area?

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>He has never heard about speculation .

100 % Chinese

Haching hachong whuee

>1.2 million

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>tfw 1 bed flats cost £300k here
Never gonna get on that property ladder

nah i live in honolulu. its even worse at least in bay area you make more money there. I make 55k per year, 40k after tax, rent is half of that. i get like 18k per year to spend on groceries/bills

basically the only way i can ever own a house is if i marry someone here whos parents owns a house and then their parents die and my spouse inherits the house

Then move, dumbfuck

Flats in Tel Aviv are so expensive that I won't be able to buy one even if I worked my whole life.
This is what you get when the whole country wants to live in 1 metropolitan area

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then move to the west bank pussy

No jobs
No city life
Always have to use the car to get to civilization like I'm a yank
Shit ain't for me

Except that isn't the case. They represent a tiny portion of the total. Landlords are based by the way. Don't blame rich people for your shitty cuck jobs.

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its really more the NIMBYs than chinese in this case.


Damn. I always wanted to move to hawaii. What are the other islands like for real estate prices

>I'm a yank
no, no you're not

>le quirkies acronomie xD
slash your throat

why do you live in a state with a malfunctional economy? if you are conservative move to texas or arizona.

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big island is cheap, but rural af and least welcoming
maui is most expensive, but also rather rural
nigga i moved to a state where im the minority you think im a dumbfuck republican?

you'd be a minority in those states aswell in a couple of years
only a retard would take a dumbfucks words at face value

Based bootlicker

It's commiefornia, what do you expect?

its getting worse

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>even jews are struggling to get housing

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the Chinese are the ones who aren't struggling


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CRASH WHEN?! I need to buy this year

who knows. but if a crash happens, buying a house may not be our biggest priority

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Shut the fuck up you little millennial cocksucker! I bet you wouldn't know a hard days work if it kicked you right in the ass! Back in my day I saved for a whole year for my deposit and you want your house right away?!

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Why is Australia so expensive?

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because living in a city is expensive and over 1/5th of our population lives in just Sydney. our population is also growing faster than houses can be built

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t. Zhang

>I only makke 18k per year in my first world country

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Housing was destroyed by investment property kikes, real estate speculators and the Chinese. All very willingly.

Ive seen on computrabajo chile where jobs have enough of a monthly salary that its 30k a year. For things like programmers, engineers...

Move to Houston lads, shit's actually affordable here and you'll make good money

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Nah,just save some money and wait for the next housing crisis/bubble pop and get one, thats my plan at least lel

how do i become american with no qualifications

Looks like LA

Hawaii is only affordable for affluent boomers or natives who’ve lived there their entire lives. Moving there as a young man is basically financial suicide.

makes me feel sick knowing I could buy this with my 100k deposit and pay it off in a few years

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get some american tourist pregnant and then marry her. Then wait like 10 years

Yikes bro.

fuck. there must be a catch there though

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it's not in a bad place either, it's in the nice suburbs away from the "diversity" of the inner city. Would suck if you had to commute INTO houston though. Only catch I can think of is flooding, but I don't think that's a place that floods

I checked out the neighbourhood. It looks nice and all the homes around around are the same price. It's bullshit how affordable it is

>tfw not american
hold me brehs

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Average salary is 250k?

I was starting to dislike America but you made me realize that's it's not that bad here

i guess the grass is always greener. no country is perfect

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son, you just need to put in years of hard work like your mother and I did