How true is this actually?
How true is this actually?
There are millions of videos like this on tiktok with girls preferring a wide range of boys.
Why am I seeing al these tiktok videos with whiteboys thing
It is, people. regardless of race or gender just love race-mixing. I'm glad people are finally waking up to the fact that it's not a losing proposition. Everyone benefits because everyone is fetishized by someone.
Are whites so pathetic they need to spam these little ego boosters all over the board to keep on living?
Also,you're not white
Yeah becasue we totally don't get 30 blacked threads every single day. By the way I sae tik toks posted here about white girls liking black guys way before I started seeing ones like this posted here
Whiter than you muhmmed, you're just mad you're women don't want you
I don't expect you to understand since you're obviously some form of ethnic Chad who's eaten the entire rainbow of female racial cuisine, but these things are a big ego boost to us pasty-white manlet incels who will never get to have sex.
No I see this as a general problem where everyday, some incels of different races (or just LARPing as different races) start posting their "[X] GIRLS LOVE B[Y]C" threads in some pathetic cope of their miserable lives that, in reality, has nothing to do with race but has everything to do with themselves.
Absolutely based post
How many fucking times have you posted that same image? Over a 100?
I hate women so much it's unreal
Reminder White men fuck your women everyday
I bet you have an interracial spam folder. Stop acting like you’re above this
White incels are the only ones who actually care about this because you need this constant self reassurance in order to cope for whatever reason. Women are having sex with superior men regardless of race, and you're not one of them.
what did they do the night before??
Yes, and yours too.
>nonwhite women
Black people are great people but that white, shy looking 'nerd' girl going out of that house hurt me deep.
>superior men
ah yes, the incel state of mind
this was so fucking cringe.
they played uno
Its not white people spamming interracial porn on the front page like you fucking vile monkeys do
Honestly this I love how they complain about threads like this when they make up the bulk of interacial posting
For every thread like this there is literally about 2-3 blacked threads on this board despite this being a white majoirty and euro majoirty website
>despite this being a white majoirty and euro majoirty website
And they throw the best tantrums. lol
What was it?
I'll give you one fucking guess
I'm just tired of seeing this shit in general,I hate the blacked shit too.
If I were a Chad I wouldn't be fucking random women,I'd have a wife and 5 kids by now.
>tfw watching this video has made me feel alive more than anything for the last 8 months
It's unironically true. I've seen statistics shown from POF and tinder where people rated each other by race. White guys were the most desirable while black chicks were the least
What do they mean by mixed???
> whiter than you
> guatemalan flag
Let me doubt that claim
sorry piet, that cute shy artsy girl you like is getting BLACKED on the reg
>For every thread like this there is literally about 2-3 blacked threads on this board despite this being a white majoirty and euro majoirty website
I wonder who are behind most of those blacked threads...
Why are amerisharts so obsessed with racemixing and cuckoldry?
Are zoomers the new boomers? There is literally nothing redeemable about their generation.
In new world every mutt can be white
Yes, mike gonzales?
This but hey, what do you know, people like to get free (You)s. As long as retards keep giving attention to those threads, the board will become shit.
That's fine, I'll just hire a Chinese surrogate woman and a clandestine doctor to birth a clone of me.
Wouldn't blame you.
Finns arent white but they're also not mutts because they're dangerously inbred
>mutt meme
Yes,so I have full authority to call you a mutt.takes on to know one.
Yes, you made us legally white too, Pablo.
Quintessential ameridumb post. Finns are literally one of the least mixed on the continent
>I'm not a mutt,I'm pure
Why do you care what an amerimutt says then?Are you that reliant on your white status,that any question of it sends you into a memespamming tism?
I'm just correcting yet another mouth breathing american, using word 'mutt' is just an extremely easy way to bait (you)s from insecure amerimutts.
Also, white is not an identity here
Have you never been to university?
Not yet.
Highschool takes extra long here.
That said we have real university, I'm talking you have to do shit and you get to be someone university, not American stay-out-of-crime '' '' college'' "
played super smash brothers
Mutts not an insult in the year of our lord 2020
god bless
What about university?
>women of color express a willingness to engage in relationships with white men
>R:453 I:186
They remind me of those two girls from My Life as a Teenage Robot
Post them