Why do everybody talks about discrimination of black people in America but nobody counts literal genocide of Native...

Why do everybody talks about discrimination of black people in America but nobody counts literal genocide of Native Americans in the current territory of the U.S. of A.?

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Because they're mostly all dead and the ones that are still alive are mostly confined to reservations in the middle of nowhere or larping whites

Shit happens. Virtually every culture on Earth has conquered and displaced another culture at some point.

Yeah, a lot of native American tribes were HORRIBLE people so whatever

I think it has to deal with celebrity outreach

Attached: 105315_207979.jpg (1600x1600, 197.47K)

There was no such thing as a "native genocide", most of them just died to disease it wasn't deliberate.

There is only one genocide, like ever, mate. We monsters slaughtered a Trillion jews at least. No other cunt did anythiang bad, ever.

Native Americans are basically mythical creatures to me

Not enough native Americans left to be as vocally mad as blacks

Also blacks have lower inhibition and are more naturally prone to violence and outbursts

lmao this is why no one likes us
this is why Europe is getting displaced by foreigners. this is why people vote democrat. because you mutts want to set aside Judeo-Christian genocide as if it's nothing to help yourself sleep better at night

Thanks for honest, convincing and informative answer. Do today's Americans feel sorry for them?

America went from Native American to white/black to Native American

No. No one cares about native americans, we literally have a sports team named the Redskins. Sports fans have chants where they pretend to be natives, in the most disrespectful way possible. If this were any other race, even Asians, people would care.

spics look nothing like natives you absolute moron
they're mixed race abominations

but one of them is right, it was disease, which was inevitably going to hit them at some point.

White people only care about blacks

Yes, though, that's his point. Literally every ethnicity on Earth has been massacred at one point, so why is the rest of the world supposed to show blacks any extra consideration?

I work with some tribes (mostly tohono o'odham) they are really chill for the most part, the reservations do have problems with alcohol and hard drug abuse, but overall they are really kind people.

We do we are just a different subrace of amerindians

Because blacks cry and whine about this all the freaking time, that's all they do.

do Brazilian blacks do the same?

>spics look nothing like natives you absolute moron
>they're mixed race abominations

Mexicans would not look like american natives even if they were pure.



Attached: silvid (american) _ margid (mexican).jpg (2880x1920, 1.91M)

They didn't but they are starting to copy this African-American cancer.

>Native American
pick one

We are native mexican and america is rightful mexican clay

>literal genocide of Native Americans in the current territory of the U.S. of A.?
That never happened. Disease brought by traders, explorers and spaniards killed 95% before the pilgrims got on the Mayflower. There were some wars with some tribes and others were always allied to us. They're also still around, one of the famous great depression portraits is actually of a Cherokee woman but most people don't realize it. However, yes we do talk about how they got steamrolled.

Go to an Indian casino sometime, the only way to tell the difference is Indians wear beads

If that's his point, they're like jews with the holocaust. They could have plantations with white slaves 500 years in the future with no worries in their entire life and still wouldnt shut the fuck up. They aren't even aware N.African corsairs were raiding the British Isles for slaves the same time they were being enslaved.

We look different most of the time, quit lying

Ok, if you're a spic you're usually about a foot shorter too, but just as fat and ugly

Blacks are more vocal and prevalent in American pop culture therefore everybody in the world hears their message

I can tell the difference you're probably a little face blind

Mexicans have different phenotype
its not just about height

Attached: margids [mexicids + sonorids] mexican natives.jpg (2556x1598, 509.4K)

>Mexicans would not look like american natives even if they were pure.

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Why African Americans are so mean to East Asians?

we are reclaiming the land on behalf of our lost brothers and sisters
-latino native


Native Americans are the true rightful people of America so promoting them would be promoting blood and soil which goes against the globalist agenda.



It really depends where you are at. If you're in Alaska or the north west it's easy to tell the difference because NW Indians are much paler and their eyes start getting slanted the farther north you go.

But if we're talking SoCal or New Mexico/Arizona Indians its almost impossible to tell the difference without talking to them.

Attached: chip-hailstone-family-2-1541626636240-1541626638217.jpg (1200x628, 67.43K)

This woman is from north mexico the "whitest" region of mexico


You are mutts deluding yourselves into thinking you are Native Americans when you share little cultural traits with them. The only people who continue to assert such are mentally ill chicanos.

whatever negro

mexicans literally dance like natives

Asians are way more racist than blacks

Hes not worth arguing with

all whites, blacks, and mixed latinos will be ethnically cleansed

no. be quiet



what does he mean by this?

why do americans assume the indians we descend from and their indians are the same

Most people have probably never met somebody who identifies as an actual native american.

If you live near the border it's entirely possible

They do not care enough about natives to make distinctions between them

>everybody get sick and dies, followed by waves of weird looking people with superior technology coming to conquer the remnants
wow alien invasion is going to suck

I dont I live in the Northeast and you fuckers don't look Algonquin. Distant ancestry, corn and turkeys I think are all you have in common.

Constantly, especially boomers. Boomers worship Injuns. My parents talk constantly about how horrible and sad it is what we did to the redskins.

disease happened in 1600

the american genocide happened 1800s onwards. It wasn't a genocide, but americans did bully natives to extinction.

They're generally well respected. Whites didn't just murder them all. They lacked immunity to Eastern diseases and it devestated their populations.


They also live comfortably off their land so they literally couldn't be bothered

Native Americans are less numerous, and many of them live in reservations, where they tend to keep to themselves.
Some of the reservations are miserably poor, roughly on the level of 3rd world villages. A lot of people unfortunately don't know just how badly Native Americans were screwed.
A fair number probably do.