i need to pee edition
Other urls found in this thread:
society is a toilet sub-edition
its too late. its over
>india is a hellhole mate
:O jog on soy O:
Anime sub-sub-edition
What a foul looking cunt
Not a fan of places I can’t make money. Quite simple really. So fuck Japan and fuck India
slagposters are virgins
Is there a joke I'm missing or is this just a random picture?
you'd be a Dalit in India
Seriously though how do I convince my friends to go to places like India or Asia?
Would solo travel but I think it would be far less enjoyable
whats a good computer monitor with no bezel?
maybe a slight curve
she makes earns money for making this shit than anyone in this thread earns for sitting at their toil desk all day
You’re a pooskin in England
You know what I mean mate, I’ve been to a lot of European countries, but I’m tired of Europe. Just want to go further afield, I don’t know anyone else who wants to do that though
mostly yes
only exciting parts of Europe are Eastern Europe
>i went CLUBBING in Berlin/Amsterdam, it was great!!
could just do that in London or Manchester though couldn't you? it's very unimaginative and dull
Is google broken retard
shall be visiting the local jb hi fi establishment this arvo
We now know that there was no way to perform a blood transfusion safely prior to Karl Landsteiner’s discovery of blood types in 1900–01. Mixing blood from two non-compatible blood types causes an immune response that can be fatal.
its just a random picture of my tv
*coofs in indian*
Say goobye to 5% of your population hoo hoo haha
dont trust google or anything on those sites
i trust you lads because you wouldnt lie to me
who /prostitutes/ here?
people must have gotten it right sometimes
>hurr durr its just a random picture
Fuck off chink shill theres obviously meaning to it
Certainly not in Manchester, no. London perhaps, but its definitely different in Berlin.
If you think the only things of interest in the continent of Europe are cliched club destinations then i'm afraid there's no hope for you.
Luv a big eater
This is exactly my thoughts, don’t get me wrong really enjoyed those trips especially Budapest, I just wish I had friends who would want to go to India or Cambodia or something with me.
Don’t really want to go alone but I might have to at this rate
brown hands
only white people who like india are dirty hippies
Me? I'm waiting until marriage.
Bet he was mengele'ing people behind closed doors
you stinky prostitute
you foul venereal street walking whore
british food is low quality and unhealthy
Any of you lads ever been on a narrow boat?
i'll go with you lad
Save slag pics and forget about them, it's all about collection now
>the colombian lesbian is here
you ever solo traveled before? its actually pretty good
That's not me! That's them!
Trouble with Berlin is you often have to know some Germans to get you into the really good places
i love a good hymn
'ate pagans
Get your mutt off me, ya dang feline
pretty much same
i see a slag and I feel the need to save it
A list of people I hope get a dose of coronavirus
Piers Morgan
Gordon Ramsey
Robbie Williams
Jeremy Hunt
New goal mother of my children
any /boozenightcap/ man in??
Not me mate it's a meme from the last thread about the mick.
Awww hes so cute
Still a dog person cause cats on the kitchen counters is grim but they are adorable
incredibly misandristic
Me? I'll find my wife in the house of the Lord
what in the fuck?
Wish i was a columbian lesbian
*sparks up a zoot*
*takes two puffs and passes it to rorke*
>g*rmany tried to destroy your country many times
>still go there on holiday
Why are euros like this?
would LOVE to heem her
>have to know some Germans
I saw that coming
Trouble with all of these foreign places are they’re populated by foreigners. Ideally there should be Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English populating them. Then they’d be worth visiting
Just the 3 double vodka oranges for me tonight! Time to get #Peeve'd
/brit/ trip to India 2020 lmao, Yas Forums actually did a Thailand trip last year
Na never, wouldn’t be adverse to it, it’s just I don’t see how things like going on a night out alone would work. Love hitting up the nightlife when abroad
They believe forgiveness is enlightened, punishment is primitive and internationalism is inevitable
delete the whole thing
you'll get a genuine high off it
looks like the silhouette of le happy merchant rubbing his hands from the thumbnail
was 'booze' really necessary? What other nightcaps are there? inb4 the hat
can't imagine why you'd go somewhere just to go clubbing.
>oh we got this really cool dj playing mix of syth-techno-grime edm
fuck off
just put on some r'n'b/hip hop from the early 2000's and let me get wasted, some flashing lights, slags and that's all you need.
just classic euro banter
She's a big girl
Ever feel such a crushing sense of dread from working like it feels like I'm a formless weightless little cretin every time think about the 'chain of command' above me and how no matter how high you climb there's always someone above you how the fuck do I become my own boss I'm sick of answering to someone
why aren't either of them wearing shoes?
rorke is attempting to escape his enclosure
i repeat
rorke is attempting to escape his enclosure
We are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls
just like all religions for the music, literature, and art they bring
consider myself an esoteric occultist orthodox-sufi-talmudic-catholic-buddhist-shia-hindu-druid-anglican-atenist-gnostic-zoroastiran-apollonian-mormon fundamentalist.
hostel bars mate you'll be sorted
yeah go on
i'll get my Overseas Citizenship of India sorted so I don't need a visa
>delete the whole thing
>you'll get a genuine high off it
So there is hope for manlets after all
The Govt is currently spending approx £6 billion of public money on the refurbishment of parliamentary palaces and the monarchy's mansions, no extra money for public healthcare tho i'm afraid.
mormons are cringe
knew some nob was gonna post an apu with a night cap on
that’s not all you do you mong, it’s just something to do in the evening, you have all day to visit the sites etc
Probably Florida somewhere
No humans live in Florida
Just ambulatory blobs who shuffle from their cars to food dispensaries
for me its trees of the field
yanks wouldn't know the first thing about rorke
yeah stick to vodka revs you dismal runt
Josef Mengele ASMR
Yeah what the nhs needs is more money blindly being thrown at it lol
Visit what sites? Why would you want to see some foreign shite for
love Berlin, me
Good lad
coom on
fuck off you gypsy
And a nice wee MPs pay rise at almost double the rate of inflation.
>18yo non-verbal, wheelchair-bound, fragile-boned, ventilated girl on this hospital programme
what's the point?
Reminder that ASMR causes you to develop schizophrenia.
>seeing the sites
woah a heckin cathedral! basederino!
Am I wrong though? Tourism is top level comsoomerism
Destination Unknown
It's /brit/ culture, it'll be a dishonour
i've asked for slags
were you the one who posted the ol' 100th
That'd be an easy kill.
got a 2k bonus this month lads
what shall I spend it on?
bf is asleep i get to go wild (within reason)
what you talking about i dont have any saved to delete because im not a freak
>"getting a high" from deleting pictures of women you saved off the internet
how many fedoras do you own lad
porn subscriptions
whenever say to anyone on this site that you don't really give a shit about nationalism. they always start going on rants about how you're wrong. but they never really give any actual reasons other muh feelings.
You're an absolute retard.
Bang it on a horse
me haha
I put my 4k bonus into equities
Sight seeing is such a retard normie waste of time that nobody really enjoys but just believes they’re meant to do for social credit
Only sights I like seeing is the queens head and a nice bit of female English arse. Simple as. You psueds can neck yourselves
I wish there was a stronger version of the word "cringe" so I could express myself
>that look at 2 secs
good shout, considering this but I'd need to book holidays as well
yeah what a boring old fart you must be
bet he has a below average wilhelm
Gunna have to give some context and learn English before i understand what the fuck you’re on about you freak
A new backpack
Not doing much for the rep of the travelling community there Mikey la'
its actually none of your business
Old Lizzy is peng
there's a famous fable to describe neeks like you
Legitimately shocked that didnt end with the queens head on a stick and that you dont like chebs
cans of food, and lots of bleach
cunts need to learn early that if they act like sluts they get raped
Wasn't me, cuz
girl who used to be my gf when i was like 14 is a total slag with an onlyfans now