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Other urls found in this thread:


>climate change

Climate's always changed, what of it?


whats the actual realistic scenario for the future of Northern Ireland then

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Replaced my bollocks with golf balls

do you fancy tyson fury or something


a fine machine

Welsh > English > Northern Irish > Manx > Irish > Falklanders > Other crown dependencies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scots

friday toil on the morrow

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assimilation into the kingdom of wales

any brewdog man in

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falklanders are the most based, it's not even close.


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popped a golf ball i'm sweating

chlorinated chicken feet on toast

the french rolls royce

Integration with the Republic and violence/civil unrest.

toilberg has everyone working from home
kinda comfy

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there was a promotional truck in brighton a few months ago giving out free brewdogs and i felt personally insulted

the falklands look really cozy
I want to visit that one pub in Stanley you always see and then drive around the islands a bit

prefer elvis juice

Know many?

was convinced id progressed beyond my days of late night carbohydrate degeneracy, yet here i am cradling one of my two pot noodle and mayonnaise sandwiches

"If you're so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
And if you're so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very good-looking
Why do you sleep alone tonight ?
I know...
'Cause tonight is just like any other night
That's why you're on your own tonight
With your triumphs and your charms
While they're in each other's arms..."

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saw a nonce gang running around cheadle

Welsh > Northern English = South-Western English = Midland English = Norn Irish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scots >>>>>>>>>>>>> Londoners


>96% of Zimbabweans said it is fine for a man to beat up or rape a woman

The fuck is wrong with third worlders?


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back doing the alcoholism thing
i'm going gradually taper off this time, came off it too sudden last time

is that two pot noodle, and mayonnaise sandwiches,
or pot noodle and mayonnaise sandwiches?

seems i was a little late requesting that twice thread
sorry dubu ive failed you


You think the Irish people would be willing to unify with Ireland and face possibly decades of bombing and terror by Loyalist groups?

Leeds or Manchester?

rorke the type of nigga to live in leighton buzzard

There's the Pierside, Barnacles and the Globe. the Globe is the famous one.

As a British Pakistani, most people I know believe that.

>pot noodle and mayonnaise sandwich

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what rapper

ive always wanted to visit too but fuck that im never getting on a plane again unless im heavily sedated

How much you been drinking and for how long?

Right lads do i postpone getting a dog until corona blows over or am i being paranoid.
Not a prepper and dont think its going to collapse the nation but it feels like it could get pretty bad and dogs need heavy socialisation while young so not sure running out and about meeting other pet owners is a great idea


kill yourself

women want to be raped
its natural


Cars are shit nowadays (all of them) and older cars have skyrocketed in price over the last five years, now if you want a basic BMW from the 80's you'll have to pay 10k€ for a rusted-out shitbox.
Not a car guy anymore because of that.

white ppl will have a son named Rex they walk on a leash but have a dog named Steven they keep in a stroller

how to improve cardio

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Got me mum hooked on Vic II lads

yeah and then what

This is true. My gf watches loads of rape porn.

fucking HELL

God I hate the city
Cant wait to move rural again when I have the money to go to a nice rural town not a iceberg

>late night carbohydrate degeneracy
What is wrong with carb loading for the next days exertion?

Do you think I could make it in the rap game with the name "Yung Nigga"
I'm white btw

well we're all gonna be dead in 3 months without a single trace of humanity left behind we're basically already dead so it doesnt matter mate

i fucking hate nerds

roger scrotum

you can have this one sheepshaggers

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just run more bro

you've been? what's it like? how're the pubs
did you hangout with locals?

>Cars are shit nowadays
in what way?

you're being a paranoid cunt and you probably piss the bed

ive never met a woman i didnt want to kick in the shins and ive beaten a lot of women

I'm white and I hate dogs and I hate people who like dogs.

all the slag and coomer posts are conditioning your brain to get a stiffy whenever you come into /brit/.

would completely and utterly mog anyone ITT at fruit ninja arcade mode

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Umm.. Tricky. It's going to happen anyway once there's an (Irish) nationalist or republican political majority in the North which, frankly, isn't far off.

The difference between the Republican violence of the past and potential Unionist violence of the future is that the Irish republicans could always cite a nation that at least nominally wanted them. Unionists in the North aren't going to have that from the UK.

It's grim no matter what way you look at it.

Not a sexist just hate women simple as.

you beat women? like as a hobby?

When you look at Trump, Biden, Sanders and Bloomberg and see successes for Trump and Biden and utter failures for Sanders and Bloomberg, you can't help but notice that the gentile old guys won and the Jewish old guys lost

i'm would consider myself a car guy but i have zero interest in pretty much everything built after 1985, and modern cars are just washing machines. sports cars are a bit better than they were but i can't get interested in track cars etc

how much more

they're pretty big and empty islands
imagine I could knock off a week or two around exploring them if I wanted and could access smaller islands easy enough

damn...they really do be like this

b and r

70 year old french mp equivalent got the corona lads
He wont last long

Mix of short fast runs and longer medium paced runs

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BMWs are shit now
Cars are better than ever

Look at this dude

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more than currently

they're about as interesting as a dishwasher now

Yeah. Did the 30th in 2012. Have you ever been in a company town? The islands are company islands.

>Cars are better than ever
also check'd
EV's last way longer than ICE cars and also have a lot less maintenance work

always wanted to taste them, must be fantastic

Women hating virgins the lot of you, need executing.

Explain this picture.

do you think its safe to go to restaurants?

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gonna pack in the fags and go for a run everyday lads

run 5k every day

If cars are better than ever how come my 22-year-old Land Rover Discovery I bought from a wrecking yard has problems?

this poster is a doomer virgin freak


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shes rape signaling here
shes broadcasting she wants a strong man to dominate her
she doesnt want to nice simp male feminist with a neatly trimmed beard, skinny fit jeans and a reddit gold account

interesting in what way? because I guarantee you, you're just not informed enough on modern cars
not if it's italian or chinese/japanese/korean

Too lean

They can vote to reunify but it will never happen, no Irish or British person wants to face the troubles again especially when its going to be 1 Million pissed of Protestants that Ireland will have to now pay for that do NOT want to be under Irish rule

I'm a woman hating shagger actually

>Can't see shit out of the windows because the pillars are super thick due to safety regulations
>Everything made of plastic
>No room in the engine bay, pain in the arse to work on
>they all have the same boring shape
>no more nice engines, just small turbocharged vacuum cleaner sounding 4 cylinders

>Have you ever been in a company town?
does that mean you need some sort of clearance to travel there?

batteries wear out, and when they do the car is junk unless you get a new battery but the environmental impact of that is not sustainable. electric cars are a temporary remedy to the climate crisis but hydrogen will be the long term solution, and elon musk can fuck off

would spark this beast with ease

for you

>tfw I have had a cold all week
>Been deliberately sneezing near people to make them paranoid
>got a group of blacks to cross the road to avoid me by coughing really loudly and spluttering
This is the power of corona lads.


>every day

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>tfw 5"1

life is hell

>shes rape signaling here

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You have failed the turing test

Dude, it'll happen as soon as there's 50% +1 voter from a nationalist background. Count on it, economics, threats of violence, anything else won't matter a fuck. It'll carry on hurr & durr.

Mboko is an intelligent and well-travelled man

meant to be flying to spain in 2 weeks n its not been canceled idk what to do

starting early on friday

um mate I think she's just a girl standing in the hall having her photo taken, likely by her mum, stop being weird

>because I guarantee you, you're just not informed enough on modern cars
Just by reading this I can tell you have never ever worked on a modern car.

passed the turing test lads

*makes a run for the border*

are you really 5'1''?

Not to mention there isn't enough Cobalt in the world to build EVs for everyone

i can turn just fine thank you

for fun
love it when they cower in the corner whimpering
then i smack em around the head till theyre unconscious

We will never be under taig rule north, if unification ever happens they’ll kill us all

no I didn't

>batteries wear out, and when they do the car is junk
this is facebook boomer tier nonsense, tell me how long do you think these modern batteries last?
this is only true for a few cars

Obviously fucking not. Clubs, restaurants, pubs and all other public facilities where you consume food and drink or touch are off limits

good for you

business idea: nuclear cars

close the borders ffs
chinks OUT

why not pick up a sport or learn an instrument for fun

Reasonably well travelled anyway, think I was more intelligent when I was younger, to many collisions in the ruck.

Enjoy 3 Decades of Dublin being bombed to smithereens

the captcha?

i probably first knew i had a problem a couple years ago, summer 2018 was when it really got out of hand
gradually it was every weekend, then most days in the week, then every night
at my absolute worst it was about half a litre of gin most nights
i've not been as bad since then but i feel like i'm slipping back into that routine
i need to get a job again, it helps a lot

Do you genuinely believe this

beating women is a sport

Yeah, I'm jaded about cars, just not exciting anymore.

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missed an o

all attainable cars are all the same to drive, and they all look the same too. there is no benefit nowadays of a high end luxury car like a BMW or Audi over a Kia or a Hyundai and most normal people can't even recognise the difference

sports cars like the f-type and the new mx5 are good but not much else is

It’s a nice LARP kid

Exactly what overconfident ai would say
On to you robotberg

great her mum can join too

>Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

Not a LARP though is it, what makes you think that wont happen? You're just delusional

*rubs your tummy*

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>The average Australian aboriginal has an IQ of 62
>In the western world, an IQ below 70 in an adult is considered mental retardation

Really makes you think...

I was getting pretty close to 'half a bottle of spirits' a night not too long ago
just had to force myself to do 1 night on 1 night off and it got a lot easier after that because I started finding other things to do on the nights I didn't drink

what do they put in the water over there?

I'm so fucking sore lads

know a bloke that drinks a litre bottle of famous grouse every night, and some beers on fridays

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I think civil war would be pretty likely if there was a vote on a southern takeover.

t. Ulsterman

If you want to stop you can stop.
Just remind yourself why you stopped after you are through WDs and get cravings.
Cutting down a bit day by day is probably a better idea than just stopping

>>The average Australian aboriginal has an IQ of 62

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had 3 wanks already and it's not even 10.30am yet

Was chatting to a Londoner today in the north of England of all places. He was black aswell

>Enjoy 3 Decades of Dublin being bombed to smithereens
I doubt that, as I said, there's no way a unionist grouping from the North could bomb or shoot their way back into the UK, which was never the case for the republicans. Once it's evident there's a pro unification majority in NI there will be violence there if there isn't a move towards unity anyway.

>>Do you genuinely believe this


often wonder how fuming NPC-tier IQ rorkes (van men, dinner ladies etc) were when brexit went ahead and only then did they realise that voting Leave wasn't voting to remove all pakis, blacks, poles, chinks and other ethnics but was, in fact, a vote to leave the EU

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Estrogen, unironically.

have any of you lads ever corrrr'd irl?

literal autistic spazmoid on the bus today
screeching and wailing while clutching a stuffed animal
couldn't tell gender, must have been around 18 years old
grim existence

yiu're not finnish bro

500ml is not enough to get withdrawals

Bruh not being racist yet but people who talk shit about australias treatment of abos have by and large never met a trueblooded aboriginal its honestly such a bizarre experience unless theyre angry which just makes it like meeting any other wog

mate iq tests are rubbish
i did one once and just clicked the first answer for every question and got 87

They aren't fuming because it is all to do with culture wars anyway. It had a lot more to do with pissing off the right people than actually changing anything.

Because unionists would get fucked sideways if they ever started shit, they were never like the IRA because they were totally incompetent and relied on British collusion.

And id gladly put a bullet in your head.

yeah i know they have a warranty for 100,000 miles, but what percentage of capacity does the battery have to go down to before the manufacturer decide's it's time for replacement? I don't know, but I don't trust elon musk any more and i think the cracks are starting to show in his businesses and the fad needs to die.

also all batteries wear out, it's chemistry.

Yes probably, but where would the Unionist side hope to be following a victory? They won't be readmitted to the UK at the point of a gun, so... I dunno.

you often have out of body experiences?

yeah but the eu infringes on our freedoms

just sent rorke upstairs to his bed in his teletubbies pajamas

going on a little pub crawl

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that’s friggin insane

my nan voted Leave because she hates darkies and polish people, simple as

Some chavs shouted "OI OI SEXY" on the bus and the chavette started playing with my hair

I'm 6'2, skinny, and nothing special tbf. I'm also an alcoholic

i am

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grimmest part is that you are getting public transport

Just walked up the stairs in my bananas in pyjamas suit

i'll spin your jaw out of existence of your body mate


based trump

No you wouldnt you cringy little virgin you’ve never left your mums house let alone committed any violence

this makes me go primal

You will literally have a million angry protestants living in Ireland, they wont need to retreat into the UK.

And Again, you dont need to be competent to make a pipe bomb and leave it in a pub, you micks nowadays have no stomach for war most of your population is effeminate students and Anglicised middle class types

The IRA lost the war. Also how the hell is it collusion to cooperate with your own government?

>all attainable cars are all the same to drive, and they all look the same to
ok so you don't know shit but don't want to admit to it

I also have a suspicion he was a conman.

Sounds like they were no older than 15

why did they meghan white for the new spitting image

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shes rapebsignaling here
just like your hate signaling
grow up
and go rape

>Some chavs shouted "OI OI SEXY" on the bus and the chavette started playing with my hair

this is just standard bullying behavior mate, nothing in there to suggest anyone in that scenario found you remotely attractive

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what's an interesting car then

>inb4 tesla

Split off the unionist areas from the nationalist areas. There is a backup plan unionists have of redividing northern Ireland.

>Sofia Gomez

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Nice projection.

I’m from Armagh. I’ve been both north and south extensively and I can tell you personally that that isn’t true, it’s what you wish to be true but it’s not actually the truth.

>The IRA lost the war.
Mental if you believe this, they literally gained independence for Ireland you dim twit.

The thing is I've had women come up to me and tell me I'm the best looking lad they've ever seen

>Irish faggot discusses the troubles again
Is this why /eire/ keeps dying, because you boring cunts have nothing to talk about without Britain?