yep, i am thinking based paradox
Yep, i am thinking based paradox
Other urls found in this thread:
how old are you ? isn't it time to grow up and enjoy the real world ?
seem like you're lacking our friend tunisia
can't take it because there are 60+ divisions there and I don't have air superiority :(
what the fuck
are you fucking 13 user?
I like map games more
As opposed to what, spending your Saturday watching niggers tackle each other over a ball all day?
Get laid, go outside, etc.
i'm just joking.
Are you really going to enjoy remembering all the time you wasted playing a paradox interactive grandstrategy game owning the world as hitler to show those jews you are based and redpilled on your deathbed?
Dangerously based.
cringe post
Again as opposed to what, enjoying remembering all those times you sat on your couch drinking beer, watching niggers tackle each other and throw balls at hoops?
my ancestors :)
It's painful to see you waste your life. Like that fatfuck eating a cake watching the big bang theory. He isn't even trying at life. Its a waste, taken for granted. Get a hobby, go learn an instrument and maybe you will see that inceldom is people who deserve death.
>just go outside
And do what?
Is this fascist Morocco
Started as algeria
>how old are you ? isn't it time to grow up and enjoy the real world ?
Outdoors shit?
Doing jack shit out of home just for the sake of it? Then I will stay at home.
Like what? Take us through a day in your life
Hunt, fish, hike, etc. Just enjoying the outdoors. Being outdoors is nice. Well maybe not if you live in the jungles of brazil.
stop using Yas Forums
>only black generals
You can do both, you retarded amerishart
What the fuck is your actual problem. According to your own words, people should enjoy life while they're sitll kicking. If playing games feels nice to them, then who the fuck are you to tell them otherwise?
Get the fuck out, you pseudo intelligent.
the outside is cold and full of people
I'd rather stay inside
Get laid subhuman.
>Get a hobby
video games are a hobby
>go learn an instrument
just another toy
The leader of fascist Algeria is black too and his name is Jamal, not sure what paradox was thinking there
Hanging out on this site has been far more detrimental to me than videogames
It is possible, there are blacks especially in Algeria.
I just expected more berbers I guess
>bing bing wahoo!
Fuck off nerd
The black ones are the pure berbers.
Kys khel lover
>generals are africans
Based, Yas Forumsirgin cucks on suicide watch.
My post was only 6 words
Very based
I don't care. This image fits perfectly, especially considering your assblast and fake macho persona, you dumb cuckshit.
No read genetic studies, the most pure Berbers are the mozabite, and black algerians are descended from slaves.
Don't they teach you about numidia in your textbook, does Jugurtha looks like a negro to you?
We are all Africans. laugh at the fact I have both white black and brown relatives. All african algerian muslims
I don't think it fits at all, in my opinion.
I'm not being facetious.
صحيّت يا كحلوش
Africa is meaningless as a concept, it's like saying that Lebanese are asians, that's technically true but that doesn't make them any closer from chinese.
We do have subsaharan blood, but it's the minority of our DNA and it always has been.
I am an eternal baby, cuz both grandma n grandpa fought for me to sleep in a comfy bed :3
I understood "ya kahlouch" but does mahit mean?
The average algerian would be 1% to 10% black, then some saharan tribes are like 50% black because of racemixing woth slave girls, and then you have the lower cast of the tuaregs who are 100% black.
Nothing wrong with that, blacks have some qualities that white people lack, racial purity is an unhealthy obsession.
Playing instruments as a hobby makes you have friends and a girlfriend/boyfriend. Videogames not.
I dont reply to traitors, they will never fit in either way
Who are you talking about?