/fug/ - France, UK, Germany thread

West Europe best europe

thread question
tell me about small villages in your cunt

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White women belong to the nafri chads!

>tell me about small villages in your cunt
Last bastion of anti consoomerism and of decency

>inviting the krauts

choose one

I miss them. Paris is a shithole desu

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I live in a small village, what do you want to know?

Add Wales Cambria Cymru to the OP

I miss my hometown, it has a village mentality it's nice when you're a native.

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do French have pubs they go to every day too?
remember having to get older siblings to give you lifts to go on nights out haha

what do you do for fun, how are they holding up?

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new jim can't swim video de laaaads

When will the United European Army conquer Great Britain and forcefully reintegrate it into the Panevropean Empire?

Any of you from britanny i’m looking for my cousin

>do French have pubs they go to every day too?
Not pubs, we have cafés and bars.
The first of my friend who had a driving license was the king of the world for a year.

It's always cool when you come through a small village and the streets are really narrow and chaotically arranged, because you then know that this layout has been the exact same since hundreds to even thousands of years

what a nice village. We kind of got those, we call them "PMU". I remember going to one all the time with my uncle when I was a kid. I drank lemonade and played pinball all day while he drank beers and talked with everyone. It was great

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I live in the town whose primary school got shot up desu.
Pretty comfy ngl, though there are some nasty NEDs that live round my parts.

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I am

>what do you do for fun, how are they holding up?
I play in the local orchestra, hiking, reading books, smoking and drinking. I often visit the nearest big city, since there aren't a lot of young people left and theres a horrible gender imbalance in my age group (early 20s)

Part of the UK (and always will be)

Hi cousin have you heard anything from or cousin who’s in borneo just checking shes OK xoxoxo

whats the norf of France? want to go there

skewed towards men or women?
and why?

you're right Chad isn't in North Africa

we'll rejoin when you get the arabs out of the equation

one of our chad druggo friends had an older brother that drove us called carl. the carl was like a 25 year old nerd KHV but we all like him more and bantered the shit out of our friend. i miss those car journeys so much

you maybe ski up there yeah?
wish we had skiing in the Uk

which way skewed?
please say qt german village girls

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>want to go there

What instrument do you play? What sort of lit do you like?

Comfy but boring

no idea didn't saw her for a long time
call me if you receive news.

its the west isn't it

Looks really nice
small old european villages are peak human settlement aesthetic

No, it's the North.
Part of what we call "Narbonnia" in the south too.

Thankyou I will try to get in contact i must go2 bed now

i for one welcome our fug overlords. can we get rid of UK though? they're an embarrassment and im pretty sure the world doesn't take them seriously after the sinai crisis

towards men. Women move away to work or study in the universities in the cities nearby, while men mostly do apprenticeships in the local companies, work in agriculture or commute
the trombone, I read sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, but nothing really special

Rude tbhwyyflrc

>tell me about small villages in your cunt
absolutely terrible to grow up in
imagine there being LITERALLY nothing to do and your parents being too backwards to get a computer
the ONLY thing you can do, ALL day, EVERY day is go out and play with the other children - which you might say is "based" and "trad" until you fall out with them and have literally not a single friend in the entire world, nor any way of aquiring them until you run away to uni and never ever ever ever ever come back

oh and everyone there is a horrible alcoholic waster waiting for death

nah, dunblane, but i didnt know that hungerford had a shootin, so the anglo and I can bond over shot kids.

plus dunblane got a huge ass cathedral B^)

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Deutschland ist das bestes Land uezs

>he posts under the union jack

mention sinai again I'll do you boyo

based and tradpilled department?

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forgetting the economic powerhouse inbetween those countries.

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oh ok. I want to do the northeast most anyway it seems like the most interesting part because of the western front. Going from flanders down to nancy and shit would be good

But deep down, don't you cherish it ? Let your Proust's Madeleine exist, if only in your heart.

You're alright Netherlands. You know we don't include the benelux in these threads just because the title would be too long

You mean the Principality of Sealand?

its alright to feel helplessness about being replaced by your spawn

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>Going from flanders down to nancy
That's...the East of the country user.

Es ist keine Wahl von mir

yeah theres a reason everyone in trad societies is an alcoholic and beats their wife

why not everybody else does
Haven't thought about the netherlands since 2013

you people have never known true boredom, trust me

>all the giant spiders and other terrifying bugs living in Australia now so close to my home.
Grim thought.

>you people have never known true boredom
I lived on an abandonned, out-of-the-city quay. My neighbors were my grand-parents, and a deaf/mute woodworker.
Next one was something like 2km away.

boredom is the greates luxury man can experience

If you don't fall out with your friends it's literally the best life you can get

inner peace mate

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yeah but the northeast

Oh I misread.

but yeah it seems like thats where most of the action is and especially verdun and the belgian forts
the people are pretty much irrelevant because im an anglo tourist so they wont want to talk to me and i don't really budget for food

Great choice, that's definetly where the most shit happened. Have fun.

What we reading at the moment /fug/?

Pretty interesting so far.

The problem with villages is women left countryside cause they are attracted in cities and their fucking useless gender studies
They became degenerate feminist and coalburners

Meanwhile mens stay in countryside lead to depression cause they don't find wives. Somes of them comes back after the fail of their carriers at 30years completely destroyed
But man still accept because they can't have better

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Have any siblings to have fun with?

Yeah, an older brother and a cousin. So I guess boredom was not that bad.

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It's weird visiting these tiny backwater town with like a population of