Good pets Edition
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Silly animals
Why do they do this
their tail is all wrappy
I despise possums. Their faces give me the creeps
of course
beer and gumbo would flow like old man river
weird cots
that ride on dogs
they will. they will also on cats
VERY interdesting
they are quite interesting
blag cot
>lvl 9 wizard throws demonkin coon into abyssal void
he has arrived
>looks like the crew is back together again
I just lost it to this loop. had to wipe tears from my eyes.
>all part of the plan
>are you losers pretending to be some kind of weird squad on the internet again
>lol i bet you don't even chew logs for a living lmao
>how you gonna build a lodge for your lady without logs
>i been out there in the pond
>chewin logs
>movin em around
>have a seat and say that to my face wiseguy
>wouldn't want anyones to get hurt now would we?
This doesn't come anywhere near as naturally to me as KotH larping
>that's what i fucking thought
>now get outta 'ere
>tfw 21 and only have had sex with 4 people
>one whore, one 3, one 5, and one 8.
Also I suck at game, each time I've gotten laid its been from the girl initiating it.
Is there any hope for me
we make our own salvation
there's no hope for those who aren't hopeful
>one 3, one 5, and one 8
why don't you have a seat over there, sir?
try to find a good lady like this
obviously attractiveness not age pedo
getngin japp[nese beer was worth the struglge
asahi wass rpretty good it has literlaly 0 aftertaste
sapporo tastes like a stout despitre being a lager so id ont knwo what to think about it other than that i dont like souts
It says here that you post under the screen name WienerBoy_69
is it physically impossible for you to make a funny post or anything original at all
like what sort of ephemeral being prevents you from being interesting or funny, there has to be something stopping you from acting normal
this isnt a shitpost i'm genuinely wondering
i giggled at his party van post but im also drunk
Virgin is in the top 5 of people here who have made me audibly chuckle
second that.
djb i have drank an unfathomable amount of alcohol as well
I for one thought that was a pretty good post from Jinya but what do I know.
Asahi super dry is the shit, I drink it all the time, totally worth it. That's all they sell overseas so you probably drank that, top tier asian beer. Kirin and Sapporo are alright
i'm drinking some sapporo as well and it's alright
but that unique taste of asahi is pretty aluring
gonna be ordering a shit ton of that in the future i know that
you drink any japanese whiskey? i had some suntory hibiki recently and it was absolutely sublime
it wasn't smooth but the flavor alone made up for it it was fucking delicious, best liquor i've ever had
When I was in France I saw a ton of Jap whiskey, but I never bought/drank any. I barely know anything about liquor but I love beer
I don't know the secret of super dry but got DAMN its good
spent several minutes now trying to think of something funny, interesting, and original to retort with, but I'm coming up short.
typical manlet
Since when does Gondola talk? Never. That's when,
man you should have
shits hard to get here in the us
y ou either have to order it or drive far to get just an overpriced bottle of an already overpriced qhiwskey
just trust mei fyou see "suntory hibiki" of some kind anywhere get some of that, it's fucking great
Not responding to you flaglett
You got it boss. All the liquor I have right now is some white rum from New Orleans. Shit's good and smooth but doesn't play well with mixers. Oh well.
I made a thread what if you guys hyped it up haha
who the fuck is br why are you even posting here
Baton rouge asshole
only georgians are allowed here sorry
I hate georgians